Toss that Sticker Chart, Kudo Banz has Your Reward System Covered + Giveaway!

Learning the rules of life is hard. Add on top of that the fact that you barely, just barely, understand your own emotions, and you have a recipe for a lot of mistakes and meltdowns. Yes, I’m talking about a toddler, but we can all relate sometimes, right? When a kid is having a tough time, yelling or sending him to a timeout can make a mountain out of a mole hill and won’t always get the message across about what the right thing to do was.


I think we all know that positive reinforcement is what actually works, but offering a kid a sticker on a chart for some long-term goal can be tough for the littlest of littles to grasp. And because they have to wait for the ultimate goal, it may not seem worth it in the moment to make the right choice. That’s why when we heard about Kudo Banz, we realized this is a system that toddlers, as well as big kids, can get behind.


Here’s how it works. Everyday your kiddo starts out with a wrist band. On that band, there are spots for three kudo charms that your child can earn throughout the day. If your child earns all three kudos, you scan the charms with an app on your smartphone and let your child spin a reward wheel that you set the rewards for—maybe it’s an extra book at bedtime or a trip to the park, it’s up to you what you load the wheel with.

KudoBanz Free Reward App

Sound complicated? It’s really not. In fact, there’s a storybook that explains the whole thing to your child because having your kiddo on board for a new reward system is half the battle.

KudoBanz Book

In your starter pack, you’ll receive everything you need for one to two kids—the storybook, two bands and six kudo charms. Download the free app and you’ll be ready to get started. You can also add more kudo charms to your collection. They have princesses, pirates, dinos, animals and more. When your little one is excited about each step along the reward system—the instant gratification of a new charm added to her band!—she is more apt to buy into the whole system.


WIN IT! One lucky Project Nursery reader will win a Starter Set and choice of your favorite Kudo Collection from Kudo Banz for both you and a friend (two starter sets and two Kudo Collections, an over $80 value). Restricted to US only.

By entering our giveaway you agree to our official giveaway rules.

Please enter by using the giveaway widget below.


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Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


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