Make Milestones Memorable with Pearhead

Believe us when we say, that when you become a parent you will start celebrating the smallest little milestones that your baby accomplishes. It’s kind of amazing how every. single. thing. that your baby does seems like a tiny little miracle. I’ll admit when my second son was born, I wondered if it would be the same to see him master the ins and outs of a being a little human after seeing it the first time, but it was pure magic all over again. It just doesn’t get old. Pearhead creates products that allow you to capture these moments so that you can enjoy them over and over again. 

You can begin celebrating your baby from the very beginning by documenting your pregnancy with Pearhead’s Pregnancy Chalkboard.

Pregnancy Chalkboard

In our very photo-centric world, it’s no wonder that we want to share photos of our babies and what they are up to now with our friends and family. Pearhead’s Belly Stickers make it easier than ever to get those monthly baby photoshoots even when you have a squirmy little one on your hands.

Baby Belly Stickers

It seems only natural that milestone cards evolved from belly stickers, and you know what I love most about the Baby Milestone Cards trend? It totally takes the pressure off of the baby book. Take a quick snap when your baby hits those memorable moments, and you’ll be able to quickly look back to find out those important dates when you are finally ready to fill out that baby book (and we won’t tell if you forgo the book altogether and stick with photo documenting!).

Pearhead Baby Milestone Cards

When your baby hits the one year mark, it’s truly a moment for celebration. You made it through the grueling newborn days, and your baby is showing her true personality more and more everyday. Milestone chalkboards are becoming a must-have at a baby’s birthday bash. It’s fun for everyone celebrating your baby to see how much she has accomplished in just one year. With Pearhead’s reusable All About Baby Chalkboard, you can celebrate this way every month.

All About Baby Chalkboard

The photo sharing fun doesn’t have to be just for baby. Get the whole family together for a little holiday spirit with these holiday photo props. Whether you are planning your holiday cards or just having fun with an impromptu photo booth during a holiday get-together, these are sure to get your whole family giggling.

Pearhead Holiday Photo Props

PERK ALERT! PN readers can receive a 20% discount on their Pearhead purchase by using the
discount code: Pearhead2016 (expires 12.31.2016)

We included Pearhead in our 2016 Holiday Gift Guide & Giveaway, so head on over to enter to win Pearhead’s Countdown to Christmas Chalkboard Plaque as well as over $5000 worth of other prizes!

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in our effort to bring you exciting content.



Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.

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