Well, it’s certainly clear why Noelle Bryant’s blog is named Oh Happy Play because she sure knows how to create an atmosphere that any kiddo would be happy to call their room and which is sure to inspire plenty of play. We are taking a look at her daughter’s whimsical toddler room here, but you can catch more of the magical spaces she creates for her two daughters over on her site. This is definitely a room where a child’s imagination is free to run wild. Thank you, Noelle, for sharing with us!
Floor Bed | Crocheted Mermaid Tail
Unicorn Head | Personalized Pillowcase
Design inspiration can come from anywhere—what inspired your nursery design?
I wanted to create a whimsical space for my daughter where she can dream and imagine whatever is in her heart. This space was planned to be a place she can go to relax and be happy to fall asleep in. It was intended to be her own space with limited distractions or toys. I truly feel as though that has been executed perfectly!
Did you have any unexpected obstacles when creating this room?
The biggest obstacle was that my daughter wasn’t fully transitioned from her crib yet, so we needed to work her crib into the design. The space is rather limited in her room, but in the end it totally worked out. The great thing about a floor bed is that it can be used for play, and it’s fun to get in and out more than a raised bed. It also helped to keep the room open and not so closed in.
Now that the room is complete, what was your favorite part of the process? And what do you love the most about the finished design?
I absolutely loved putting it together. I was so precise with the accents I picked out and on paper they were perfect. The process of actually setting up the room and seeing how everything looked even better in person was a hallelujah moment for me!
What is that one thing that everyone mentions when they step into this space?
Her house frame floor bed! I have become the floor bed guru and advocate because they are so uncommon yet so beneficial for toddlers! This is by far the most standout part of her room.
images by Kaley D Photography
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Lauren Illingworth
Hi, I was wondering what’s the color of the walls? I’m looking for a good neutral color for my little girls toddler room and I like this one here.