Hey, Busy Moms! Here’s How to Get Your Healthy Groove Back

Becoming a mom is the best thing I’ve ever done. I love raising my three kids. What I don’t love is feeling tired and drained about 98% of the time. Could it be the fact that I start my day with coffee followed by more coffee without a solid meal coming until much later in the day? (And that whole water drinking thing? Never seems to happen.) Or the fact that despite truly enjoying a great workout, there are some days when I plan for it, and even dress for it, but I can’t actually make it happen. It dawned on me that even though I put so much time and effort into creating a healthy lifestyle for my kids, I definitely need to up my game when it comes to my own behavior.

Family Photo Tips

Clean living is the buzziest term around these days, but with so many food trends (hello acai and kale) and extreme workouts, it’s difficult to figure out how to get started. I had the chance to sit down with Robbi Shveyd, nutritionist and owner of Advanced Wellness, in San Francisco, and mother of two herself, to learn a few tips for busy moms looking to build a healthy lifestyle so they can feel like themselves again.

5 Fitness Tips for Momsimage via Style Your Senses

Robbi’s Top 6 Wellness Tips for Busy Moms:

Tip #1: Just Move! It’s easy for busy moms to find an excuse to skip a workout with all the responsibilities and distractions that come with parenting. However, think of exercise as another responsibility. Schedule it like you would a play date or a doctor’s appointment. Keep an exercise schedule for the week—add it to your calendar or phone so you’ll be more likely to stick to it. You don’t need a gym membership or fancy spin class to get exercise in. It’s really all about moving, period. Moving your body for over 25 minutes a day will kick-start your metabolism, decrease stress and help you get a better night’s sleep—all things moms can benefit from. Head outside for a run, climb those stairs at the park or download a fitness app and work out at home, as long as you stay consistent.

Tips for Healthy Momsimage via Style Your Senses

Tip #2: Don’t Skip Meals. Busy parenting often means focusing on feeding your kids and accidentally forgetting about yourself. Many moms fall into the trap of skipping meals and fueling up on coffee for most of the day. This makes it difficult to resist finishing off your child’s leftovers, which aren’t always the foods you should be eating. Instead, incorporate protein and good fats whenever possible. These nourishing fats keep you feeling satisfied longer, keep your caloric intake in check and provide longer sustained energy.

Tip #3: Make Your Tummy Happy. A common complaint among moms I work with is that they feel sluggish, gassy and bloated. Hormonal changes, stress and not drinking enough water often attribute to this. Incorporating natural probiotics—the good bacteria—in your diet will do wonders for how you feel. Foods like miso, olives, sauerkraut and yogurt, like new new Activia® Fruit Fusion, which contains the probiotic Bifidus Regularis, and are also a source of calcium and vitamin D plus tastes super yummy!

Activia Fruit Fusion Yogurt

Tip #4: Prep Good Foods. To avoid going into “hangry” mode and grabbing a bag of chips or a calorie loaded “energy” bar, prep nutritious foods so you have an easy option ready when you need a quick snack. Favorites include veggies like bell peppers, snap peas and carrots. It’s also important to be mindful of portion size in between meals. Having smaller, snack sized options handy like hummus packs or Activia yogurt is a great way to keep portions in check.

Tip #5: Mom Meet H2O. You’ve heard it before, drink more water. Like a lot more. So many moms simply don’t drink enough water, which causes all sorts of issues with the body. Drink at least half your bodyweight in ounces each day. Invest in a cute water bottle you don’t mind taking with you everywhere—even from room to room when you are playing games or building legos with your little one.

Tip #6: Book the Sitter. Yup, that’s right. Go out on the town and enjoy yourself. Make it a date night or a girls’ night out, but every few weeks, it’s important to have fun and connect with your husband or friends. It does wonders for your emotional well-being and you’ll be motivated to maintain your healthy lifestyle.

Wellness Tips for Busy Moms

Okay, I’m already feeling inspired. Now, excuse me while I go book my sitter for date night, enjoy some tasty Peach & Mango Activia® yogurt and fill up my water bottle.

This post was sponsored by Activia®. Explore all of Activia’s delicious fruit fusion flavors at Activia.com!



Pam lives in the heart of San Francisco, CA and is a multi-tasking mom to three kids: Gigi, Gray and Sloane. She co-founded Project Nursery to share her love of design and great finds.

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