A Diaper Bag that Transforms into Your Favorite Purse

We say this often—a diaper bag should be for you. Your baby certainly doesn’t care if there’s some cutesy print on your bag. This is one of those baby purchases that you really want to put yourself first. I mean think about it, what bag do you want to carry? We bet it’s not the one that is practically proclaiming “I’m a diaper bag” in neon lights on the side. You’re a new mom, but that doesn’t mean your sense of style has to go out the window. So we’re introducing you to a collection of diaper bags from Lily Jade that marries good looks and practicality so you don’t have to sacrifice on either.

Lily Jade Diaper Bag

In fact, that’s just why Lily Jade creator Meggan Wood founded her business in the first place, and you know how we love mompreneurs who solve a problem with a great idea. And Meggan Wood’s truly great idea? A 16-pocket, champ of an organizer, aka the “baby bag,” that sits inside a gorgeous exterior and can be easily removed when mama wants a girls’ night, or a shopping trip, or heck, we’ll take a quick latte sitting at our favorite coffee shop. There’s no greater letdown to a little mommy-and-no-one time than weeding through diapers to find your wallet. Instead, you can simply remove the baby organizer and be out the door faster than you can say, “Thanks, honey!” Okay, we kid, kind of, but really, when you love a bag, you’ll be pretty happy to give it a second life with one simple edit once baby’s ditched diapers.

Lily Jade Rosie Diaper Bag

What’s your favorite style for carrying a bag? It’s really such a personal preference. I’ve always preferred crossbody, even for a big bag, while I know moms who rave about the backpack style. Lily Jade offers crossbody, over-the-shoulder and backpack styles, and even some that can do all three (ahem, the Meggan, the overachiever of all diaper bags).

Lily Jade Meggan Diaper Bag

Lily Jade has found a way to bring their designer bags, which feature premium full grain leather and thoughtful details, to a more reasonable price point. Sure, the bags may be more than you might pay for a run-of-the-mill bag from a big box store, but leather bags are generally much more expensive, and the great thing about this kind of investment is that you know you can use the bag long after the dog days of diapers are over. All the more reason to pick something you love!

Lily Jade Rosie Diaper Bag

You’ve probably already been won over by Lily Jade’s problem-solving smarts and sharp design eye, so we’re sure you’ll be equally impressed to hear about their big hearts. Each month Lily Jade sends a diaper bag off to a new adoptive mom to welcome her to motherhood. Plus, you can spot the company celebrating inspiring mamas on Instagram on the regular.

Lily Jade Backpack Diaper Bag

When picking out your diaper bag, you should ask yourself two questions: Which bag do I love, and which bag is going to make my life easier? Check out Lily Jade‘s collection of bags where you can find both.

Don’t forget to visit our Spring Baby Shower Gift Guide + Giveaway for your chance to win a Lily Jade diaper bag, along with many other great prizes (totaling over $4000). The giveaway closes very soon, so enter now!

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Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


  1. Holly Guski

    May 22, 2016

    Absolutely “Love” Lily Jade bags. I’ve had one on my wish list for so so long. As a busy mom of 4 boys and another on the way. I truly hope my biggest wish comes true sooner than later. Meggan Wood Co-Founder of Lily Jade is not only an Incredibly talented women. But she truly is an amazing Mother, wife, and friend to so many. I love her passion for others and for her bags. She is truly such an inspiration and I would be not only beyond grateful, but also truly Honored to carry around a Bag of hers. Lily Jade is an amazing company and Meggan Wood & her family truly have hearts of gold.

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