Afraid of Messes? Try this Take on Finger Painting.

Despite a mild winter so far, there is still a lot of time spent indoors up here in the Northeast, and we’ve got to keep those little minds and fingers busy to help prevent cabin fever! I have a super easy art project that is sure to result in beautiful art that you will want to hang in your house—no really. Break out the tiny canvases because these pieces will be worthy of the wall, not just the refrigerator. 

I don’t know about your kids, but every time I bring out something special like canvases, my kids are so excited, and there’s definitely extra effort put into their masterpieces.

Materials: blank canvases (these are 5×5), pigment ink pads, Huggies® wipes

Finger Painting with Pigment Ink

Think of it as finger painting with a whole lot less mess, and we have our handy Huggies® wipes on hand to keep those inky fingers in check. Now it is very important that you use pigment ink for this project. Dye ink will dye your kids’ fingers too, but we had no trouble wiping the pigment ink right off; the key is to wipe when it’s still wet. The ink pad should say right on it which type it is.

So set your canvases and inks out, and let your little artists get to work. You can stand by with your wipes to clean off that finger between color changes, but other than that, your little one is good to go in this project. This is a project for everyone, from toddler to adult (trust me, it’s surprisingly relaxing!), so start dabbing those fingers.

Finger Painting with Pigment Ink

The ink layers so nicely that you get a cool effect without even trying.

Finger Painting with Pigment Ink

We really gave those wipes a workout, but because the wipes have triple layers, they held up to my kids’ repeated finger wiping. Like Huggies® says, Kids Outgrow Diapers, Not Messes, and never has a tagline rung more true for me. I still use wipes for everything! Find out more about what sets Huggies® wipes apart.

Finger Painting with Pigment Ink

They ended up so pretty themselves I just had to take a picture.

Huggies Wipes for Cleanup

We had so much fun working on these canvases. My kids made several before they were ready to stop, and I made a couple too. You can find sets of these mini canvases at great prices, so you’re free to play and have a good time with your kids too. You don’t have to worry about wasting precious art supplies—or wait, is it only me who worries about that? And you also don’t have to worry about a big mess—just wipe as you go!

Keep in mind that pigment ink takes longer to dry than dye ink, so the ink will smudge until dry.

Finger Painting with Pigment Ink

Children's Artwork

And just for fun, we created a family portrait of our family members’ thumbprints. Silly, right?

Thumbprint Family Portrait

Be sure to visit for valuable coupons, and join the Huggies® social media sweepstakes by posting an image to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #HugTheMessSweepstakes.

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Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


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