Welcome to our series spotlighting our Featured Vendors from our Vendor Guide. The guide includes carefully curated vendors from the baby and children’s industry in design, retail, special services and much more.
We are so excited to introduce you to Lucy Darling! The whimsical art by Haily Meyers translates into incredible room decor, oh-so-adorable stickers for your growing belly or baby and amazing closet dividers for wee baby clothes because we all know that organization is key. A perfect addition to your little one’s modern gallery wall or a great gift idea for a friend, check out Lucy Darling’s full line of products—you’ll fall in love!
What about Lucy Darling makes you most proud?
Nothing makes me more proud than seeing my artwork in babies’ nurseries and monthly photos. As an artist, nothing is more meaningful than seeing other people enjoying my art. It’s pretty surreal.
Do you have a signature product or design element?
My signature design element would be the color and typography seen in my artwork. All of my designs have a modern, retro and whimsical feel, and it becomes very distinct when it is coupled with the colors and typography I use.
What can we expect from you this year?
There is so much to expect from me this year! We just launched a line of closet dividers for babies’ rooms—you have to check them out! They are a functional and pretty way to keep your baby’s closet organized. I’m also constantly designing new art prints and stickers, so all that is to say that you can expect new products and new designs all year long.
What is your biggest piece of advice for new parents?
My biggest piece of advice for new parents is to spend your time learning about the little person you are raising. No two people are exactly alike, and that goes for kids too. Your parenting experience is going to be unique because your child is unique. It’s easy to compare when your baby isn’t sleeping and your friend’s baby has been sleeping through the night or you hit some of those rough patches. But in the end, you know your baby better than anyone else, and your intuition for what he or she needs is going to be the best. It’s taking it one day at a time and getting to understand your child a little more with each passing day.
Where do you find your inspiration?
I find inspiration in so many places, from nature, to children’s books, to my daughter’s smile—really anything can turn into inspiration.
To learn more about Lucy Darling, visit her listing in our Vendor Guide.
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