Giveaway: $150 to Sunny Decals

You know we are big fans of wall decals here. They can take a basic wall and turn it into an artistic masterpiece that will entertain your child for years. You don’t have to be an artist to achieve a mural-like look, and what’s better it takes minutes not hours to get the job done. One Project Nursery reader will win a $150 gift certificate to Sunny Decals, an online shop with a wide selection of jumbo-sized fabric wall decals.

Sunny Decals uses high-quality fabric materials and eco-friendly inks to create all of their decals, which makes them a non-toxic option. The decals are easy to apply, repositionable and they won’t shrink or stretch. With plenty of options for boys and girls, you are sure to find something to make your child smile.

WIN IT! One Project Nursery reader will win a $150 gift certificate to Sunny Decals (can only ship within US).

HOW TO ENTER: Visit Sunny Decals, and let us know which decal you would like to own in a comment below. Contest ends Friday, March 29th, 2013 at 11:59 PDT. Winner chosen by random number generator.

By entering our giveaway you agree to our official giveaway rules.

1. Follow Project Nursery and “pin” images from this post on Pinterest and add your Pinterest link in a comment below.

2. “Like” Project Nursery and Sunny Decals on Facebook, give us a shout out on our wall and tell us you did with a comment below.

3. Follow Project Nursery and Sunny Decals on Twitter, tweet about it and tell us you did with a comment below.

4. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and let us know you did with a comment below.

5. Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter or let us know you are already a subscriber with a comment below.

{Remember to use an individual comment to note what you did
for each extra entry (6 comment maximum)}

This is a sponsored post. Thanks for your support
in our effort to bring you exciting giveaways.



Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


  1. Suzanne

    March 22, 2013

    i like the princess walls decal

  2. Suzanne

    March 22, 2013

    I subscribe to the weekly newsletter

  3. Suzanne

    March 22, 2013

    I subscribe to YouTube.

  4. fukumuro

    March 22, 2013

    I subscribe to the weekly newsletter

  5. fukumuro

    March 22, 2013

    I like under the sea decals

  6. Domestic Diva

    March 22, 2013

    I like the under the sea wall decals. The jungle ones are also great.

  7. Angela Gerace

    March 22, 2013

    I like the Jungle Wall decals!

  8. Cherie Hagooli

    March 22, 2013

    I like the Candy Wall Decals

  9. Daniela Tapia

    March 22, 2013

    I like the Princess Wall Decals!!!

  10. Daniela Tapia

    March 22, 2013

    Pinned images to My Pinterest Pg. (daniela tapia)

  11. Daniela Tapia

    March 22, 2013

    Liked Project Nursery & Sunny Decals on Fb via Daniea Tapia
    And commented on S.D pg…!/SunnyDecals?id=296380203804245&soft=side-area&__user=100002012873626

  12. Daniela Tapia

    March 22, 2013

    Follow Project Nursery & Sunny Decals Via Twitter
    And tweeted Giveaway


  13. Daniela Tapia

    March 22, 2013

    I follow Project Nursery on YouTube.. Via dtapia88

  14. Daniela Tapia

    March 22, 2013

    Im already a subsriber on your weekly newsletter!!

  15. Gillian Hurst

    March 22, 2013

    I subscribe to the newsletter!

  16. Gillian Hurst

    March 22, 2013

    I subscribe to the youtube channel

  17. Gillian Hurst

    March 22, 2013

    Follow both on Twitter

  18. Gillian Hurst

    March 22, 2013

    Like Both on Facebook

  19. Gillian Hurst

    March 22, 2013

    Followed on Pinterest and re-pinned

  20. Gillian Hurst

    March 22, 2013

    I would love the jungle decals! We have a giraffe theme goin’ on over here!

  21. Ashley McGlawn

    March 22, 2013

    I would love to have the princess wall decals for my baby girl’s nursery :)

  22. Mothership

    March 22, 2013

    I would love to own the hot air balloons!!!

  23. Mothership

    March 22, 2013

    I am already subscribed to the weekly newsletter.

  24. Mothership

    March 22, 2013

    I am already subscribed to your YouTube channel. I am morhype82.

  25. Mothership

    March 22, 2013

    I follow both on twitter and have tweeted about the giveaway. Here is my tweet:

  26. Mothership

    March 22, 2013

    I follow PN on Pinterest pinned to win it. Here is my pin:

  27. Jojo

    March 22, 2013

    I’d love the princess wall decals!!!!! :D

  28. Marie T.

    March 22, 2013

    Since my two girls share a room I’d want one to have the rainbow decal and the other to have the princess decal! Both gorgeous!

  29. Marie T.

    March 22, 2013

    Since my daughters share a room I would want to have the rainbow decal and the other to have the princess decal. Both gorgeous!

  30. Marie T.

    March 22, 2013

    I liked PN and Sunny Decals on fb!

  31. Marie T.

    March 22, 2013

    I already follow PN on twitter, but I am now following Sunny Decals as well!

  32. Marie T.

    March 22, 2013

    I subscribed to PN on youtube!

  33. Marie T.

    March 22, 2013

    I subscribed to your weekly newsletter!

  34. Marie T.

    March 22, 2013

    I already follow you on pinterest!

  35. chandra

    March 22, 2013

    love love love the rock star decals

  36. Renee Richardson

    March 22, 2013

    I would love the train wall decals. Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)
    fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

  37. Tiffany A.

    March 22, 2013

    I love the rainbow wall decals!

  38. Tiffany A.

    March 22, 2013

    I am a subscriber to the newsletter!

  39. Tiffany A.

    March 22, 2013

    I am a subscriber to the YouTube channel!

  40. Jazz

    March 22, 2013

    I love hot air balloons and princess

  41. Jazz

    March 22, 2013 pinterest

  42. D Schmidt

    March 22, 2013

    I really like the Airplane Wall Decals

  43. D Schmidt

    March 22, 2013

    Follow and pinned:

  44. D Schmidt

    March 22, 2013

    Youtube subscriber as D Schmidt

  45. D Schmidt

    March 22, 2013

    Confirmed email subscriber

  46. Reed226

    March 23, 2013

    I love the robot decals. They are SO cute and playful.

  47. Stephanie

    March 23, 2013

    Under the sea is cute!

  48. Maigan Lynn

    March 23, 2013

    I’m torn between the under the sea decals and the boy/girl robot ones! I don’t know what the gender of my little one is yet. But they’re all so fantastic!

    Also, sent a shoutout on your FB Wall

    Subscribed on YouTube

    Tried to subscribe to your Newsletter but wouldn’t let me as I’m in Canada with a postal code?

  49. Jo

    March 24, 2013

    the rainbow decals would look beautiful in my little girls green nursery. they would match her rainbow curtains perfectly!

  50. Carla Martinez

    March 24, 2013

    Wow! What a great giveaway. If I win, I would like the jungle wall decals for my son’s roo

  51. Jennifer A.

    March 24, 2013

    I like the Under the Sea wall decals.

  52. Jennifer A.

    March 24, 2013

    I subscribe to the PN You Tube channel.

  53. Jennifer A.

    March 24, 2013

    I subscribe to the PN newsletter.

  54. Arlene S.

    March 24, 2013

    I would love the Under the Sea decals! I would use it to transform the children’s bathroom!!!

  55. Arlene S.

    March 24, 2013

    I am a fan of Project Nursery and I just “liked” Sunny Decals”!

  56. Arlene S.

    March 24, 2013

    I’m a YouTube subscriber as Puckersbabe.

  57. Arlene S.

    March 24, 2013

    I get the newsletters and got my SIL hooked on it too!

  58. karel

    March 25, 2013

    I love the rock star decals

  59. karel

    March 25, 2013

    Suscribed to youtube

  60. karel

    March 25, 2013

    Newsletter subscriber

  61. msilba

    March 25, 2013

    i love the transportation wall decals

  62. msilba

    March 25, 2013

    i subscribe to your youtube channel

  63. msilba

    March 25, 2013

    i subscribe to your weekly newsletter

  64. Jessica Beard

    March 25, 2013

    Tractor Wall Decals

  65. Jessica Beard

    March 25, 2013

    Isubscribe to your weekly newsletter.

  66. Jessica Beard

    March 25, 2013

    Isubscribe to your youtube channel. broncos2jb

  67. Sara Grenell

    March 25, 2013

    The Under the Sea Wall Decals are so cute! Now I want a set for both my girl and my nieces rooms!

  68. Tanya

    March 26, 2013

    Love the hot air balloons.

  69. Teri

    March 26, 2013

    Love the trains!

  70. Elise

    March 26, 2013

    Love the hot air balloons wall decals

  71. Debbi S.

    March 26, 2013

    I love the candy wall decals!

  72. Brittany

    March 26, 2013

    Jungle Wall Decals

  73. sminchew

    March 26, 2013

    Love the hot air balloons, would be super cute in the playroom. Also, I have been searching for a vinyl free wall decal option – these are made from fabric – perfect!

  74. lisacng @

    March 26, 2013

    I love the hot air balloons decal!

  75. lisacng @

    March 26, 2013

    here’s my pin

  76. lisacng @

    March 26, 2013

    I like both Project Nursery and Sunny Decals on FB and gave a shoutout on your wall.

  77. lisacng @

    March 26, 2013

    I follow both Project Nursery and Sunny Decals on Twitter and mentioned you both in a tweet. (@lisacng)

  78. lisacng @

    March 26, 2013

    I subscribe to your YouTube channel

  79. lisacng @

    March 26, 2013

    I subscribe to your weekly newsletter

  80. sminchew

    March 26, 2013

    I subscribe to the youtube channel.

  81. Katie

    March 26, 2013

    I pinned!

  82. Katie

    March 26, 2013

    I like on facebook and gave a shout out!

  83. Katie

    March 26, 2013

    I follow on twitter & tweeted!

  84. Katie

    March 26, 2013

    I subscribe to your youtube channel

  85. Katie

    March 26, 2013

    I get your weekly newsletter

  86. Katie

    March 26, 2013

    Love the hot air balloons!

  87. Michelle Riebeek

    March 26, 2013

  88. Celeste

    March 26, 2013

    The Dino decals are my fave!

  89. Celeste

    March 26, 2013

    I am a subscriber of your weekly newsletter!

  90. Celeste

    March 26, 2013

    I subscribed to your YouTube channel!

  91. Celeste

    March 26, 2013

    Following you on Pinterest!

  92. Joanna M Sargent

    March 26, 2013

    Love the candy decals!

  93. Joanna M Sargent

    March 26, 2013


  94. Erin

    March 26, 2013

    love love love the under the sea collection. They would be perfect in my daughters room

  95. Roxy

    March 26, 2013

    i like the Dinosaur Wall Decals – Brontosaurus Set

  96. Roxy

    March 26, 2013

    email subscriber

  97. Samantha

    March 26, 2013

    I am a proud follower of you on Facebook, YouTube as well as Pinterest. If I were to win I would love the hot air ballon decals! (: thank you so much!

  98. Staci A

    March 27, 2013

    We’d love the Robot Decals!

  99. Staci A

    March 27, 2013

    I get your newsletter.

  100. Staci A

    March 27, 2013

    I subscribe to your YouTube @mommastacia

  101. Andrea

    March 27, 2013

    I like the Jungle wall decal

  102. Lindsay

    March 27, 2013

    I would like the Robot decals

  103. Lindsay

    March 27, 2013

    I’m a newsletter subscriber

  104. Lindsay

    March 27, 2013

    I’m a youtube subscriber

  105. Angela Warren

    March 27, 2013

    I like the Jungle Wall Decal

  106. Angela Warren

    March 27, 2013

    I liked both Facebook pages

  107. Angela Warren

    March 27, 2013

    I’m following Project Nursery and Sunny Decals on Twitter

  108. Liz

    March 27, 2013

    i would do the under the sea and put it in a playroom

  109. Liz

    March 27, 2013

    liked on facebook!

  110. Liz

    March 27, 2013

    subbed to your youtube

  111. Liz

    March 27, 2013

    subbed to your newsletter

  112. Liz

    March 27, 2013

    twitter follower!

  113. adina

    March 27, 2013

    the candy!

  114. adina

    March 27, 2013

    im a subscriber

  115. Heather W.

    March 28, 2013

    I liked Project Nursery & Sunny Decals on Facebook!

  116. Heather W.

    March 28, 2013

    I am a subscriber!

  117. Jocelyn H

    March 28, 2013

    I am a fan of Project Nursery! Left a message on your wall.

  118. Jocelyn H

    March 28, 2013

    I am a new fan of Sunny Decals! I left a message on your wall.

  119. Jocelyn H

    March 28, 2013

    I am now following Project Nursery on Twitter under sugafootgirl.

  120. Jocelyn H

    March 28, 2013

    I am now following Sunny Decals on Twitter under sugafootgirl.

  121. Jocelyn H

    March 28, 2013

    I am already subscribed to the newsletter.

  122. Jocelyn H

    March 28, 2013

    I would love to get the rock star for my superstar son Elijah!

  123. Dana West

    March 28, 2013

    I love the Rock Star decals! So cute! We have a baby on the way and that would be great for his room!

  124. Dana West

    March 28, 2013

    I follow via Pinterest.

  125. Dana West

    March 28, 2013

    Like you and Sunny Decals on FB. Posted on your FB wall.

  126. Dana West

    March 28, 2013

    Follow you both on Twitter and tweeted!

  127. Dana West

    March 28, 2013

    I subscribe via YouTube Dana West

  128. Dana West

    March 28, 2013

    I subscribe via email.

  129. Lindsey Glenn

    March 28, 2013

    I would love the jungle wall decals for my new baby on the way! :)

  130. Lindsey Glenn

    March 28, 2013

    liked Project Nursery and Sunny Decals on Facebook!

  131. Lindsey Glenn

    March 28, 2013

    Following on Pinterest!

  132. Lindsey Glenn

    March 28, 2013

    Subscribed to the weekly newsletter! :)

  133. Lindsey Glenn

    March 28, 2013

    Subscribed to the weekly newsletter! :)

  134. Amy

    March 29, 2013

    my fav

  135. Amy

    March 29, 2013

    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and let us know you did with a comment below. done dropastitch user name

  136. Amy

    March 29, 2013

    already a subscriber

  137. Amy

    March 29, 2013

  138. Kristin

    April 1, 2013

    We’re proud to officially announce the winner of the Sunny Decals giveaway. Congrats to Lindsay who said, “I would like the Robot decals.” Lindsay, please check your email to claim your prize. Thank you to everyone who entered!


  139. Kelsey J.

    April 1, 2013

    I love the candy decals! Cute!

  140. Kate

    April 7, 2013

    Subscribed! So cute!

  141. Melissa Berry

    April 13, 2013

    Robot wall decals

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