Celebrity Design Reveal: Tori Spelling’s Son’s Nursery

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott recently welcomed their fourth child, son Finn McDermott, into the world. Spelling called on longtime friends Bill Horn and Scout Masterson (aka The Guncles), of Marque Communications, to help with the nursery design. As you will see in the pictures below, Tori selected a giraffe theme after spotting a vintage giraffe figurine at a flea market. Congratulations to the happy family.

Custom ducduc Regency Crib
and Pebble Mattress

Tempaper Designs Wallpaper
and 4moms mamaRoo BabySwing

Custom ducduc Savannah Changer
and Ubbi Diaper Pail

Finn Rocker from Anthropologie

SPI Baby Dresser

All images courtesy of Michael Simon/Startraks



Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


  1. Jennifer Jones

    November 14, 2012

    On the upside I love the wall paper and the pops of orange .
    On the downside Giraffe over kill .

  2. Michelle S

    November 14, 2012

    yes where is that wall paper from ??? please do tell is it the same place as the gold and pink nursery wall paper?

  3. Beth_PN

    November 14, 2012

    The wallpaper is from Tempaper (http://tempaperdesigns.com/)

  4. Natasha Cune

    November 15, 2012

    I love all the giraffe details — from the figurines, to the wall arts, to the mobile.

  5. Ginger

    November 16, 2012

    It seems like they are creating nurseries every year. But good for them, they have the money to do one nursery after another and to pay other people to do it.

  6. Lulubean

    November 18, 2012

    Wow!!! I love everything, this wallpaper is amazing and the colors they chose as accents work beautifully!

  7. Amber Powers

    November 20, 2012

    Hater much? Well, I am not a fan of the Spelling-McDermots either, but if it works for them having baby after baby after baby, then so be it. As long as they’re happy, we can’t complain.

  8. Florence Amber

    November 23, 2012

    They must have lots of rooms coz I figure Hattie also has her own nursery. Wonder what that one looks like. You haven’t featured hattie’s nursery before, right?

  9. Abigail Pham

    November 28, 2012

    HI just wondering where you got the mobile..love it!
    Thank you

  10. Stephano

    November 29, 2012

    Wow, who makes the mobile?!

  11. Cath

    December 8, 2012

    really weird and awful, but on the plus side, babies love bright colors and that swing seems like it would be really helpful in getting a baby to go to sleep

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