When it comes to fashion, we all have our vices. Some women love shoes, some love jeans—I’ve always been a purse girl. Nothing says “I’m fabulous” like a beautiful handbag on your shoulder. So when the time came to turn in my well-dressed purse for a diaper bag, I didn’t want to sacrifice on style.
It was important to me to find a bag that didn’t scream “look at me, I am filled with bottles and diapers” but was functional enough to actually hold all the diapers, bottles and everything else a new mom needs. Petunia Pickle Bottom has always done a fabulous job at marrying fashion and function, and their new Fall 2012 Collection proves that.
One of the newest members to the classic Petunia Pickle Bottom family is the City Carryall. Inspired by the cosmopolitan charm of the city and the needs of the busy mom on-the-go, this bag represents Petunia Pickle Bottom’s trademark for functionality, versatility and style. Complete with organizational pockets, a spacious interior with water-resistant lining, a built-in changing station, a PVC-free wipeable exterior and multiple carrying options, the City Carryall is a must-have urban accessory.
WIN IT! One Project Nursery reader will win the City Carryall in the pattern of your choice. A $159 value!
HOW TO ENTER: Visit Petunia Pickle Bottom, and let us know which pattern is your favorite in a comment below. Note: Petunia Pickle Bottom can only ship in the US. Contest ends Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 at 11:59 PDT. Winner chosen by random number generator.
1. “Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook, give us a shout out on our wall and tell us you did with a comment below.
2. Follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter, tweet about it and tell us you did with a comment below.
3. Follow Project Nursery and “pin” Petunia Pickle Bottom images from this post on Pinterest and add your Pinterest link in a comment below.
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This is a sponsored post. Thanks for your support
in our effort to bring you exciting giveaways.
I love the passport to Prague Carryall
I subscribe to your newsletter too!
Stephanie Mack
I love love loveee the Classically Crete City Caryall. Looks perfect for the every day!
Stephanie Mack
I have also subscribed to your newsletter!
jennifer Baamonde
I like the evening in innsbruck
jennifer Baamonde
I subscribe to your newsletter too!
Katie Richards
I am torn between Classically Crete and Misted Marseille and Passport to Prague. Really, I wouldn’t turn any of them down!
Katie Richards
I subscribe to the newsletter
Aly Funk
Classically Crete!
Aly Funk
Denise L
I just pinned the City Carryall to my Love! board on pinterest!!!!!!
Denise L
I just liked Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on facebook and I am wondering why I didn’t do it sooner!!
Denise L
I am an avid reader and subscriber to your newsletter!!!!!
Denise L
I just LOVE the Classically Crete City Carryall and would love to have it!!!!
Alex A
I love the Strolling in Saint and Classically Crete City Carryall prints!
Alex A
I subscribe to the newsletter too!
Jennifer Wright
The Santiago Sunset City CarryAll is fabulous! Love how cheery it is!!
Love the look of evening in innsbruck & strolling through St germain. So hard to pick just one! I’m a subscriber to the newsletter.
I love the Classically Crete and Strolling in Saint Germain! Both sooo cute!
I also subscribe to the newsletter!
Just pinned to my pinboard on Pinterest!
Janet Rivera
I really like the Classically Crete City Carryall design! I think it should be an accessory of mine!!
Felicia R
I like the Misted Marseille City Carryall
Felicia R
I’m a newsletter subscriber
Lisa Siddall
I like the passport to Prague color pattern. These bags are all so cute..hard to choose!
Janet Rivera
I just “liked” both pages on Facebook!
Felicia R
Following both on twitter and tweeted:
Felicia R
Following on pinterest and pinned:
I liked both pages on facebook and wrote on your wall!
I tweeted!
Felicia R
Like both on FB and commented:
barbara n
My favorite pattern is Strolling in Saint Germain City
I’m subscribed to the newsletter
barbara n
I am an email subscriber!
I love the Misted Marseille and Classically Crete patterns!
I pinned the diaper bag too!
Janet Rivera
Pin complete!
I love the Misted Marseille pattern!
I am a newsletter subscriber.
Kate S
I love the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall
Kate S
I’m an email subscriber too!
I love the Misted Marseille print
My favorite is frolicking in fez, so cute…
My favorite is Classically Crete.
I’m a subscriber!!!
I like the playful poppy pattern.
My favorite is Classically Crete.
I’m a newsletter subscriber.
Jackie Haleua
I love Evening in Innsbruck. The new City Carryall is gorgeous!
It’s so, so hard to choose just one, but if I have to I would choose: Passport to Prague City :)
Just subscribed to the newsletter!
Liked both on Facebook :)
Marilyn Espinal
My Favorite is the Mystic Mykonos Boxy Backpack
Followed both on Twitter :)
Jackie Haleua
I like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook.
Mystic Mykonos is right up there in my favorites!
Pinned to Pinterest here: http://pinterest.com/pin/146437425354652305/
Love the Evenings in Innsbruck
I am also a newsletter subscriber!
Newsletter subscriber
Natalie Vaughan
Earl grey!
Already like PP & PN on FB
Natalie Vaughan
Like you and ppb on fb:)
amy pugmire
facebook fan of you both. amy bolda pugmire
amy pugmire
i subscribe to your newsletter
amy pugmire
i follow u both on twitter and tweeted
Love the Spiced Crimson & Violet Sapphire Roll Boxy Backpack. I had a red Chinese silk Boxy Backpack and people used to stop me on the street asking me where i got it. Best bag I’ve ever had.
Jackie Haleua
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter
Suzanne L
I like Classically Crete
D Schmidt
My favorite pattern is Evening in Innsbruck
D Schmidt
Like both on Facebook as D Schmidt
D Schmidt
I am a follower of both and I tweeted:
D Schmidt
I repinned:
D Schmidt
Confirmed email subscriber
Jackie Haleua
I follow Project Nursery on Pinterest and pinned off of this post. Here is the link http://pinterest.com/pin/59743132527754787/
i like project nursery and petunia pickle bottom on fb, and i gave you a shout out on your wall
i follow you and petunia pickle bottom on twitter and i tweeted about the giveaway
i follow you on pinterest and pinned an image from this post on one of my boards
i subscribe to your weekly newsletter
Just subscribed to the newsletter. I loved the Misted Marseille pattern!
Crissa Robertson
I like the Santiago Sunset pattern
I subscribed to the newsletter! I would really love that super cute bag!!
Crissa Robertson
I get your newsletter
Misted Marseille!
I love the misted marseille city color carryall. I am an email subscriber.
I love the Misted Marseille pattern! So cute!
I love misted marseille city!
i subscribe via RSS
I subscribe to your weekly newsletter.
Gave a shout out on fb and am following on pintrest! Pick me please!
Love them all, really like the black currant!
I’m a subscriber :)
My fav is the Misted Marseille City Carryall!
I follow project nursery on pinterest and pinned the bag! http://pinterest.com/pin/79798224618361885/
Im already a subscriber!
I like the classic current color best!
I liked you and ppb on Facebook and left you a comment on Facebook!
karissa h
Classically Crete is my favorite pattern.
karissa h
I am subscribed to the weekly newsletter.
I love the Strolling in Saint Germain pattern. The red is great!
I favor the Evening in Innsbruck
I’m already a subscriber to the weekly newsletter,
Cristi Martin
I love the Misted Marseille City Carryall!
Cristi Martin
I liked both on FB
I love the Misted Marseille! Perfect gender neutral color for when the hubby has to carry the diaper bag.
Cristi Martin
I follow both on twitter :)
Cristi Martin
Pinned here http://pinterest.com/pin/116741815311708920/
Tiffany A.
Oh I love love love the Classically Crete City Carryall!!! My fingers are crossed!
I love the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall.
I liked both Project Nursery and PPB on Facebook.
I am already a subscriber to your Weekly Newsletter
Hey, check out this pin on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/pin/247416573249729136/e
I’m already subscribed to the newsletter.
Tiffany A.
I follow project nursery on pinterest and I pinned Petunia Pickle Bottom Caryall…
Tiffany A.
I am a subscriber to the newsletter!
I follow Project Nursery on Pinterest and I pinned the bag at the above link.
Absolutely in LOVE with Misted Marseille City Carryall! We aren’t finding out the gender of our baby, so we are doing grays and yellows in the nursery.
Misted Marseille Carryall!
Pinned here http://pinterest.com/pin/199495458464645881/
I liked both Project Nursery and PPB on Facebook.
I signed up with Petunia Pickle Bottom’s.
Love the classically Crete pattern!
I like PN on Facebook
I like PPB on Facebook
I follow both on twitter!
I subscribe to PN weekly newsletter
Jenn Loyd
I love the Classically Crete bag!! I am a subscriber to your weekly and just liked both Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook. Thanks!
Jenn Loyd
I am a weekly subscriber to the newsletter!
Jenn Loyd
I just followed both on Facebook!
Chelsea A
I really like mystically Marseille and classically Crete!
Darling bag! I love the Misted Marseille print!
Chelsea A
I’m a newsletter subscriber!
Misted Marseille!
Chelsea A
I follow both on Facebook!
I am a newsletter subscriber
I love the calming cosmos, love the bright colors!
Misted Marseille!
I love all the patterns but I think my favorite is Passport to Prague City!
I would chose the super cute “strolling in saint germain” pattern!
I liked both pages on FB and commented on your wall. :)
I like the Misted Marseille City Carryall the best.
Jamie Caudle
I just love Petunia Pickle Bottom!! The pattern that I like best is Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall!
I like the Bavarian Bliss City Carryall
Followed Project Nursery and pinned from this entry on pinterest!
I’m loving the Misted Marseille.
I love Misted Marseille.
Jamie Caudle
I liked both Project Nursery (and gave you a shout out) and I also liked Petunia Pickle Bottom on FaceBook!
Love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall.
Followed you both on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway!
Facebook follower
Newsletter receiver!
Jamie Caudle
Following you on pintrest now… here is my pin http://pinterest.com/pin/172192385723786821/
I’m already a weekly newsletter subscriber.
I subscribed to your newsletter.
Please pick me for the winner!! :)
Jamie Caudle
I am officially subscribed to your newsletter!!!
Ashley Lane
Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall!
April Hunt
I like the Misted Marseille pattern!! I would SO love to win this. I’ve been scouring their page just TODAY looking to see if I can get one!!
April Hunt
I like you and PPB on Facebook!!
Brittany Thomas
MIsted Marcielle
April Hunt
I’m an email subscriber!
Brittany Thomas
Like both on FB
Kelsey Olsen
I LOVE the Passport to Prague City Carryall! All my favorite colors on one bag. Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful bag.
I am digging the Bavarian Bliss!
I like Project Nursery!
Teresa Feld
I love Santiago Sunset!
Emily Moore
I love the strolling in saint germain!
Laura Grillo
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Santiago Sunset! Great look for fall . Thanks for the chance to win!
I like Petunia Pickle Bottom!
Emily Moore
I am a project nursery weekly subscriber!
Bavarian Bliss is my favorite new pattern!
Laura Grillo
I am a fan of both of you on FB : )
Kelsey Olsen
Liked and Left some LOVE on FB!
Emily Moore
I have ‘liked’ project nursery on facebook.
Sarah Labay
Misted Marseille City Carryall
Emily Moore
I have ‘liked’ petunia picklebottom on facebook.
I’m already a weekly newsletter subscriber!
I like Project Nursery and PPB on Facebook!
Strolling in St. Germaine is my favorite. Love the colors.
Such a tough call! The Evening in Innsbruck is classic, the Strolling in St. Germain is so pretty and the Santiago Sunset is all kinds of fun.
I love Evening in Innsbruck!
Becky Badertscher
I already liked project nursery and saw this so I liked petunia pickle bottom!!
Misted Marseille City Carryall is definately for me <3 Love at first sight
Sarah Labay
Liked both on FB :)
I’ve liked Project Nursery on FB and I like the Santiago Sunset City Carryall pattern!
Valerie Clement
Love the Misted Marseille City Carryall!
Morgan Rice
I absolutely love the Evening in Innsbruck design it is gorgeous!!!!
Natasha MacDonald
I love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall. =)
Malia R.
I like Bavarian Bliss!
Liked & newsletter receiver.
Jessica M
I commented on Facebook- I LOVE the Evening at Innsbruck!! So in <3
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Bavarian Bliss pattern!
Melanie Lanz
I love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall!
Valerie Clement
followed on pinterest and pinned the bag!
Kate Toby
Misted marseille city carryall, is def my favorite new bag!!
I love the Earl Grey print!
Valerie Clement
Already liked project nursery and now like petunia pickle bottom on facebook!
commented, thanks!
I have liked on both FB and Twitter. I love this bag and have been wanting one for a while.
Valerie Clement
Subscribed to the weekly newsletter!
Love the Evening in Innsbruck!
I liked Project Nursery on Facebook!
Amy Murphy
I love (and have) a bag in the Frolicking in Fez, because that was my #1 first favorite print, but since then, I have decided I must save for a bag in the Classic Cornflower because it just looks so very gorgeous in person!
Mary K
Gorgeous!! Either the Misted Marseille or Classically Crete!!
I liked Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!
Kate Toby
I’m Already a fan of Project nursery & PPB :)
Amy Murphy
I am a long time PPP and Project Nursery fan!
I followed Project Nursery on Pintrest and pinned the photo from this post!!!
Amy Murphy
Following PPP and Project Nursery
Christina P
My favorites are the Misted Marseille City Carryall and the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall, it would be hard to choose. Thank you!
I love Evening in Innsbruck! These bags are fab!
Shannon V
Im all about Santiago Sunset!!
Shirley G
I like the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall. Thanks
Kate Toby
FollOwed Both on twitter
Kelly G
I love love LOVE the Misted Marseille City Carryall!
I LOVE this bag!! So cute!! I love the Santiago Sunset print and the Strolling in Saint German print as well!
Subscribed to newsletter!
Christina P
I Follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!
Christina P
I’m an email subscriber for your newsletters.
Kate Toby
Already subscribe to your newsletter!!
I am a long time follower of Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook! :)
I pinned it to my Christmas List board! http://pinterest.com/pin/2462974767178082/
Michelle S
I love the evening in innsbrook pattern!
I love the Evening in Innsbruck city carryall!
I follow Project Nursery on Pinterest. I pinned the picture from this post: http://pinterest.com/pin/28358672624582313/
Emily Helm
Love the Misted marseille. I am a FB follower. Love your site!!
Hello….I “Liked” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook :)
Valerie Clement
following both on twitter and tweeted about it!
I am a subscriber to your newsletter! :)
I love the Classically Crete!!
Shannon V
I am big fans of Facebook of both of you!!!
I’m already a Subscriber to your Weekly Newsletter!!!
Liked Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook
Dejah Morris
My favorite is the Passport to Prague. I’m so excited they have a new bag, everything they make is lovely.
Shannon V
Alisa Clawson
Love the Santiago Sunset City!
Shannon V
I have been a subscriber!!!
Allyson M.
I love the bag that is featured on this article
Pamela H
Love Evening in Innsbruck
Erin Hall {i can craft that}
How does one choose just 1 pattern? I am between Evening in Innsbruck and Bavarian Bliss
Allyson M.
<3 Passport to Prague!
AlannA Roberts
I love the spiced crimson roll bag
Pamela H
Like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook. Gave a shutout!
Erin Hall {i can craft that}
I Pinned
black currant is my favorite! hope to win!!
I am a fan “Liked” on Facebook!
Nicole Biddle
Frolicking in Fez is my favorite pattern
Following on Twitter!
i am a newsletter subscriber
Already subscribed to newsletter!
Katja Gagnon
I am a newsletter subscriber
Allyson M.
I liked Petunia Pickle Bottom and I already liked PN :)
Nicole Biddle
Follow on twitter @ColetteRuby
Katja Gagnon
I like both pages on Facebook!
Nicole Biddle
My pin http://pinterest.com/pin/288089707384264555/
Erin Hall {i can craft that}
commented on you FB
Katja Gagnon
I love the Misted Marseille City Carryall!
Susan P
classically crete is lovely and my fave!
Nicolette Capuano
I am a fan of PN & PPB on FB: Nicolette may Capuano! I just gave a shout out on your wall :)
Jen F
I already subscribe to Project Nursery weekly newsletters!!! :)
Brooklyn Scott
The Santiago Sunset is my favourite pattern & I would love to win the carry-all!
Pamela H
Follow Project Nursery http://m.pinterest.com/pin/127578601915013326/
I like the Misted Marseille City Carryall the best.
Liked PPB on FB!
Passport to Prague is my fave!!
Brooklyn Scott
I am a newsletter subscriber & I love getting my Project Nursery updates!
Nicole Biddle
Nicole Biddle,
Ack, the city carryall doesn’t come in that pattern. Change that to Misted Marseille. :)
liked ppb on fb
Jen F
My favorite PPB pattern is the Misted Marseille!
Pamela H
Already a subscriber of the weekly newsletter
Nicolette Capuano
I love the new collection. The Bavarian bliss is my fav!
Nicole Biddle
Newsletter subscriber
I pinned it at http://pinterest.com/pin/47710077273404569/
liked pn on fb
Erin Holden
Love the Bavarian Bliss City Carryall as the pattern!
Nicolette Capuano
I receive your fantastic newsletter :)
Love Santiago Sunset!
Erin Holden
Liked both PN and PPB on Facebook :)
I like both Project Nursery and PPB on FB!
subscribed to the weekly newsletter
Erin Holden
Following PN and PPB on Twitter and tweeted both about the giveaway!
I like the Misted Marseille City Carryall
Kristin S.
I like Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall
Kristin S.
I like Both on Facebook
Kristin S.
I follow both on Twitter.
I subscribed to the weekly newsletter
Its hard to choose a favorite when they are all amazing but my most favorite would have to be the Misted Marseille, beautiful!
Kristin S.
I subscribe to the newsletter
Kristin S.
I follow in Pintrest and Pined-It
Erin Holden
Followed PN on Pinterest and pinned images. http://pinterest.com/pin/32088216066045204/
Lindsey Austin
I like both PN and PPB on FB! :)
Erin Holden
Subscribed to PN’s weekly newsletter!
Lindsey Austin
I love the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall!
Following Project Nursery on Pintereset. Here is the link http://pinterest.com/pin/235313149251013967/
Liked PN and PPB on Facebook!
Jennifer W
I like the Evening in Innsbruck pattern.
Lindsey Austin
I subscribe to the newsletter!
I luv the Santiago Sunset pattern…and soo need a diaper bag! :)
Jennifer W
I am a subscriber of your newsletter.
Liked both of you on Facebook and LOVE this bag! The Strolling in St. Germaine is my favorite. Love the red.
My favorite is the Misted Marseille!
Marcela Arteaga
My favorite is Evening in Innsbruk!
Jessica L.
I love the new City Carryall in Evening in InnSbruck! Such a beautiful bag!
I just subscribed to the newsletter!
Kera B
I’m a subscriber and I love the Santiago Sunset Pattern. I also pinned it http://pinterest.com/pin/6755468161991098/
Lindsey Austin
I pinned about the giveaway on pinterest!
Jessica L.
Already a big fan of Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!
Misted Marseille City Carryall!
Megan C
Strolling in St Germain is my absolute favorite – so pretty! megancrose@gmail.com
Jessica L.
Already a subscriber!
Amy B.
Misted Marseille City Carryall is my favorite!
Megan C
I like both Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook (www.facebook.com/megan.crose) and wrote on your wall. :) megancrose@gmail.com
Jessica L.
Pinned on pinterest:
Caroline Pridgen
The Misted Marseille City is my favorite! What a great pattern for a baby boy or girl (though, I’ll need it for a boy in December). Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Mattie Smith
Misted Marseille is my fav! I love it!!
Megan C
I follow you both on Twitter (@megancrose) and tweeted https://twitter.com/megancrose/status/235413702277464065 megancrose@gmail.com
I like the Midnight in Milan stroll
Shereen Qaadri
I liked both pages on facebook.
Brooke Ragan
My favorite pattern is Misted Marseille! Love it.
I like Petunia pickle bottom on FB
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter
Brooke Ragan
I like Project Nursery & Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook.
Megan C
I subscribe to Project Nursery email megancrose@gmail.com
Natalie Shmigelsky
Love the Classically Crete City Carryall! nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Shereen Qaadri
I followed Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on twitter and I tweeted about it.
I like project nursery on FB
shira palombo
Love the Misted Marseille City!!
Brooke Ragan
I follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway. Twitter handle @brookieragan.
Natalie Shmigelsky
Following both on Twitter and tweeted – https://twitter.com/nat5732/status/235414825700827136
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Prague City is my fave.
Brooke Ragan
I follow Project nursery on Pinterest and pinned an image from this giveaway. Link is here: http://pinterest.com/pin/168251736049777993/
Natalie Shmigelsky
Email subscriber – nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Brooke Ragan
I’m a subscriber to your weekly newsletter.
shira palombo
pinned :)
Natalie Shmigelsky
Following on Pinterest and pinned – http://pinterest.com/pin/156289049539523880/
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Natalie Shmigelsky
Like both on Facebook and commented on your wall post
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Shereen Qaadri
I am following on pinterest and I pinned Petunia Pickle Bottom images:
shira palombo
I’m a subscriber
Samantha Ballinger
Love the frolicking in Fez print the best.
Samantha Ballinger
Like you both on facebook.
I get the newsletter and like project nursery and petunia on facebook! I love the strolling in saint germaine pattern!
Shereen Qaadri
My favorite pattern is Evening in Innsbruck City.
Shereen Qaadri
I am a newsletter subscriber.
Torn between marseille and crete patterns.
Bavarian Bliss
I follow you and PPB on Facebook and I shouted out on your page: http://www.facebook.com/projectnursery/posts/10150967419901396
Newsletter subscriber
Like both FB pages and commented on your wall: http://www.facebook.com/projectnursery/posts/10150967432786396
Misted in Marseille is amazing. It took me a while to figure out the best once since they are all pretty much amazing.
I follow you and PPB on twitter and tweeted: https://twitter.com/HSongSays/status/235416787305508864
Following you both on Twitter and tweeted: https://twitter.com/msbruschetta/status/235416932659118080
I subscribe to your newsletter
Addison Kat
I like the Misted Marseille City Carryall
Kimberly Lish
I love the Playful Poppy pattern the best. In the City Carryall, I like Classically Crete.
I pinned from your page: http://pinterest.com/pin/6614730673744538/
Addison Kat
like both on Facebook as Addison Kat and gave a shout out on your wall: https://www.facebook.com/projectnursery/posts/10150967441306396
Natalie Sutton
Misted Marseille is my favorite pattern, but they are all great! I own the boxy backpack in Evening in Innsbruck and love it.
Laura Bye
Would love the Evening in Innsbruk
I like the classically crete pattern ! :)
I like you both on facebook :)
Margo B
My favorite would be Bavarian Bliss City Carryall
Addison Kat
following both on twitter @AddieLuke and tweeted: https://twitter.com/AddieLuke/status/235418710054166530
I follow you both on twitter :)
I follow you on pinterest!
I am a newsletter subscriber!
Addison Kat
following and pinned: http://pinterest.com/pin/263882859387189481/
Natalie Sutton
I followed Project Nursery and Petunia Picklebottom on Twitter and tweeted about it.
Addison Kat
already a subscriber
Margo B
I follow you both PN and PPB on Facebook
Natalie Sutton
I subscribed to the Project Nursery newsletter!
Natalie Sutton
I follow Project Nursery and Petunia Picklebottom on Facebook. Just posted on your wall!
Annie Iverson
Misted Marseille is my favorite. I love this bag!
Rachel S
Strolling in Saint Germain City is my favorite pattern! :)
Annie Iverson
I subscribe to your newsletter
Natalie Sutton
I follow Project Nursery on Pinterest and pinned a link to this post: http://pinterest.com/pin/201676889534143934/
Christina Brundick
I like Classically Crete!
Christina Brundick
like both on Facebooth and posted on wall
Beth Hancock
I love the Classicly Crete pattern & the new City Carryall!
Christina Brundick
Christina Brundick,
Facebook,baby on the lap!
Katherine Delman
Classically Crete is my fav!
Regina Talbott
I like the Misted Marseille City Carryall pattern
Regina Talbott
liked on FB and left a comment
Liked both pages and already a subscriber!!
Regina Talbott
I am a subscriber
Regina Talbott
pinned http://pinterest.com/pin/207798970277613353/
Danielle B
I love the Classically Crete City Carryall, good for a baby boy, but still feminine enough for mommy :)
Danielle B
I liked you and PPB and gave you a shout out on my FB wall.
Allisha MacDonald
I like the Misted Marseille City Carryall pattern.
Danielle B
I am already a subscriber to your awesome newsletter :)
Danielle B
I pinned: http://pinterest.com/dblauvelt66/pins/
Liked PPB on Facebook!
Pinned a PPB image to my kid stuff board!
Debbie Van leer
I love Stolling in St. Germaine. I’m due w twins any day! Would be perfect!
I LOVE the Classicly Crete pattern & the new City Carryall
Beth Kaspar
I love the St. Germaine pattern.
Beth Kaspar
I follow you and PPB on FB.
I liked you BOTH on FB
Jennifer T
I like the Passport to Prague pattern
Beth Kaspar
I am a subscriber!
Love the misted marseille!
I folow you on pinterest
I am already a subscriber of the phenomenal newsletter
Beth Kaspar
Followed and tweeted!!
Jennifer T
Facebook fan of both Project Nursery and PPB! Thanks for the giveaway!
i like both of u on facebook and gave you a shoutout!
i follow both of u and tweeted https://twitter.com/anonymom1/status/235431049650376706
im a subscriber
favoriute pattern- earl gray
i forgot to leave my pinterest link http://pinterest.com/pin/206884176603208203/
Grace Grutter
LOVE the Classically Crete city carryall! I also already follow petunia and project nursery on fb, pinterest, and twitter! :)
Jennifer T
Following you on Pinterest, with a re-pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/271904896223406895/
Cobalt Roll is my fave. Perfect for a baby boy.
Follow in Twitter and tweeted about it!
Tiffany Ketcham
My favorite is the Classically Crete City Carryall.
Kim Olson
Classically Crete!
Kim Olson
Already subscribe to newsletter.
Ansley Semsch
Bavarian Bliss Abundance Boxy Backpack
facebook friend and commented on your wall
I love ALL Petunia Pickle Bottom patterns and styles!!! LOVE!!! :)
I really like the Classically Crete!
Tiffany Ketcham
I “Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook.
I’m already a newsletter subscriber :)
Tiffany Ketcham
I already receive the weekly newsletter and enjoy reading it!
I am a subscriber to the Project Nursery newsletter :)
Tera Oss
Love this blog and LOVE that bag!!
i liked petunia pickle bottom on facebook. I love all the new fabrics but am a huge fan of the Germain Boxy backpack.
I “like” Project Nursery on Facebook :)
Bridget Dougherty
Love the Bavarian Bliss pattern
Black Currant Boxy Backpack and the Cobalt Roll Boxy are my favs!
newsletter subscriber
Allison C.
Love Classically Crete!
Allison C.
I’m a weekly newsletter subscriber
Allison C.
Already follow on Pinterest. Here’s my pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/173529391862998167/
the bavarian bliss city carryall is beautiful!
I love all the designs!
christelle rodas
i “Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook
Allison C.
I follow both of Twitter and here’s my tweet: https://twitter.com/allicatcook/status/235442126312329216
christelle rodas
I am already a subscriber
I love the Bavarian bliss Boxy backpack!!!
I’m a follower on pinterest!
I am a subscriber to the newsletter!!!
I love the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall.
Like the Classically Crete pattern!
Marsha Webber Pope
Strolling in Saint Germain is my favorite City Carryall! Love the pop of color! And love all of Petunia Pickle Bottom products!
Marsha Webber Pope
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter by Project Nursery!
Love these bags! They are so fashionable! I love the Misted Marseille!
val bellardi
I love the Bavarian bliss Boxy backpack!
val bellardi
I’m a follower on pinterest!
val bellardi
I’m a follower on facebook!
T. Reyes Alvarez
I love them all but if I had to pick one, I’d get the Misted Marseille pattern:)
Alisa M
My hands down FAVE Santiago Sunset Cross!
Jamie C.
I really like the Misted Marseille City Carryall
Jamie C.
I “Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook. Shout outs made!
Jamie C.
I follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter and tweeted about it
Jamie C.
I follow Project Nursery and “pinned” Petunia Pickle Bottom images from this post on Pinterest. Here is my link
Jamie C.
I already subscribe to your weekly newsletter
For my sis.. I love them all but misted marseille city carryall looks like her. Love petunia pickle bottom!!
Crissa Robertson
Following on Pinterest
Deborah D.
I love the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall.
I love the Misted Marseille fabric…thanks!!
I “like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook. Thanks!
I like Project Nursery and Petunia on FB, and I commented.
Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall
Misted Marseille. Love the gray!
I already subscribe to the newsletter!
Lauren Kellar
already a subscriber to weekly newsletters
Bonnie Taylor
evening in innsbruck
Lauren Kellar
I “Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook.
Bonnie Taylor
I already subscribe to your newsletter.
Love Bavarian Bliss
Like both on facebook
Bonnie Taylor
i liked PPB and Project nursery on fb and included a comment
I subscribe to your newsletter
Nicole T
Love it in Evening in Innsbruck!!!
Nicole T
Following & tweeted
I follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter, and I tweeted.
Following….commented on FB…pinned … I love my PPB bag! :) I would love this new print Misted Marseille in the new bag…so adorable!!! :)
I love them all, but I think the Bavarian Bliss is my fav. :)
I “Liked” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!
Also followed on Pinterest and pinned my fav picture: http://pinterest.com/pin/216102482090543068/
I love the Evening in Innsbruck!
I follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Pinterest, and I pinned the giveaway.
I like Project Nursery on FB.
I like Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB.
Tweeted about the giveaway from @oautrey-
I love Petunia Pickle Bottom bags! A favorite pattern would be black currant!
I like the Misted Marseille!
I like you and petunia on facebook and did a shout out on my wall!
I already subscribe to your newsletter.
Nicole Bear
I would choose Misted Marseille, as it is gender neutral, and we don’t know what we are having yet!
Nicole Bear
“Like” Project Nursery on Facebook
Here is my tweet!
Christina L
I love the
Here is my pin! http://pinterest.com/pin/199776933441205424/
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter!
I am in love with the Misted Marseille City Carryall and it would perfect for us as we are adopting and don’t know gender!
I subscribe to the newlsetter
Christina L
I love the Evening at Innisbrook!
Misted Marseille is my favorite
Pinned it http://pinterest.com/pin/164803667584971749/
Megan Conner
Strolling in St. Germain is my fave!
I am a subscriber to Project Nursery-
Christina L
I like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!
Megan Conner
Liked your facebook page and left a comment!
Milligan Whitworth
Beautiful bags! Love them all, but Evening at Innsbrook is my favorite. Thanks!
Amanda Voelker
I love Strolling in Saint Germain the most!
Christina L
My pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/147211481540576345/
my favorite pattern is Bavarian Bliss
Christina L
I follow you both on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway!
Christina L
And I subscribe to your newsletter :)
My Pin!
http://pinterest.com/pin/182818066094443376/ and I love the Misted Marseille City!
Love the Strolling in Saint Germain print!
Carly Tedeski
My favorite is the Misted Marcielle print
Carly Tedeski
I liked petunia on facebook too and added one your bags to my registry.
So hard to choose just one pattern, but I love the Evening in Innsbruck. Thanks!
I already subscribe to your newletter. Thanks!
Jenny G
I am a subscriber
Jenny G
Misted Marseille is my choice.
Melissa S.
Strolling in Saint Germain. Just lovely! Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite print is classically crete.
I am a subscriber to the weekly newsletter.
I love Misted in Marseille!
Liked your Facebook page and left a comment. Also liked the Petunia Pickle Bottom Facebook page.
I like you both on FB and left a comment on your page,
Dana J Valle
I follow both on twitter @zebastyandylan
I follow you on pinterest.
and pinned
I am already a subscriber.
i just subscribed to the weekly project nursery newsletter!
i love the Strolling in Saint Germain print – the red is gorgeous and perfect for a gender neutral bag!
i like both of you on facebook and just gave a shout out on my wall!
Strolling in St. Germain is my favorite!
i am following you both on TWITTER!!
Alexa S @alexandrarenee
loving @FollowPetunia ‘s new fall colors! thanks @projectnursery for sharing!!!
Hi! Sent you a shout out in Facebook!!! love the strolling in St. Germaine. Keeping fingers crossed.
i have been following project nursery on Pinterest and just pinned:
I had already subscribed to your newsletter
Amanda K
Love the Classically Crete City Carryall :) would go with anything!
Amanda K
I “like” you and PPB on Facebook — Amanda Martin Kidd
Amanda K
..oops, meant to say I wrote on your wall too!
My favorite pattern is Misted Marseille. I love all the pattern names! Makes me wanna travel!
I liked both of you on Facebook.
Amanda K
Follow you both on twitter (username = a_martin87) and tweeted about the giveaway: https://twitter.com/A_Martin87/status/235516751666880513
Misted Marseille City is my favorite!
And I signed up for your newsletter. Thank you for the giveaway!!
I liked both on facebook!
Amanda K
Have been following Project Nursey on Pinterest and pinned a picture from the blog!
Amanda K
I am a subscriber to your newsletter :)
erin kessler
It’s hard to choose, they’re all so cute but since I don’t know what I’m having yet I’d have to go with the Misted Marseille. My sister has one of these and used it for all three kids, she loved it!!
erin kessler
I also subscribed to the newsletter!! :)
Erika P
Love the Frolicking in Fez Boxy Backpack :)
erin kessler
oooh, and of course I liked you guys on Facebook!!
Heather O
I love the Cobalt Roll pattern! SO adorable!
Stephanie C
Love the new City Carryall Bag in Classically Crete!
Stephanie C
Just Subscribed to your newsletter!
I love the Passport to Prague City Carryall Bag!
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter too!
Tanessa B.
They are all so cute but I think I would go with the Misted Marseille City Carryall
Stephanie C
Here’s the Pinterest link:
Tanessa B.
I like project nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on facebook
Tanessa B.
I follow project nursery on pinterest and pinned a bag.
Tanessa B.
I subscribe to your newsletter.
My favorite….Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall.
Baby girl due in November. This would be perfect.
Mandy Borkman
I subscribe to your weekly newsletter.
Mandy Borkman
I like the Misted Marseille pattern.
Amelia B
I LOVE the Blooming Begonia print!
Liked on Facebook. Love your blog
Amelia B
I like both PPB and project nursey on facebook, and left a comment on your wall!
About Petunia Pickle Bottom -liked on facebook
Amelia B
Followed you on pinterest and pinned the new city carryall from this post
Lovin the Bavarian Bliss pattern
Amelia B
I subscribed to your newsletter!
Wow, hard to choose but I think my fav is the misted marseille.
Amanda C
I like Petunia on facebook and gave a shout out on the wall
i love the city carryall in MISTED MARSEILLE!!
I liked Petuina Pickle on facebook
I liked you for awhile on facebook
Katie F
I subscribe to your newsletter
Katie F
I like you both on Facebook
Katie F
My favorite pattern is Evening in Innsbruck
Amanda C
I pinned your imaged on my boards in Pintrest!!
Kelly Mullan
Strolling in St. Germain
Laurie Turpin
I love Classically Crete. love love love!
I follow both PPB and PN on Facebook – love you both!
Melissa Judd
Strolling in Saint Germain. So cute! Crossing my fingers!
I love the Misted Marseille! I don’t know what I’m having yet, but I know that slate, silver, and chartreuse are going to be in my color scheme either way!
Melissa Judd
Liked PPB and PN on FB!
Just liked y’all on facebook, too! This site really is an amazing resource!
Melissa Judd
http://pinterest.com/pin/234257618088461979/ pinned on my pinterest page!
Melissa Judd
Already a subscriber to the weekly newsletter! :)
Followed and pinned: http://pinterest.com/pin/117938083962694156/
Just subscribed to the weekly newsletter. I check the site for updates every 1-3 days anyways, so I suppose it was overdue. :)
Classically Crete City Carryall is so cute!! I would love to have it.
Love Misted Marseille City Carryall
Liked both on Facebook!
Also followed and pinned it here: http://pinterest.com/pin/106538347405966767/
Also subscribed to newsletter. Can you tell I really want this bag?!?
Michelle G
Followed, pinned and subscribed – Good luck to all!!
Katie M
Love the Misted Marseille :) so pretty!
Katie M
Just subscribed to the newsletter! Love this site!
Edie S
I love the Passport to Prague city pattern! :)
Edie S
I follow Petunia Pickle Bottom and Project nursery on FB!
Johnna Wilson
I like the Classically Crete City Carryall!
Rebecca P
I love PPB!!! I would love to have the Bavarian Bliss or Santiago Sunset.
Johnna Wilson
I like Petunia Pickle Bottom and Project Nursery on fb!
Rebecca P
Like, Like…CHECK!
Johnna Wilson
I subscribe to your newsletter!
Kendra Merrell
I love the Passport to Prague pattern!
Kendra Merrell
I susbscribe for the emails :)
following on pinterest and Facebook
I subscribe to your newsletter!
Classically Crete City Carryall
Liked on FB
Follow U on Twitter
Pinned PPB Image :)
My favorite pattern is Bavarian Bliss.
Follow both on Twitter and shared: https://twitter.com/lingling168/status/235584370579238912
Follow you on Pinterest. My pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/134896951309536812/
Already a newsletter subscriber.
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter. LOVE this bag!
Meg T
I love the Misted Marseille!
bavarian bliss for me!
i subscribe to the newsletter
April W
Love the Evening in Innsbruck!
April W
Pinned it! http://pinterest.com/pin/141230138285463444/
Jamie Martin
Passport to Prague
Kendra Merrell
I like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook
Erin Modrzynski
I like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!
Erin Modrzynski
I am loving the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall…gorgeous bag!
Erin Modrzynski
Pinned it… http://pinterest.com/pin/145452262936181711/
I love Santiago Sunset City! Tough decision as Evening in Innsbruck also had my heart a-flutter!
Pinky Sade
I love the Bavarian Bliss City
Pinky Sade
Subscribe to your Weekly Newsletter
Pinky Sade
Pinky Sade – “Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook.
Wall shout out – https://www.facebook.com/projectnursery/posts/10150968633421396
Pinky Sade
@pinksade – Follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter, tweet about it
Pinky Sade
pinkysade – Follow Project Nursery and “pin” – http://pinterest.com/pin/221591244136266203/
Nicole L
I absolutely love the Earl Grey pattern. These diaper bags are the greatest!
Katie Pham Chan
Classically Crete City is so understated chic!
I love the Misted Marseille. Silver and chartreuse! <3 Also a fan of both Project Nursery and Petunia on FB!
Kellie O
My favorite pattern is the Evening in Innsbruck !
Kellie O
I Like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook and gave shout outs!
Kellie O
I Follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter and tweeted at https://twitter.com/Ireland77L/status/235696269195112450
Kellie O
I Follow Project Nursery on Pinterest and pinned at http://pinterest.com/pin/165788830003605508/ and http://pinterest.com/pin/165788830003605510/
Kellie O
I subsribe to the weekly newsletter.
I love the passport to prauge!
Courtney Adamson
My fav is the Passport to Prague City Carryall!
Courtney Adamson
I LIKE both Project Nursery & Petunia on FB
Courtney Adamson
I’m a weekly subscriber:-)
Courtney Adamson
Pinned! http://pinterest.com/pin/209276713905264686/
Kimberly Russell
I really like the Santiago Sunset pattern
Kerry A Joseph
I “Like” PN & PPB on fb :] plus shout outs on both walls
Corynne Orzech
Santiago Sunset is my favorite pattern!
I LOVE PPB and PN! This inspires me to do so much with the nursery for my little one on the way!
Love the Misted in Marseille PBB City Carryall!
Jackie Wasser
love classically crete pbb city carryall!
Lori Janis
I’m obsessed with PPB’s CAKE line! The Black Forest Cake is amazing!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Lori Janis
Just subscribed to your Weekly Newsletter :)
Michelle Walker
I love the Evening in Innsbruck !
Michelle Walker
Just subscribed to the newsletter.
Evening in Innsbruck
Michelle Walker
I Liked you and Petunia Pickle bottom!
Evening in Innsbruck
Marcela Arteaga
I follow Proyect Nursery and Petunia Pi
Marcela Arteaga
I am already a subscriber on your weekly newsletter!.
Marcela Arteaga
I liked Proyect Nursery and Petunia Pickle bottom!
Hard decision… I like both Bavarian Bliss City and Strolling in Saint Germain.
I like both PN and PPB on FB.
I now subscribe to PN.
I love the Santiago Sunset City design!
Definitely the Misted in Marseille PBB City Carryall!
Just subscribed to the newsletter! :)
Anne Lehnick
Evening in Innsbruck is my favorite Carryall pattern
Anne Lehnick
I like both on Facebook and commented:
Anne Lehnick
I follow both on Twitter and tweeted:
Anne Lehnick
I follow on Pinterest and pinned:
Tiana Dahan
Frolicking in fez is my favorite pattern.
Anne Lehnick
I’m a newsletter subscriber
Kelsie Rae
I love the santiago sunset city!
I would love to have it in the pattern – Santiago Sunset City Carryall
I’m a newsletter subscriber
Kristy K.
Misted in Marseille
Love the classically Crete bag!
Kristy K.
I “like” both Petunia and Project Nursery!
I subscribe to your newsletter!
Roxanne Olsen
I love the Misted Marseille City print!
Roxanne Olsen
I liked project nursery on FB!
Roxanne Olsen
I subscribed to your newsletter
I subscribe to your newsletter.
Marissa P
I like Strolling in St. Germain – what a cute bag!
Love Love Love PPB! Subscribed, posted you name it. I tell all my friends :)
I just found and signed up for the newsletter today! I love both sites! What a blessing of an opportunity!!!
Commented on Project Nursery on Facebook! Love the BAG!!!
I commented on Petunia Pickle Bottoms Facebook site :)
The bags are adorable! I hope to win! Thanks for sharing the opportunity!
Following on Pinterest AND pinned :)
I’d love to win the Misted Marseille pattern!
I love the Bavarian Bliss Pattern- perfect for my little one on the way!
I am following Project Nursery on Pinterest & here is my pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/220183869252835051/
I am a weekly newsletter subscriber!
I love the Santiago Sunset Pattern!
I like the Classic Crete Carry all Pattern :) I’m currently following PN on Pinterest and am a weekly subscriber as well!
ashley wojciechowski
I love the Black Currant Boxy
ashley wojciechowski
I’m following on Pinterest
Emily E.
Loving the Misted Marseille pattern!
Emily E.
I’m a weekly newsletter subscriber too! :)
Sydney S
I like you both on FB and posted to your wall =)
Sydney S
I follow you both on twitter & tweeted
Sydney S
Follow on Pinterest & my link to my pin
Sydney S
I subscribe to your newsletter
Mallory A
I love the Bavarian Bliss!
I like Classically Crete :) Thank you!
i love the classically crete. great neutral.
i liked you on fb.
The Misted Marseille All City Carryall is perfect for our little bebe B – what bebe B wants, bebe B gets and she is dreaming of a Petunia Pickle Bottom carryall!
I get your newsletter and have liked *both* on facebook – plus gave you guys some serious props!
AND I get the weekly newsletter!
I get your newsletter and have liked *both* on facebook – plus gave you guys some serious props!
I get your newsletter :)
I like the Santiago Sunset :)
Staci A
I love the Passport to Prague!
Staci A
I get your newsletter. Thanks!
Claudia Rose
Just liked your page and Petunia’s on Facebook. So happy to have found you through HGTV :)
Vanessa Peterson
Misted Marseilles is my favorite!
My favorite pattern is Santiago Sunset City!!
I like Project Nursery and PetuniaPickleBottom on facebook!
I follow Project Nursery and PetuniaPickleBottom on twitter! Just tweeted, “I LOVE Project Nursery and PetuniaPickleBottom”
I follow Project Nursery on pinterest! Also pinned images from this site! http://pinterest.com/pin/31032684903341691/
I’m already subscribed to your newsletter! thank you!
Love the classically crete pattern!
Wish there was a “love” button on facebook not just a “like”! Done!
I have a whole projectnursery board! http://pinterest.com/pin/175429347955797846/
Just signed up for the news letter!
The Passport to Prague is super cute!
I have to say Classically Crete is my favorite pattern.
Leslie Y.
I love the Bavarian Bliss pattern!!
Leslie Y.
I like both Petunia Pickle and Project Nursery on Facebook.
Leslie Y.
I am in love with the classically crete bags!
I like both pages on facebook! Jennifer Kathleen Crewell
I follow both pages on twitter and tweeted https://twitter.com/JenniferCrewell/status/236562266953220096
I subscribe to the newsletter!
I follow on pinterest and pinned http://pinterest.com/pin/28921622578017914/ jennifercrewell
I love the pattern Bavarian Bliss City Carryall :)
I like both FB pages and wrote on both FB walls.
I follow both pages on Twitter and tweeted. https://twitter.com/MamaHatch
I get the Weekly Newsletter.
Misted Marseille – Loving Grey right now!
Misted Marseille is my favorite. Can’t get enough gray lately!
I love the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall! It is amazing!
I love the classically Crete and all of the colors and styles! The petunia pickle bottom bags are hands down the most stylish and practical diaper bags in the market!
I subscribe to project nursery and like them in Facebook!!
jennifer giacomet inda
Black Currant is so beautifulll.
jennifer giacomet inda
“Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook
Arlene H
I love the Classically Crete City Carryall
Arlene H
pinned what I want: http://pinterest.com/pin/260082947201506651/
Everyone loves PP!!!!! I hope to win!
I would choose: Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall
Arlene H
subscriber to the weekly newsletter
Like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!!!!!!!!!! <3Petunia Pickle
Followed Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter
Follow Project Nursery and “pin” Petunia Pickle Bottom images:
PINNED: http://pinterest.com/pin/67272588154810907/
Already a subscriber!
I AM IN L-O-V-E with the Evening in Innsbruck Wistful Weekender PPB!
I am in need of a diaper bag for my little lady!
Would LOVE to WIN!
thanks! :)
Theresa J
I like the Misted Marseille City Carryall
Theresa J
I already Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter
Theresa J
Love the Classically Crete! It is so cute.
Liked both on FB!
Weekly subscriber!
Natalie A
I like the Misted Marseille pattern.
Natalie A
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter
I love the clasically crete pattern… and every other pattern
I am a subscriber
liked on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/projectnursery/posts/10150976436251396
Rebecca Thomas
I liked PPB and PN on facebook :)
FBname: Becki thomas
Rebecca Thomas
Followed PPB and PN on twitter, here is my tweet
Rebecca Thomas
Pinned the lovely PPB Bag: http://pinterest.com/pin/29273466298857670/
Rebecca Thomas
subscribed to newsletter :)
Rebecca Thomas
the strolling in st. germain city pattern is my fav!
My favorite City Carryall design would have to be Classically Crete and I do love the classic looks of the Scout Journey Pack, too!
I “liked” you on facebook and commented.
Following you on Twitter!
I love the Evening in Innsbruck pattern =-) very modern
I have already subscribed to the newsletter =-)
Arlene H
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/lil_duckie82/status/236684849052778496
The Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall is my favorite! It is so beautiful and my Hubby wouldn’t mind carrying it also
Camille W
I am on the hunt for a new diaper bag and I love the Strolling in Saint Germain pattern!
brooke t
already a huge fan of PPB!! and left a message
brooke t
I Follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter
brooke t
“Pinned” it! http://pinterest.com/pin/288089707384305333/
brooke t
I already Subscribe to your Weekly Newsletter
Misted Marseille City Carryall looks really great.
Pinned and following on pinterest.
Kimberly Montella
Love the Evening in Innsbruck
Misted Marseille!
Pinned it!
Liked on FB!
Love the Bavarian Bliss City Carryall.
subscriber to your weekly newsletter
Love the Evening in Innsbruck print! Liked both on FB
Pined my favorite style on FB!
I tweeted and followed both on twitter! I like the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall
Love the Passport to Prague print!
I’m a subscriber too!
Love the new carryall shape, classicly crete is my favorite!
I am also a subscriber.
Evening in Innsbruck
I like the “Strollling in Saint Germain” color/style!
I am following you on Pinterest now! :)
I really like the cobalt.
I left comments on both FB pages.
I like the Misted Marseille pattern!
I follow on Pinterest & pinned you image.
I follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter and tweeted!
I’m a subscriber!
I’m already a subscriber.
Love Misted Marseille!
“LIKED” both FB pages and shouted out on your page!
Lauren Newsome
Love Love Love Evening in Innsbruck !!
Following both on Twitter!
already a subscriber! :)
Jennifer Alexander
I love the Bavarian Bliss. Thanks for the giveaway!
Jennifer Alexander
Already a subscriber. Thanks!
Jennifer Alexander
I already like Project Nursery on FB. I said hello on the wall too!
Jennifer Alexander
I liked Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB. I said hello on the wall too!
Love the red bag! Pinned it on Pinterest
Sabrina C
Great giveaway. Misted Marseille is my favorite.
Sabrina C
I “like” both on Facebook and left shout-outs on your pages!
melissa cahalan
I love saint germain!
I like Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook as well as Project Nursery. And I commented on your wall.
Christine N
Loving the vibrant colors of the Strollling in Saint Germain print… good for any season!!
like projectnursery and petunia pickle bottom
Lindsay D
I like both PPB and PN on facebook!
I love Classically Crete
megan d
passport to prague
I follow Petunia Pickle Bottom and Project Nursery on Twitter and I Tweeted about it.
Love the classically crete!!!
Lindsay D
Following PPB and PN on twitter @lilmrsd
Christine N
I’ve liked both PN and PPB on facebook! (still in love with the Strollling in Saint Germain print!)
I am following you on Twitter
melissa cahalan
I like PPB.
I am following PP on Twitter
megan d
liked petunia pickle bottoms and project nursery on fb!
I LIKE you on FB
thats a tough one but i really like Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall..thanks!
Sofia H
I’m in love with the Classically Crete pattern! It’s so gorgeous and reminds me of my trips to Greece!
I love the Evening In Innsbruck pattern!
Misted Marseille is totally my style but I also love Bavarian Bliss because it is something different!
Nicole Ryan
Misted marseille!
melissa cahalan
I like Project Nursery.
I’m a subscriber!
emily furr
Classically Crete is gorgeous!
Lindsay D
Pinned it! http://pinterest.com/pin/209558188882109018/
I follow Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!
Tiffany S
Classically Crete City Carryall is my FAVORITE pattern!
Jessica Michael
Passport to Prague City! If only I could go there for real but maybe the bag will transport me there magically….
I am subscribed for your weekly email
I follow Project Nursey on Facebook!
Tiffany S
I “Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!!!!
Sara Eddleman
I love the “Black Currant” pattern – it’s the sexiest diaper bag pattern around.
I like the strolling in saint germain!
Kiki L
The evening innsbruck is my fav pattern. I have been a fan on FB of PPB and just liked your page.
Ashley C
I love the Misted Marseille pattern!
Christi Miller
Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall
Tiffany S
I Subscribed to the weekly newsletter!!
Carla Hurley
I like PPB and PN on FB. :)
Love love love classically Crete! It would go with everything!
Bernice Allen
LOVE the Crete City one!! A real departure for me, I usually go for pinks!
Kelly G.
Love the Classically Crete.
I LOVE the “Strolling in Saint Germain” Pattern! Super cute!
Jessica B
I love the Bavarian Bliss! Purple and green have always been a favorite combo of mine, I love seeing a bag with it!
Lindsay D
I’m a subscriber!
Love saint germain!
Passport to Prague!
Sara Eddleman
I “liked” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!
My favorite pattern is Misted Marseille City
Love the Passport to Prague pattern!
love the red style
April mowell
Misted marseille!
I “liked” both PPB and PN on Facebook!
Carla Hurley
I am also a subscriber :)
I follow on Facebook!
Nicole M
I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE Passport to Prague! Thanks for this amazing giveaway!
PS I ‘Liked” Petunia Pickle Bottom and Project Nursery on FB!
Lindsay D
Misted Marseille is my fave!
Kelly G.
I pinned! :) http://pinterest.com/pin/86483255315263226/
already subscribed to newsletter and lok foward to the emails really inteeresting ideas on
Melanie C
Love the bavarian bliss!! They are all so beautiful it’s hard to decide:)
I’ve liked both PN and PPB on facebook! I’m also a subscriber:) I love all of he bags, but if I have to choose one it would be Classically Crete.
I love Mystic Mykonos!
Carla Hurley
And I love strolling in st. Germaine
http://pinterest.com/pin/112378953172789056/ here’s my pin!
I’m in love with ‘Evening in Innsbruck!’
Sara Hirt
Classically Crete is my favorite!
I Like Project Nursery!
I like Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!
I love the Misted Marseille!!!
I Like Petunia Pickle Bottom
Shelby Ennis
I left comments on both facebook pages
Oh, and I liked on Facebook and commented on FB
Sara Eddleman
I tweeted about this giveaway @tinypterodactyl
Jaime N
Love Strolling in st Germian
i like the Misted Marseille one!!
Jaime N
Like PPB on FB
Signed up for the newsletter!
Kathryn Patti
My favorite print is Earl Grey!
Annie Petre
I love the Frolicking in Fez! Super chic and trendy ;)
Aimee M
I love Misted Marseille!!
Jaime N
Like PN on FB
Nicole Ryan
i like Project Nursery on FB
Sabrina C
Tweeted. https://twitter.com/sab2point0/status/237912611272916993
i love the classically crete!
Jen D
Love Bavarian Bliss!
Misted Marseille City Carryall is my favorite pattern!
Jana E
I LOVE the Classically Crete!! You have to love the great design, functionality, and the WIPE OFF factor!!!
Aimee M
“liked” PPB on FB
black current is my favorite!
Liked you both on Facebook!
Constance Aaron
Misted marseille
Nicole Ryan
i like Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB
Katy S
I love the Strolling in St Germain! Adorable!
I’m totally in love with Misted Marseille City Carryall!
Nicole Ryan
I follow Project Nursery
Sabrina C
Followed and pinned. http://pinterest.com/pin/115967759125745958/
Kellie Kluger
My favorite is Classically Crete
I LOVE the The evening innsbruck style the best!!
loves the the strolling in saint germain fashion
Sabrina C
I am a subscriber to the newsletter.
Kathryn Patti
I follow Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB and Project Nursery on FB! I left comments on both walls.
Jaime N
Here is my Pin. http://pinterest.com/pin/186266134559219032/
i follow project nursery and ppb on facebook!
Emma Johns
I love misted marseIllegal and Bavarian bliss. If I win onE I might have to buy the other!
Evening in Innsbruck is my fav!! Follow on FB.
Classically Crete had stolen my heart!
Christina Pratt
Bavarian Bliss
Eron Maty
LOVE Strolling in Saint Germain
Like Project Nursery and PP on Facebook!
Misted Marseille
My favorite is evening in Innsbruck!!!
Sofia H
I just posted on facebook and twitter about the Classically Crete pattern!!
Saint Germaine is a beautiful pattern!
Kathryn Patti
I follow PPB and Project Nursery on twitter!
I like on FB
I love the Misted Marseille City Carryall.
I liked both of you guys on facebook, twitter and and following you both on pinterest.
i also subscribed to your weekly news letter.
Kellie Kluger
Likes both on FB and commented on each wall
Emma Johns
I follow project nursery and ppb on Facebook
Love the Classic Crete!!
Melanie C
Fan on facebook as well!!
I follow PPB on Facebook :)
Christina Pratt
I like both PN & PPB on FB. Shouted out some love too!
Sara Eddleman
I pinned a bag from Petunia Pickle Bottom here: http://pinterest.com/pin/73605775130795142/
http://pinterest.com/pin/197173289906883644/ There’s my pinterest link! Please please please pick me! :-)
Jaime N
Subscribed to newsletter
Constance Aaron
Like you and commented on your page on FB!
Nitasha E.
I like both pages on Facebook and I gave you a shout out on your wall!
LOVE Evenning at Innsbruck. Classy and Elegant.
like project nursery and petunia pickle bottom on facebook. follow both on twitter. project nursery has the best ideas and such cute stuff and i love my petunia bags, just got my weekender and i have given my friend a petunia pickle bottom for her first baby.
Rose K
Love love love classically Crete:-)
And Love the MisTed Marseille :)
Love, Love , Love Misted Marseille!!
Black Current is my top choice!
Kathryn Patti
I subscribed to the Project Nursery weekly newsletter!
I ‘like’ ppb and project nursery on Facebook!
Evening in Innsbruck is my favorite print for the City Carryall =)
Nitasha E.
My favorite pattern is Classically Crete!
Kimberly Ortiz
I’m in love with the Strolling in Saint Germaine pattern, beautiful and my favorite colors.
Looooove Bavarian Bliss!!! :)
I lOve evening in Innsbruck
I Follow petunia pickle bottom and project nursery on Facebook!
arely colin
Love the MisTed Marseille
I meant Evening in Innsbruck City. Little one at my side has quick fingers and pressed enter before I could spell check :)
arely colin
I subscribed to the Project Nursery weekly newsletter
Liked both and commented :)
nicole hansen
I love love love the Frolicking in Fez. If I win I’ll use it as a diaper bag :)
Megan Shoaf
Love the Evening in Innsbruck bag…it would be a great fall bag to carry all my little guys stuff in!
Love Bavarian Bliss!
arely colin
like both on facebook
Lauren B.
Ove the Misted Marseille and Bavarian Bliss prints!
Grandma Kathy
On Facebook, I like Project Nursery and I like Petunia Picklebottom! My favorite Color PPB is ANYTHING CAKE! I have 5 Grandbabies, with #6 due at Christmas, and could sure use a City Carryall!!
Kimberly Ortiz
Liked project nursery and Petunia picklebottom on Facebook
Christina Pratt
Tweeted and following! https://twitter.com/PrattChristina/status/237914194295529472
Jan Kappmeyer
Misted Marseille City Carryall is my favorite pattern!
I love Classically Crete!
followed on twitter & tweeted! https://twitter.com/heartnhandful/status/237914468485582848
Jan Kappmeyer
I “like” Project Nursery
I love the classically crete pattern! I’m such a petunia pickle bottom fan!
MaShay H.
I also love the Strolling in Saint Germaine pattern. It’s gorgeous and I normally don’t really like red patterns but I LOVE this!!!
I already like petunia pickle bottom and project nursery on facebook.
Nitasha E.
I follow both on Twitter and I tweeted about the giveaway!
Jan Kappmeyer
Jan Kappmeyer,
& Petunia Pickle Bottom
I liked you and PPB on Facebook!
Lisa Dentler
Love Bavarian Bliss!
Lindsay E.
Classically Crete and Midnight Mums!
Debbie Sterling
Love Misted Marseille!
Kayla Breed
Misted Marseille is my favorite pattern!!
I am a project nursery newsletter subscriber.
Kathie Wagner
I love the Misted Marseille pattern!
I love all these bags!
I followed you and PPB on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway!
Maranda Chase
Love Strolling in Saint Germaine print!!
Lindsay E.
I like Project Nursery on FB!
Love the Misted Marseille!
Jan Kappmeyer
I’m following both on Twitter
Heather Motz
I love classically Crete!
I liked both on facebook, followed both of you on twitter, subscribed, pinned it, and have the weekly newsletter!
Kellie Kluger
follow on Pinterest (keltom2c) and pinned: http://pinterest.com/pin/260575528410781037/
Classically Crete!!! Liked project nursery on FB.
Jennie Bletscher
I love Classically Crete! So soft and pretty!
I like the Gray Marsielle one. :)
I love, love, love Misted Marseille!
I like PPB on Facebook!
I like both of you on Facebook
I like PN on Facebook!
Heather Motz
I “like” PN and PPB on FB!
I love Passport to Prague City! This bag is beautiful!!
Emily Dula
Liked you and PPB on FB!
Raffi K
My wife loves the elderberry print!
I follow both of you on Twitter
Kimberly Ortiz
I pinned my favorite bag! Kimberly Ortiz kimbersnaps
Debbie Sterling
I “like” PPB on FB :)
I love the Evening in Innsbruck and Strolling in St Germaine both….so hard to decide!! And I absolutely love my PPB bags…especially my Weekender (although something a little smaller for everyday use would be helpful too!)
I follow on pinterest and pinned this post
Emily Dula
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter
Jennifer Conidi
Misted Marseille City Carryall is my fav!!!!!! Love all the bags :)
I subscribed to your weekly newsletter
Lisa Briones
Bavarian Bliss!
I followed you on Pinterest and pinned the diaper bag! http://pinterest.com/pin/249949848039968445/
Shelby Ennis
Followed both on twitter and tweeted about it!!
MaShay H.
Following you on Twitter and tweeted it as well as PPB!
Debbie Sterling
Debbie Sterling,
Oops! And I “like” Project Nursery, too! :)
Lisa Briones
Liked project nursery and PPB!
Maranda Chase
Liked Project NurS
Kellie Kluger
I’m a new weekly subscriber
Christina Pratt
Following PN on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/pinknorange007/
Debbie Sterling
Following PPB and Project Nursery
Jena Warren
I’m a fan of both on Facebook! Love all your bags.
Christina Pratt
Following PN on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/pinknorange007/mamagear
MaShay H.
I liked you and PPB on FB!
joanna richards
Love grey marsiele
Maranda Chase
Liked project nursery and petunia pickle bottom on FB:)
Ariel Hobbs
Classically Crete is my favorite! I liked PPB and Project Nursery on facebook!
Beth S
I think I like the classically crete the best. But there are several I wouldn’t mind having!
Love the evening in Innsbruck!!
Love Bavarian Bliss! So cute!
Maranda Chase
Love StrOlling in saint Germaine
Lisa Caughlin
I gave a shout out on your wall!
Lisa Caughlin
I like both you and PPB on FB!!
Love Misted marseille
Love Misted Marseille! :-)
Kayla Breed
Following both on twitter and tweeted about it! @kjbreed
Like both on FB
MaShay H.
Pinned this giveaway! http://pinterest.com/pin/227080006182354468/
Yvonne Amezquita
Love the misted marsaille!
Lisa Caughlin
I tweeted how much I love your products and websites!!
I love Evening In Innsbruck!
Melanie Echternach
I absolutely love the Misted Marseille!!
Shelby Ennis
Followed and pinned on pinterest here is the link https://pinterest.com/pin/146930006563906753/
Beth S
Just followed project nursery boards on pinterest & pinned following item:
Diana Baun
Evening in Innsbruck!! Have 3 kids and learned the darker the color, the cleaner it looks =)
Shelby E
Subscribed to the newsletter :)
Love the Classically Crete!
Like Project Nursery and Petunia Picklebottom on FB.
Melanie Echternach
I likes Project nursery and PPb on Facebook
carrie J.
Love the Bavarin Bliss!Its beautiful!
Nitasha E.
I follow you on Pinterest and I pinned images from this post!
Jenn W
My favorite color is definitely the Classically Crete!
carrie J.
liked project Runway.
Already a subscriber to your newsletter!
Ashleigh Altom
The misted marseille city is beautiful!
Jacie Z.
I love them all! I really like Evening in Innsbruck City.
Tiffany Imlach
You can’t go wrong with a PPB. I loved the Strolling in Saint Germain:)
Beth S
just subscribed to the newsletter
Shelby E
I love Evening in Innsbruck especially the little pop of color :)
MaShay H.
I subscribed to your newsletter with my hotmail address. Same as the gmail but @ hotmail.com
Nitasha E.
I am subscribed to your weekly newsletter!
Love the evening-in-innsbruck-city-carryall!
Lissette Tuttle
I love the Classically Crete. So pretty and versatile.
I like Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!
Amber KoehlER
I love the misted marseille!
Jacie Z.
An existing fan of Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!
I like Project Nursery on FB!
Maranda Chase
Followed you and petunia pickle bottom on twitter
carrie J.
liked project Runway. ha ha whats on my brain…. I liked Project Nursery.
Jennifer R
I love Passport to Prague!
Jacie Z.
I just liked Project Nursery on Facebook!
The Evening in Innsbruck is Awesome!!
Tiffany Imlach
I am following on FB, both PPB and Project Nursery
Jennifer R
Liked on Facebook :)
Megan Fantozzi
I love strolling in saint Germaine!
Lissette Tuttle
I liked Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB. I subscribed to the newsletter.
Love the classically crete!
I pinned this and am following project nursery
I liked both facebook sites
I signed up for the news letter
….this would be a great new baby present….just saying….
Classically Crete is my favorite pattern!
Jenn W
I Like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook, and left a comment there!
Jessica Withell
Classically Crete is absolutely my favorite!
Ellen Nelson
Classically Crete
I subscribe to Project Nursery’s weekly newsletter.
Yvonne Amezquita
I love the misted marseille
Amy Fisher
So hard to decide which pattern I like the best, but I would probably have to go with the Misted Marseille.
Jennifer Lee
I really like the Classically Crete bag. I “liked” Project Nursery and Petunia Picklebottom on Facebook.
Emily Gilmore
I followed and pinned from PN! :0)
Ellen Nelson
I liked both pages and did a shout out on Facebook.
Breana Kershaw
I absolutely love all of your bags and styles!!! My favorite pattern is Evening In Innsbruck and I comments on Project Nursery’s and your Facebook pages. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity and I really hope I win <3
Amy Fisher
I “liked” you on facebook long ago :)
Emily Gilmore
I liked PN on Facebook!
Sarah Hoffman
I love Peaceful Portofino!!!
Emily Gilmore
I Already follow PPB on facebook!
Sarah Miller
I Love strolling in st germain!
My favorite pattern is Bavarian Bliss or Classically Crete
Yvonne Amezquita
Followed Project nursery and ppb on twitter
Love the bavarin bliss..pinned and liked both sites
Lisa Pimentel
Classically Crete City…so pretty!
Love the Strolling in St. Germaine print!
Commented on FB for PPB and PN.
Lisa Pimentel
Liked Both!
Cassandra Eastman
My favorite print is Santiago Sunset City!
Yvonne Amezquita
Following project nursery and ppb on pinterest and pinned the carryall
Lisa Pimentel
Following both on Twitter!
Rachelle Roman
Liked on facebook and subscribed to the newsletter, also following on pinterest http://pinterest.com/chelleroman/. Awesome giveaway! :)
Kelly Mullan
Love Strolling in St. Germain
I like Misted Marseille!
I love Strolling in St. Germaine!
Subscribed to your newsletter (househearthandful at gmail dot com)
Soon Kang
I like both
Jenn W
I Follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter, and tweeted!
Kelly Mullan
Following Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook
Cassandra Eastman
I like Project Nursery on Facebook!
I love Strolling in Saint Germain! It’s so vibrant.
Cassandra Eastman
I like Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!
Julie V.
The Strolling in St. Germaine print is super cute!
Katherine Haney
Love Strolling in Saint Germain! red bags are my favorite.
Amy Fisher
I just subscribed to your newsletter! :)
Emily Gilmore
I like the Classically Crete or the Inn… All of them are gorgeous though!
love the misted marseille and the evening in innsbruck! it’s too close to call!
My favorite is Evening in Innsbruck!!! Going follow on twitter now! Yay!
I like Misted Marseille!
Lisa Pimentel
I like Project Nursery and PPB on facebook. :)
Joy Meadows
My favorite is Classically Crete!
Strolling in Saint Germain! (though I love them all!)
I like PPB and PN on FB! Thanks for the chance to win.
Raquel Corral
I love the Classically Crete Beautiful!!
Cassandra Eastman
Following both on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/eastman520/status/237921579395346432
Cheryl Lewis
I love them all, but would select Strolling in St Germain
I already like PPB on Facebook:)
liked both on facebook!
Michelle Carrera
Liked Project nursery & PPB on Facebook.
I like Petunia Pickle Bottom on facebook.
Emily Walker
Misted Marseille has both my favorite colors!
Emily Gilmore
I subscribed to the newsletter!
I like Project Nursery on facebook.
Elizabeth Thompson
I love the Bavarian Bliss!
I signed up for the Newsletter!
Yvonne Amezquita
I’ll be waiting for the project nursery newsletter!
Megan Ballard
Bavarian Bliss is my fave.
Jenn W
I Follow Project Nursery on Pinterest — http://pinterest.com/pin/201606520789989545/
Here’s a link to my pin. http://pinterest.com/pin/178595941443859559/
Cara Rab
Liked you on facebook and gave a shout out!
Megan Ballard
Liked on Facebook.
I love the Classically Crete!
Yvonne Amezquita
I liked project nursery and ppb on facebook
Cassandra Eastman
Following on Pinterest! Link to Pin – http://pinterest.com/pin/220254237996986723/
Link to my Pinterest Page – http://pinterest.com/eastman520/
Sarah Miller
I liked PN and PPB on Facebook!
Megan Ballard
Followed on Twitter
Stephanie Ellis
Follow both you and PPB of FB.
Cassandra Eastman
Subscribed to your newsletter! eastman520@gmail.com
follow on twitter and tweeted about it!
Love Strolling in St. Germain!
I liked both on facebook.
Megan Ballard
Subscribed to Newsletter
Sarah Midles
I love Misted Marseille! Adorable!
Angie Burwell
I love evening in Innsbruck! beautiful Print!
I love Evening in Innsbruck :)
Bethany McKinley
I love the Earl Grey print!
Kimberly Glanville Hottel
I love the inn at Innsbruck. Great style and love the colors. It would be great for a new bag.
I like Petunia Picklebottom & Project Nursery on Facebook :0)
I subscribed to the newsletter.
Cara Rab
Misted Marseille is my favorite pattern!
“Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook, give us a shout out on our wall and tell us you did with a comment below.
“liker” of both pages
link to Shout-out:
Jasmine Romine
Liked you guys on Facebook!
I love love love Petunia Pickle Bottom! I love their new design Classically Crete! Very classy as all of their designs are! I can’t get enough of their products! Love them on Fb!
Angie Burwell
Subscribed to newsletter
Michele Hipp
I love the Classically Crete, it is Beautiful!
follow both on twitter and tweeted!
Evening in Innsbruck
Strolling in Saint Germain is my favorite!
signed up for the newsletter!
Amy Fisher
I just pinned the “Green and Teal Girl’s Nursery” on my pinterest board. Here’s the link:
My favorite is the “Misted Marseille City” pattern!
Like Project Nursery & Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!
Michele Hipp
I “liked” PN and PPB on FB
Jasmine Romine
Liked PPB on Facebook :)
Blooming begonia is my fav <3
Liked PPB & Prject Nursary on FB
like both on FB and gave a shout out on the wall!
Also liked Project Nursery on Fb!
I “liked” PPB on FB. I love the Strolling in St. Germain print!
Leah S
Evening in Innsbruck City
Michele Hipp
I follow PN and PPB on twitter
Followed Project Nursary on Pinterest & Pinned a PPB bag from this post http://pinterest.com/pin/12173861463836001/
Jasmine Romine
I am following you and PPB on twitter (:
Jennie Kim
Subscribe to your newsletter!
Amanda Head
I love the SanTiago sunset pattern. This bag is so beautiful!
I liked “project nursery” on FB.
Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall is my favorite!
here’s one of my pins: http://pinterest.com/pin/270286415107410209/
Jasmine Romine
I am now subscribed to your weekly newsletter (:
Leah S
i like project nursery and petunia PB on FB
Love the Strolling in St. Germain pattern :)
Ashley Etchison
Love love Earl grey!!
Megan Connell
I really like the Strolling in Saint Germain
Already a newsletter subscriber!
Cara Rab
I’m a new newsletter follower :)
Rachelle Roman
OH and my favorite print is the Passport to Prague!
Fan of yours & PPB on FB. Posted on your wall!
liked ppb and project nursery on fb
Michele Hipp
Jennie Kim
pinned it!
I voted liked on Facebook for both Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom
Signed up for the newsletter.
love the bavarian bliss
I love the Classically Crete pattern =)
shannon schultze
Santiago sunset is my fav!
Brandy king
Love them all but prob passport to Prague
Michele Hipp
Subscribed to the Newsletter
2. Follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter, tweet about it and tell us you did with a comment below.
Follow both on twitter :)
Tweet Link:
Sarah denny
Love the earl grey pattern! Beautiful!
Amanda Head
I liked
Nicole O'Healy
Evening in Innsbruck is my fave! “Like” PPB on fb also:) Thanks!
Megan Ballard
Followed on Pinterest and pinned my favorite carryall. http://m.pinterest.com/pin/34551122112384748/
shannon schultze
Santiago sunset- newsletter subscriber
I love the Misted Marseille pattern!
Sarah denny
Liked both PBB and project nursery on facebook!
shannon schultze
Santiago sunset pinned
I love the Classically Crete City Carryall!
Nicole Keres
Bavarian Bliss!!
Nel Sutliff
Looooove Evening in Innsbruck! Liked you on fb!
Tara F.
Absolutely Love Evening in Innsbruck! I am loving this bag. This would be amazing to win. Thanks for the opportunity.
sweetpeonies07 at gmail
liked project nursery and already a PPB fan :)
Like both PPB and Project Nursery
Nel Sutliff
Subscribed to the newsletter!
how can you pick just one design?! i think if i HAD to choose i’d love the strolling in st. germain bag. ive never had a pbb bag, it was never in my price range! im having another little one in january and would love to sport one of these beauties!
I am a subscriber! :)
Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall
Sarah denny
Following project nursery on pinterest and have pinned PPB!! LOVE PPB and the carry all!!!!
I love the “Evening in Innsbruck” bag!! There is an elegance to this diaper bag :)
shannon schultze
santiago sunset, friends on fb
I love the Misted Marseille! Beautiful!
Follow Project Nursery and “pin” Petunia Pickle Bottom images from this post on Pinterest and add your Pinterest link in a comment below.
Followed and Pined
Pin Link:
Rachel M.R.
Like everyone on facebook.
Pinned http://pinterest.com/pin/153826143493362572/
I am already a newsletter subscriber to Project Nursery!! Thanks!!
Brandy king
I like both fb
i loooove Evening in Innsbruck
Rachel Jenson
My favorite pattern is the misted marseille. So cute!
Tara F.
I like Project Nursery & Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB.
sweetpeonies07 at gmail
Subscribed to your newsletter =)
Earl Grey is my favorite!
Jenny Alderson
Love the Earl Gray pattern!!!
I am a fan on FB of both.
I follow Project Nursery and now Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter and tweeted to PPB!!
Rachel M.R.
Newsletter subscriber!
I already liked PN on FB and I left a comment on your wall! I like PPB too!
Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter or let us know you are already a subscriber with a comment below.
Already a subscriber :)
Diana G
Evening in Innsbruck is my fav!:)
Erin R
I love the Passport to Prague print!
I also subscibed to your newsletter!
I already subscribe to your weekly newsletter and I LOVE it!
Brandy king
I nowsubscribe
I already like Project Nursery and now like Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!!
Jacqueline Adams
Like you on FB
Tara F.
Follow both on Twitter and tweeted: https://twitter.com/SweetInSAHMnity/status/237926253942931456
sweetpeonies07 at gmail
Lynette Trease
I liked both FB groups and I love the Misted Marseille City Carryall pattern!!
Erin R
I like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook and gave a shout-out on the wall!
sarah gideon
I love love love classically crete!!!!!!
Dianne Webb
Loving Classically Crete in the City Carryall!
New Subscriber – I love Classically Crete!
Pauline perez
I can use the evening in innsbruck city carryall. Perfect for having 2 babies back to back and being in style!
Stacy Garner
Strolling in Saint Germain is my absolute fav!!!!
Laura at Corner House
I love Strolling in Saint Germain.
Corbie Latham
I love Strolling in Saint Germain!
I pinned this bag to my Pinterest board!! http://pinterest.com/pin/33636328437929069/
Katie K.
My favorite pattern is Classically Crete.
<3 Misted Marseille City
Rachel M.R.
Love strolling in saint Germaine city!
Jessica Harris
Liked and commented On both pages oF Facebook! Love classically crete!
Pam Perez
Favorite pattern is Passport to Prague
Jacqueline Adams
Stacy Garner
I am subscribed to newsletter :)
Dianne Webb
I already like PPB on FB and now I “Like” Project Nursery!
Diana G
Like both Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom and left some love on their page.
Classically Crete is my favorite pattern, but they are all gorgeous! I love the City Carryall design!!!
Tammy Hatcher
My favorite pattern is Bavarian city bliss
Jacqueline Adams
Followed both on FB!
Followed both on Twitter!
Kelly Lorandos
Already a fan on facebook. Said hello on your wall
Erin R
Pinned PPB City Carryall on Pinterest! http://pinterest.com/pin/212654413625858419/ and following Project Nursery!
liked both on facebook! I <3 Strolling in St Germain!!
Rebecca S.
Misted Marseille is hands down my fav!!! Fingers crossed.
Pam Perez
I Like Petunia Picklebottom and Project Nursery on Facebook
Kelly Lorandos
Love the Classically Crete City bag pattern!
Katie K.
Subscribed to newsletter
Also tweeted, sorry: https://twitter.com/MommytoElodie/status/237927345086951424 @MommytoElodie
Sarah denny
LOVE PPB!!! Beautiful beautiful bags!!! Never owned one but would sure love to!!! With two kiddos I carry a diaper bag with me everywhere!!! Would love to look chic and in style with my diaper bag instead of like I’m hauling a suitcase ;) LOVE PPB pick me!!!!
Laura at Corner House
I liked both on FB.
Courtney Roybal
I love the misted marseille print! The gray is and hint of yellow is so perfect!
I like the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall
Katelin Klug
So hard to choose just one pattern. I would have to say Evenings in Innsbruck with Misted Marseille as a close second :)
Sarah denny
AlReady a subscriber to your weekly newsletter!!
Jessica Harris
Pinned on pinterest!
I like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook. I love all your patterns and am expecting in November, this bag would be perfect, its practical and sheak!
I like the Early Gray pattern.
Classically create!
Katelin Klug
I like both on facebook!
I LOVE the Classically Crete City Carryall!
Diana G
Following both Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on twitter and tweeted.
And shouted out on your wall! :)
Already subscribed!
I subscribe to your newsletter.
Christine Hackenbruck
I looooove the passport to Prague pattern
LOVE LOVE LOVE the strolling in saint! Gorgeous!
Misted marseille is my favorite!
Oooh classically crete!
Liked both Project Nursery and Petunia PickleBottom on facebook.
Katelin Klug
Following both on twitter!
liked project nursery and petunia on facebook
liked both in fb!
Erin R
Following PPB and Project Nursery on Twitter and tweeted about it!
Diana G
following Project nursery on pinterest. http://pinterest.com/pin/136233957448918689/
Katelin Klug
I subscribed to the newsletter, and I’m excited to start receiving it. I’m new to your site.
Kelly Lorandos
Already follow on pinterest. Here is link
Kelly Lorandos
Already get weekly newsletter!
Erin R
subscribed to the PN newsletter!
I like the Strolling in Saint Germain print!!
Love them all
Diana G
already a subscriber to the Weekly Newsletter
Love the Classically Crete pattern!
subscribed to your newsletter!
Erin Pizur
So cute, Love The Early Grey , :)
Ashley Davies
Such a functional and practical bag. Love it!!
Christine Yorgy
I would have to say Passport to Prague is my fav
I love the classicly crete.
Katelin Klug
http://pinterest.com/pin/136867276146640228/ Pinned the bag and shared the giveaway! :)
Michelle Heasley
Misted Marseille is my favorite with Crete City being a close second. I love this bag so much!
Tressa Laguna
I would love to win the city carryall in saint germain.
subscribed to receive newsletter
“Like” both Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook and gave you a shout out on your wall.
Subscribed to the weekly newsletter! Love this bag!!
Jill Cooper
I love the Strolling in Saint Germain City bag, I love all the colors!
Michelle Heasley
Like both PPB and PN. Gave a shout out on your wall.
Arwen M.
I love the Midnight in Milan! I’m subscribed to PN newsletter, and I gave a shutout on my wall. Pick me!!!
Michelle Heasley
Already a subscriber
Erin T.
I looove them all but i think my favorite is Strolling in Saint Germain!
Angelina Odell
Clasically Crete
Angelina Odell
I liked both of you on facebook!
I love Misted Marseilles!
Jill Cooper
Like both PPB and Project Nursery and commented on your wall!
I love Classicaly Crete!
Courtney Roybal
Gave a shout out on the Facebook walls!
I follow you on pinterest, http://pinterest.com/pin/240872280041186480/
Arwen M.
I’m subscribed to PN.
And I’m a fan of both of Facebook!
Michelle Heasley
subscribed to newsletter
Jill Cooper
Subscribed to your newsletter!
And I subscribed to your newsletter! :)
Arwen M.
I’m a fan of both on FB.
Jennifer Galindez
I love Bavarian Bliss City!!!! It is so beautiful!
Angelina Odell
I subscribed to your weekly newsletter!
Ashley Outland
My favorite pattern from the collection is the Misted Marseille!
Amy C
i love Bavarian Bliss!
Courtney Roybal
Subscribed to newsletter!
LOVE Bavarian Bliss!
I love them all but I would have to go with the strolling in saint Germaine.
Arwen M.
I gave a shout out on my wall.:)
Angelique Cowart
Love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall. I hope to win!! I follow you guys in FB, Twitter and pinterest.
Jillian Paul
I love Misted Marseille!
Jenn Macina
I follow you both on Facebook and left comments
Elisa Webster
I love the Misted Marseille! So cute!
Tammy Hatcher
I subscribed to the project nursery news letter.
I love them all
My favorite pattern is the Classically Crete City!!! The Bavarian Bliss City Carryall comes in a close second though :).
Jillian Paul
I follow PPB and Project Nursery on facebook and left a comment.
Danielle Thompson
Classically Crete is my fave!!
Debi J
My favorites are the Bavarian Bliss or the Classically Crete…really tho I think they are all so cute. :)
Jillian Paul
Subscribed to newsletter!
Amy C
I liked both pages!
Kristen Douglas
Evening in Innsbruck
Amy C
I’m following both on twitter AEC07
Amy C
Elisa Webster
I liked both Project Nursery and PPB on Facebook!
I am an email subscriber!
Megan T
My favorite is Passport to Prague. All of my PPBs are black based so I definitely need a navy base!
Fan of Both on FB (including shout out), and pinned!
Megan Borkowski
I love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall, I so hope I win!!
Jenn Macina
I love love love the Bavarian Bliss pattern!!! It’s hard to find a purple bag that I love!
Kristen Douglas
I like Project Nursery and PPB on Facebook!
Strolling in Saint Germain, is my favorite!
Megan Borkowski
I like you both on facebook!!
Heather DB
I love the Innsbruck..I am a fan of both pages on fb!!
Jenn Macina
I happily signed up for your newsletter! Can’t wait to receive it and start getting more great ideas from you!
Amy C
Subscribe to the newsletter
Kristen Douglas
I’m a subscriber to the weekly newsletter!
Courtney Roybal
Shared a tweet!
Louise Balicki-Smith
I live the totes and the Santiago Sunset pattern is so eye catching! Moms can still stylishly accessorize when carrying baby goods!
Cori M.
I love the Classically Crete! :)
I love misted in marseille !
Megan Borkowski
http://pinterest.com/pin/171347960793579683/ and I follow you on pintrest!!
Ashley Outland
I like Project Nursery & PPB on FB!! :)
Amy Mixer
I adore Misted Marseille! I’m a fan on facebook. :)
Amy S.
I actually love all of Petunia Pickle bottom patterns but my favorite would be the Evening in Innsbruck! I pinned it, liked both on Facebook, and subscribed to PN newsletter! Here is a link to my pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/149111437633457071/
It would be a real toss up for me to choose between “Strolling in Saint Germain” and “Misted Marseilles”!
Megan Borkowski
I am a subscriber!!
My favorite is Classically Crete.
Misted Marseille! It has just enough green to coordinate perfectly with my wardrobe.
Liked Project Nursery on FB and posted as Brookann Eyre Hessing.
Like PPB on FB.
Erin U.
I love Bavarian Bliss! Im a PPB and Project Nursery fan on FB too!
Abby Kuehne
Bavarian Bliss is my favorite!
i love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall
i liked project nursery on Facebook! and i love Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall
Abby Kuehne
Gave a shout out on your facebook page. Love it!
I love the Evening in Innsbruck!
Heather P
I LOVE the Santiago Sunset pattern!
I love Classically Crete
Fran Rainwater
Anything red!! Love them all and could find a way to coordinate with whatever is needed for the day
Adriana Torres
I liked and gave a shout out on fb
Noel Nance
I love classically crete city!!!! and I like PB & project nursery on FB!!
My favorite is strolling in st. Germain
Kelly Hernandez
I like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom.
Natalie B
I think the Santiago Sunset pattern is adorable!
Abby Kuehne
I tweeted about this!
Aubrie Eastman
Absolutely LOVE Misted Marseille!! Would love a CarryAll to match my nursing cover!!
Both pages “liked” on FB!
I am a fan of both on Facebook
Abby Kuehne
I pinned this great bag on my pinterest :) Hope to win.
Following PPB and PN on Twitter and tweeted about it here: https://twitter.com/brooknjas/status/237933944258043904
Jenn Macina
http://pinterest.com/pin/91901648616970221/ and I’m a follower on pinterest!!! I’m obsessed with that site!
Pam Perez
Following @projectnursery and @FollowPetunia and tweeted about it!
Evening in Insbruck
amd now I am a Subscriber to your Weekly Newsletter. In case you forgot i love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall! Thanksss
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter
I am already a subscriber ;)
I love the Strolling in St Germain pattern!
Terri Mathews
I love the Bavarian Bliss City Carryall! :)
Project Nursery Fan on Facebook
Pinned and following on Pinterest!
Jenn Macina
I follow you both on twitter. And I tweeted about it :)
Terri Mathews
Also liked PPB on facebook!
I like classically crete
Petunia Pickle Bottom Facebook fan
Nina Aggarwal
Like PPB and PN on facebook! My favourite print is the misted marseille!!
Like you andPPB on facebook!!
Kelly Hernandez
I LOVE the Classically Crete city carryall.
Subscribed to the Weekly Newsletter.
Lisa engel
I LOVE classically Crete!!! I’m a fan on fb and a subscriber!!
Mei Ling Perkins
My favorite is Bavarian Bliss!!
Melissa Wilson-Rockafield
Barvarian Bliss is my fav!
I liked PPB and project nursery on FB :)
K Samuel
I liked both on Facebook
Tara Brown
I love santiago sunset! I already subscribe to PPB, pun their bags to my Pinterest & will like project nursery on FB!
Nina Aggarwal
subscribe to your newsletter! Favourite print is misted marseille!
Pam Perez
Following on Pinterest and pinned photo http://pinterest.com/pin/182395853629486917/
Misted Marseille <3
Strolling in Saint Germain
Pam Perez
Subscribed to your newsletter!
K Samuel
I like the Bavarian bliss pattern
Already Like Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook, Just like Project Nursery and posted!
My favorite is Evening in Innsbrook!
Like both and posted on your wall
Subscribed to the weekly newsletter
I like PPB and Project Nursery on Facebook and commented on your wall.
Mekenna McGroarty
I LOVE all the patterns, but my fav is Classically Crete. It’s so gorgeous! I’m a facebook fan ;)
I ‘liked’ Project Nursery & PPB on Facebook.
Liked both on facebook!
Kara C.
I LOVE Evening in Innsbruck!
My favorite is DEFINITELY the Classically Crete!
K Samuel
I subscribe TO the newsletter
I love the city carryall in Santiago Sunset! :)
I love all the patterns. Never had a pattern that I haven’t. Love your bags!
Kara C.
Liked PPB and Project Nursery on Facebook! Gave shout outs on the walls too! ;)
Elizabeth C.
I love the St. Germain pattern!
i liked you on facebook as well as PPB!!!!
Katherine R.
I love the Bavarian Bliss print.
i get the newsletters!!
Khristina M
I love the Strolling in Saint Germain pattern!
Elizabeth C.
Jen Persicke
I LOVE the Misted Marseille City Carryall!! Love the neutral gray!
i signed up for a twitter account just so i can make a tweet about you!
Santiago Sunset :)
Karen C.
Liked your page and Petunia’s page!!
Linnea Gerspach
I have liked both on FB & subscribed to your newsletter :)
Karen C.
Left a facebook comment on my wall and your wall!
Jen Persicke
I “liked” Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!
Elizabeth C.
I like both of you on FB.
Jen Persicke
I “Liked” Project Nursery” on FB!
I love the Evening in Innsbruck!!
Heather Silva
I love Strolling in Saint
pinned you guys on ma pinterest account hoot hoot!!! http://pinterest.com/pin/180144053815838645/
Adriana Arias Woodard
Its so difficult to chose a favorite, they are all so lovely..
Vickie Thornton
I like both Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook
Elizabeth C.
Following you both on twitter.
Subscribed to newsletter.
I subscribed to the newsletter!
Lindsay Rubio
I love Evening in Innsbrook.
Elizabeth C.
Jen Persicke
I follow Project Nursery on Pinterest and have pinned one pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/54465476714473174/
Heather Silva
I follow PPB on facebook
Monica Strout
I love the misted marseille pattern!
Kelly Hernandez
I love the Classically Crete city carrryall! Gorgeous!
Katie Turley
I like the Misted Marseille City Carryall
I liked both of facebook! :)
I love Misted Marseille!
Menucha S
Misted Marseille!! Its on my too buy list :) :) but would love to win it!
Melani B.
I love the “Classically Crete City Carryall”!!
Heather Silva
I sub to your newsletter
Karen C.
Following both on Twitter!!! And tweeted!
Kelly Hernandez
I subscribed to your newsletter!
Vickie Thornton
The Classically Crete City Carryall is my favorite pattern.
I like both on Facebook!
K Samuel
Posted on your wall
Jen Persicke
I have subscribed to your newsletter, and I love all the wonderful and modern nursery and baby ideas!!
Strolling in Saint Germain! Love the color!
Karen C.
Each bag is gorgeous – just what a new momma needs to still feel chic! :)
Menucha S
Liked both and gave a shout out on facebook :)
Heather Silva
I follow Project Nursery on fb.
I love the classically Crete! Beautiful!
Karen C.
Subscribed to your newsletter!
Following you on Pinterest and pinned an image here: http://pinterest.com/pin/22306960625353833/
Khristina M
Following on pinterest and posted link for my favorite bag!
I liked both on FB
Talitha Lampman
I liked both on Facebook! Classically crete city carryall is a must have!!!
Vickie Thornton
I Subscribed to your Weekly Newsletter.
Heather Silva
Pinned this on pinterest http://pinterest.com/pin/190980840417748239/
Strolling in St Germain! So pretty!
Liked on FB! :)
Following on pinterest….
Christina Taylor
I like the classically Crete.
I’m torn between classically Crete and earl grey!
Elisa Webster
I subscribed to the newsletter.
Teila Thomsen
I like the Classicly Crete design!!! (on facebook I also liked Project Nursery) PICK ME!
Kacie Boyce
I love them all and it would be perfect for our downtown trip to Carmel coming up. Ps-project nursery is 100% responsible for the adorbleness of my daughters room. All of the yellow/grey nursery ideas really inspired me, THANKS!!!!
Strolling in saint German! Love it :)
Alisa Oconnor
Love the Classically Crete City Carry-all!!
Misted Marseille City is my choice :)
Andrea Webb
Bavarian Bliss! I also “lik” Project Nursery and Petunia Picklebottom on Facebook!
Emily M.
I already subscribe to the newsletter!
Elisa Webster
I am following both Project Nursery and PPB on Twitter.
lacey hoffmann
Liked on Project Nursery on FB
Liked PPB on FB
Sub to news letter
….love Bavarian Bliss City Carryall!
Following you guys & PBB on Twitter and “Liked” you!
Emily M.
I love the Misted Marsaille print!
Alisa Oconnor
Also gave FB likes!! Love the classically crete carry all!! :)
Already a subscriber!
Rachael Cain
Love the misted marseille carry all. Love your website and liked both pages on Facebook!!
Love the Classically Crete pattern! So gender neutral!
I like the Evening in Innsbruck
Liked both on Facebook!
Allison Borg
Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall :-)
Shelby C
I like both on Facebook and I love the Misted Marseille City Carryall!
Wrote on your wall on Facebook!
LOVE Classically Crete!
Both pages LIKED on Facebook!
Elisa Webster
Elisa Webster,
Also tweeted them.
Kristina Rackin
Strolling in Saint Germain is my absolute favorite!!
Marina Burshteyn
I love the classically crete! Gorgeous
Jessica Honeyfield
Classically Crete
Marcellina Daniel
My favorite print is Strolling in St Germain
Jennifer O.
For the love of the Misted Marseille!
Marcellina Daniel
I liked ppb and project nursery on fb and posted on their wall.
Allison Borg
I liked Project Nursery on FB!
Allison Borg
I liked Petunia on FB!!!
I like the Misted Marseille!!
Marina Burshteyn
Facebooked :)
Jennifer O.
A FB fan of both pages and posted some love on both walls. :)
I like both on Facebook!
Allison Borg
I followed you on Pinterest & pinned from this page!!!
Serena Snow
Love the Passport to Prague
I am sIgned up for the newsletter!
Allison Borg
I subscribed to your newsletter!!! :-)
i love the Classically Crete pattern. its light and feels so fresh.
amelia g
I love classically crete!!
My favorite pattern is Misted Marseille. I am already a weekly newletter subscriber!
I “like” PN and Petunia on Facebook!
I really love the Evening in Innsbruck
LIKE both on Facebook
I follow both on twitter and tweeted:)
Serena Snow
I liked project nursery on facebook!
I subscribed to the newsletter
I did a “pin”
I LOVE them all but my favorite would be Evening and Innsbruck.
Serena Snow
I liked Petunia Pickle Bottom on facebook!
hi just “Liked” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook, and gave a shout out on your wall.
Jennifer O.
Twitter fan of both pages and tweeted about the giveaway.
I like Evening in Innsbruck:)
I LOVE classically crete!
Serena Snow
Signed up for the newsletter
I like Petunia pickle bottom and project nursery on facebook!
project nursery pinned, followed, and linked…http://pinterest.com/danyxgirl/
Sevina W.
I love the Bavarian Bliss City Carryall!
Liked Project Nursery on FB and Love the Misted Marseille City!!
I am subscribed to your newsletter an i love the Passport to Prague bag!
Serena Snow
Pinned it!! :-)
Jennifer O.
Following on Pinterest and pinned an image: http://pinterest.com/pin/276267758362457584/
Tina Zelaya
My favorite is Bavarian Bliss. It has me written all over it! :)
Sevina W.
I have liked PPB and Project Nursery on Facebook and have left a comment on both!
Tara F.
Email Subscriber
sweetpeonies07 at gmail
Jennifer King
Love the Passport to Prauge city. Liked PPB and PN page and pinned the bag I like!
Jennifer O.
Just subscribed to the newsletter!
Misted marisielle..hard Choice.beautiful collection!
My fave is Classically Crete!
Sevina W.
I pinned on Pinterest and here is the link:
Courtney Wynn
The Misted Marseille is gorgeous..
Melanie Shaw
I love the Santiago Sunset! It’s so cute!!
I love strolling in st germain!! ;)
Sevina W.
I subscribed to your Weekly Newsletter! Thank you!
Weekly subscriber!
Andrea Albright
I’m totally in LOVE with the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall!!! Love the classic, stylish color with the fabulous pop of gold!!
Classically Crete is my favorite
Andrea Albright
Liked PPB & Project Nursery on Facebook
Like both pages and gave a shout out!
Love the Bavarian Bliss!
Marybeth Maxwell
I would LOVE one of your bags! I will be a follower for a looong time! ;)
Melanie Shaw
I liked on Facebook and left a comment!!
I liked project nursery and left a shout out
Courtney Wynn
I liked and comment on Project Nursery’s page and I liked Petunia’s page.
Melanie Shaw
Added to Pinterest- It’s just such an awesome bag!
Classically Crete is my favorite new pattern
Keisha H
I like Project Nursery & Petunia Pickle Bottom on fb.
Christina P
My favorite is the Misted Marseille City Carryall, thanks!
Shirley G
I love the Misted Marseille City Carryall.
Tina Zelaya
Liked both on FB and posted on both pages!
I followed on Pinterest. Here is the link to where I pinned: http://pinterest.com/misnboyz/items-i-m-diggin/
I love the Strolling in St Germain City!
Christina P
I Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook
Christina P
I’m an email subscriber!
Marybeth Maxwell
THis Pinboard is AMAZING!
Courtney Wynn
I followed Project Nursery and sent out a tweet about this contest.
Ashley Andrews
Pinned on pinterest:
Marybeth Maxwell
Signed up for the newsletter!
Bernice Madsen
i love the Santiago Sunset pattern.
Erika Castro
Love the Evening in Innsbruck. :)
Courtney Wynn
I followed Petunia’s twitter page (@ceswynn)
Gina G
It’s a tie between Evening in Innsbruck and Bavarian Bliss. Such a great bag!
My favorite is the Misted Marseille City Carryall. Thanks!
Nice so posh
I liked Petunia Pickle Bottom and Project Nursery on FB. Thanks!
Bernice Madsen
i like both Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on facebook!
Christina P
I like the Misted Marseille.
Ashley Andrews
I love the Passport to Prague style and the Classically Crete style, I cannot decide which one I love more!
Keisha H
I like the Evening in Innsbruck patter best!
Ashley Andrews
I like PPB and Project nursery on facebook!
They are all nice, but I like either the Classically Crete or the Strolling in Saint Germain
Melodie Scott
I love the Classically Crete the best!!
Liked on FB!
Marybeth Maxwell
Now my pinterest boards are full of Petunia and Project Nursery!
Vanessa L.
Love the Saint Germain pattern! What a great contest! Thanks for the opportunity to win a great bag!
Marybeth Maxwell
Liked on FB and on PPB!
Teresa Gomez
I love them all but Evening in Innsbruck & classically Crete a bit more!!
Teresa Gomez
Extra entry liked on FB & already a fan of PPB <3
Celina Tillero
I think I already “like”d both pages :)
Mary Fugh
Soooo pretty. I have been wanting Petunia Pickle for a while now. This would be awesome to win. What a great city carry all. It is beautiful.
Krizia Thomas
My favorite carry all design is the Misted Marseille, its adorable for me and my husband would be ok carrying it if he had to :)
Tweeted and following both!
Erin M.
Misted Marseille and Santiago Sunset are both gorgeous!
Celina Tillero
I can’t decide between Strolling in St. Germain and Frolicking in Fez :)
I love the Classically Crete City Carryall. Such a pretty color!
Krizia Thomas
I am a like project nursery and petunia pickle bottom on fb and I posted on your fb wall.
Erin M.
I ‘Like’ both Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB.
I LOVE Evening in Innsbruck!
Erin M.
Following both on twitter! Wahoo!
Erin M.
Following on Pinterest. Let the pinning begin!
I love the Strolling in St Germain city carry all! :)
Melodie Scott
On Pinterest!! http://pinterest.com/pin/190980840419103722/
Erin M.
Signed up for the newsletter. Looking forward to receiving it!
Melodie Scott
I signed up for the Newsletter!
Melodie Scott
Left a shoutout on facebook!
Jodie moeller
My absolute favorite is Bavarian Bliss! It’s so new and different. I’m a grandmother but I do have to carry a diaper bag. My granddaughter goes everywhere with me! Long before she arrived I gave PP bags as gifts. I’ve been a fan for years!
Follow and pin on Pinterest no website shows up so not sure how To post that but it’s under in my dreams board :)
Adrienne Lenz
Passport to Prague
Krizia Thomas
I follow pn on pinterest and i pinned petunia. http://pinterest.com/pin/218987600602007544/
Subscribed to newsletter
Julianne J
Thanks for the Giveaway! My favorite is Classically Crete.
I “like” Project Nursery & PPB on FB. :)
Liked on Facebook and left a comment
Julianne J
I am a fan of both on Facebook and I left a comment.
I like the Passport to Prague City print!
rachel luhrsen
i like ppb on facebook!
rachel luhrsen
classically crete is my fave, but all are so pretty.
Favorite is misted marseille ! Love that pattern on all thir bags :)
Julianne J
I follow both on Twitter and I tweeted you!
I follow project nursery on pinterest and I pinned an image from this post here http://pinterest.com/kortniejo/for-kids/
Liked and left you a shout on facebook! :)
Teresa Gomez
Subscribed to your weekly newsletter for extra entry.
rachel luhrsen
i like project nursery on fb now and posted to your wall!
Tara F.
Pinned both images from this post. http://pinterest.com/SweetPeonies07/pregnancy/
sweetpeonies07 at gmail
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter with my email of tartntiny5402@gmail.com
Melanie Greer
I love the Misted Marseille! It would go with everything :)
I am following you and PPB on twitter and tweeted how neat your website is!
Julianne J
I signed up for the Newsletter!
rachel luhrsen
following you guys on pinterest… here’s my latest pin!
I commented, tweeted, liked, and followed!! Love PPB
Courtney Wynn
Subscribed and following on Pinterest (kitkat4me)
My favorite is classically crete
Pinned to my board “one day” :)
Melanie Greer
I liked you on facebook and posted on your wall!
http://m.pinterest.com/pin/104145810103868760/ following on pinterest and pinned!!
Michelle Irby
I love the http://www.petunia.com/bags/city-carryall/passport-to-prague-city-carryall. Absolutely, beautiful;)
Sara Roth
I just liked you on FB and posted on your wall.
Michelle Irby
I pinned the contest on Pinterest at Michelle Irby on Pinterest
I am a subscriber to your weekly newsletter
Michelle Irby
http://www.petunia.com/bags/city-carryall/strolling-in-saint-germain-city-carryall, absolutely beautiful;)
Michelle Irby
I liked Project Nursery on FB
Michelle Irby
I liked Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB
I love Strolling in St Germain!
Janelle Johnson
LOVE the Strolling in Saint Germain…a nice pop if red!
Love the Bavarian Bliss print! So chic!
Paige Dye
I love Bavarian Bliss! I would love to use it for my new baby girl!
Brittany Holeman
Im loving the blooming begoina for the fall collection- its beautiful!
Marina Burshteyn
pinned. http://pinterest.com/pin/504684701961698823/
Liked PN and already liked PPB on fb!
I like Evening in Innsbruck
Already a subscriber to PN weekly newsletter!
Marina Burshteyn Gelnak
Pined http://pinterest.com/pin/504684701961698823/
I love you both – follow you both on Facebook and twitter and pinterest!!
Passport to Prague!
I love all the bags, so hard to choose one favorite design!
I also followed on facebook!
Found you on twitter too!
Keeping up with new ideas with the newsletter!
Marsha Smith
I like Santiago Sunset!
Lastly, added the lovely bag to my Pintrest Registry must haves!
Michelle Irby
I subscribed to Project Nursery’s newsletter lovelychelley@yahoo.com
My favorite is the Classically Crete. And Evening in Innsbruck is definitely a close second.
And I “liked” you on FB
Maria Gilbert
I love the Classically Crete City Carryall!! I love the blues and greys!!
I love classically crete!
I liked project nursery on fb.
I liked petunia pickle bottom on fb.
Maria Gilbert
I like Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!!
Classically Crete is my favorite.
Can’t decide. Love them all!
Strolling in Saint Germain catches my eye. Love it!
Tirzah Shirley
I love the Misted Marseille City Carryall.
I liked both Project Nursery and Petunia Picklebottom on FB!
I love the strolling in St. Germain!!!
michele h
I love Strolling in St Germain! The reds are fabulous.
I pinned! http://pinterest.com/pin/236368680413770640/
michele h
I liked PN and PPB on fb :)
Liked project nursery on fb
Jen M.
“liked” Project Nursery and PPB, and left a comment.
michele h
I am now following both PN and PPB on Twitter. Even composed my first tweet about you!
michele h
Also following you on pinterest now and pinned some cute things for my boys’ room. http://pinterest.com/michelefh/
Jen M.
Followed both on twitter, and tweeted about the givaway :)
michele h
And yup, signed up for the newslettter!
Janelle Johnson
Liked and commented on both FB pages
I pinned it
Jen M.
Followed, and pinned! http://pinterest.com/pin/80501912060295198/
Jessica O'Malley
Liked both Petunia Picklebottom and Project nursery on facebook! :) Love you guys <3
i really like adoring autumn or delight dahlia. :)
Jen M.
Subscribed to your newsletter! Thanks for the chance to win :)
Signed up for the newsletter.
gave a shout out on your fb page!
Erin LaBarge
I love the Classically Crete City Carryall!
Jessica O'Malley
Jessica O’Malley,
oh, and commented on both walls :)
Jen M.
I love the Classically Crete!! I would love to win this bag! My husband spilled milk in my brocade roll boxy and just threw it into the washing machine :( totally ruined! I really, really need a replacement!!
sarah latchaw
I love strolling in st germain. It will go perfect with my stroller for my two week old.
Tina Zelaya
Following Project Nursery and PPB on twitter and retweeted contest. @TinaZelaya. :)
Andrea M
I am loving the Classically Crete City Carryall! It is definitely my favorite of these!
i can never decide between “classically crete” and “strolling the streets of saint germain”! been mulling this over since the bags were released and they’re both just so great.
following both on twitter and tweeted about it. https://twitter.com/lesley_leigh/status/237970672133996545
Love Passport to Prague City Carryall!
Tonya E Hopkins
“Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook as Tonya Extine Hopkins and gave shout out
Andrea M
“Liked” you on FB (and “Like” Petunia Pickle Bottom)!! Also commented on your wall! (Classically Crete, please ; )
Tonya E Hopkins
. Follow Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter as @TonyaHopkins85
subscribed to weekly newsletter.
Tonya E Hopkins
Follow Project Nursery and “pinned” Petunia Pickle Bottom image
Tonya E Hopkins
Subscribe to Weekly Newsletter
pinned! http://pinterest.com/pin/152911349819047945/
Tonya E Hopkins
The Bavarian Bliss City Carryall
Tonya E Hopkins
Tonya E Hopkins,
Mandatory comment it #1768
Andrea M
Subscribed to your Newsletter!
(Woo hoo for another entry! Still rooting for Classically Crete!)
I love the Classically Crete bag.
Jeanette D
Love the Strolling in Saint Germain with its bold red print!
Natalie Broderick
I love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall the most!!! They are all so beautiful it’s hard to decide!!
Jeanette D
I “liked” Project Nursery and long ago “liked” Petunia Picklebottom on FB!! Left my comments today.
Courtney Bardney
Lively La Paz
Natalie Broderick
Liked both pages on Facebook!
Natalie Broderick
Following both on Twitter and Tweeted!
Natalie Broderick
Followed you on Pinterest and pinned!!
Natalie Broderick
Followed on Pinterest and pinned, (forgot the link in the last comment) http://pinterest.com/pin/159103799306723625/
Tina Zelaya
I must admit I am not the best at pinning. Here is my link: http://m.pinterest.com/latina8ngel/baby/
June Jones
My favorite is Classically Crete.
Natalie Broderick
I subscribe to your newsletter!
Amy S.
Tough choice, but I’m going with Misted Marseilles. :)
Jennifer Keister
Classically Crete!
Jennifer Keister
Signed up for newsletter
Tina Zelaya
Last on the list…I have subscribed to your weekly newsletter! Username is minimaya. :)
I love the Passport To Prague pattern. So chic!
Jennifer Keister
I like both fb pages
Shiloh O'Rourke
Bavarian Bliss:) “like” on fb:)
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter too.
diana may
st germain..but honestly there isn’t one I don’t love!
Katrina Scott
Liked both on Fb and wrote on the wall!!
Kelly Zirillo
i can’t pick just one! midnight in milan- violet sapphire- bavarian bliss! ahh, they’re all so pretty!
Kelly Zirillo
commented on both walls :)
Kelly Zirillo
http://pinterest.com/pin/216524694555659805/ pinned it!
Kelly Zirillo
following on twitter and tweeted!
Kelly Zirillo
already subscribed :)
I followed you and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter and tweeted…I have been eyeing the red St. Germain
I love my boxy back pack diaper bag. Not only does it fill my needs now, it will be ther for my daughter to use for sleep overs and other activities.
Pinned it
Katrina Scott
Not usually even a big fan of red but i absolutly love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall!!
Else Cole
Bavarian Bliss City Carryall is the prettiest!!
Katrina Scott
Subscribed to your newsletter!!
Stephanie Ware
I must say I LOVE the Classically Crete pattern. So basic and beautiful!
I absolutely love Strolling in Saint. Red is fabulous!!!
Ashley G
Love the classically Crete and love your site
Laura Maya
I love strolling in saint germain!
Laura M
Liked PPB on facebook.
Laura M
Liked project nursery on facebook.
Ashley G
I like both you and ppb on facebook
Vanessa Cochran
I love Strolling in Saint
Annie Longnecker
Truely love the reds in Strolling in Saint Germain print and the design of the City Carryall is everything I’ve been looking for! Love PPB!
Ashley G
I suscribed to your newsletter
Laura M
SuBscribed to your newsletter.
Jovon Y
Strolling in saint Germain is beautiful
Annie Longnecker
Just FB “liked” Project Nursery; found and liked PPB long ago!
Vanessa Cochran
I like Project Nursery and PPB on Facebook.
Marisol Hernandez
i love love love the classically crete! can i have one please?
Vanessa Cochran
Pinned it! http://pinterest.com/junebuggrace/everything-pretty/
Jennifer Valadez
Saint Germaine is beautiful
Krista Haws
I love the Classically Crete pattern!
Krista Haws
I “liked” the nursery project on Facebook as well
Krista Haws
Lastly, I pinned it on Pinterest! Here is the link- http://pinterest.com/pin/271623421246697592/
Dana Pechar
I love the Classically Crete Boxy Backpack. It’s perfect for me and it fits the needs of my twin boys!
I followed and Tweeted regarding Project Nursery and Putunia Pickle Bottom.
Kenya Juarez
Hello, thanks for making these giveaway, hope to be the lucky girl!, good luck everyone! .. My favorite city carryall pattern is…. Bavarian Bliss :) , so chic!
Andrea M
Pinned! (Now following Project Nursery on Pinterest and starting the fun of pinning your cute nursery ideas!) link: http://pinterest.com/saffraun/project-nursery/
I like Bavarian bliss. Love it!
I love the Black forest cake carryall!
I like project nursery on FB!
Jacqueline Poe
I love the Classically Crete City Carryall, its just beautiful!
I like PPB on FB!
I follow PPB on Twitter!
I like Project Nursery on Twitter!
Jacqueline Poe
Pinned it and now everyone knows how Fab this bag is :)
Jacqueline Poe
Facebooked it gotta love Project Nursery,what a great give away
I liked Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook. I followed Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter. Here’s my pin from Pinterest:
and subscribed to weekly newsleter. Thanks!
Jacqueline Poe
Just liked Project nursey on FB, already follow PPB
Jacqueline Poe
Just subscribed to Project Nursery! :)
LOVE the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall!!!
I love the Petunia Pickle Bottom City Carryall in Strolling in Saint Germain!
I just subscribed to the Project Nursery weekly newsletter!
I “like” Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook :)
I “like” Project Nursery on Facebook :)
I am following Project Nursery on Twitter!
Haley Weiner
Strolling in Saint Germain city carryall is fabulous!!!!!
I am following Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter!
Kari Kubanet
I liked your Facebook page, and PPB’s!
I pinned this super cute Petunia Pickle Bottom bag to my page on Pinterest (and am following Project Nursery on Pinterest as well) http://pinterest.com/pin/89860955035854990/
Kari Kubanet
I love the Misted Marseille City pattern <3
Kari Kubanet
I subscribed to your newsletter!
Kari Kubanet
I’m following you on Pinterest :)
My favorite is strolling in st Germaine! Love them all though!
Kari Kubanet
Here’s my pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/168885054747401433/
Hope I win – would love one of these bags :)
kristen g
Love the Classically Crete!
I love your Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall. I like both PPB & PN on facebook, while i am already a subscriber.
Really love Passport to Prague!
I subscribe
Garlia Cornelia Jones-Ly
I’ve like and commented on Facebook pages- I follow on twitter and mentioned! I hope 3rd time’s the charm! Love the products!! <3
Classically Crete and evening in innsbrook
Christina P
Classically Crete is my favorite pattern, but I love all of them!
Aurelia Jeanmarie
Like both Petunia Pickle Bottom and Project Nursery.
Aurelia Jeanmarie
Pinned and following Project Nursery on Pinterest!
Aurelia Jeanmarie
While I love all patterns, Germain City Carryall, has got to be my favorite!! Bright and bold!
Misted marseille is so gorgeous! I love this bag!
jodie moelle
Liked your pages and have you on Pintrest, months ago. Signed up for the newsletter on both PP and Project Nursery. Bavarian Bliss is my very favorite. Carry a diaper bag for my granddaughter. This one is so pretty and girly and very stylish!
Aurelia Jeanmarie
Subscribed to newsletter! :)
Courtney Sanders
I really love the Misted Marseille City Carryall!
Courtney Sanders
I “liked” Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook!
Courtney Sanders
I liked Project Nursery on Facebook!
Jamie Hodges
I like PPB and Project Nursery on FB as well as pinning my favorite bag on pinterest. I also am following PPB on pinterest.
I am a liker on fb!
I like project nursery on fb!
I follow project nursery on pinterest!
Lindsey Smith
Misted Marseille is my favorite!!! Would love to have one of these bags!
I subscribed to the project nursery newsletter…ooh, I’d really love to win this!
Lindsey Smith
I like Project Nursery on Facebook!
Lindsey Smith
I follow Project Nursery on Pinterest
Lindsey Smith
I like Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB!
Khristina M
Just liked you (already liked petunia picklebottom!) on facebook, and shouted out on your wall!
Khristina M
subscribed to newsletter!
Nicole U
I love the Santiago Sunset City Carryall!
Nicole U
I “Like” Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook and commented on your wall.
Nicole U
I subscribed to the newsletter.
I love Santiago Sunset!! So pretty!
Kayla Olson
Spiced Crimson Roll is my favorite pattern.
I love the Classically Crete pattern!!! Gorgeous!
I liked Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook
Definitely added this bag to my board on Pinterest under my baby’s style!
I am also now a member to receive your weekly newsletters… so far after exploring your site, I love it!
Misted Marseille Yes Please!
Angela A.
I would love to be blessed with the this giveaway! I really like the Evening in Innsbruck pattern.
Janet S.
Bavarian Bliss is my favorite!
Tamara Holmes
followed you on pinterest and pinned picture on my board. link is http://pinterest.com/tamaralholmes/
Love the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall
Tamara Holmes
Liked you on facebook, already like Petunia.
I like Project Nursery and PPB on Facebook and gave you a shout out on your wall!
Tamara Holmes
Subscribed to your news letter! Excited about it!
I love the Strolling in St. Germain print!
Tamara Holmes
Hard to choose, but my fav design would be Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall. Thanks for the chances to enter!
Caitlin Groover
I did all of the above :) Love PPB
I LOVE the Santiago Sunset City Carryall. I am also liking you on Facebook!
jenni n
I love Evening in Innsbrook
love the classically crete print!
Kara Wassman
I love the Evening in Innsbrook pattern!
Kara Wassman
I “Like” PPB and Project Nursery on Facebook and gave you some love on your wall :)
I love evening innsbruck pattern!
I like the evening in Innsbruck design. It looks very elegant
I liked both pages!
I’m Following both pages!
Kyndal Mondragon
I love the Evening in Innsbrook! I already like PPB now I just like Project Nursery page! Please pick me! :)
I signed up
The newsletter!
Kara Wassman
Following you on Pinterest. Check out my pin:
Michelle L.
I like Project Nursery and PPB on facebook. I have a hard time picking the pattern thats my favorite.. .But I really love Evening in Innsbruck :) Great product !
An Ryn
Following on facebook, absolutely adore Petunia Picklebottom and Project Nursery! Any pattern is timeless!
Bonnie Gommel
My favorite print is Strolling in Saint Germaine!!
I <3 PPB! I like them on fB & Pinterest as well as subscribe to your newsletter!
Ashley Outland
I follow both on Twitter & I tweeted about it!!
Tweet link: https://twitter.com/AshleyOutland/status/238054955058098176
Ashley Outland
I follow on Pinterest & pinned a photo!!
Ashley Outland
I subscribed to the weekly newsletter!! :)
Lyndsey D.
Classically Crete is my fav.
Miranda Welle
I like the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall
Miranda Welle
Following you both on Twitter.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/4649miranda/status/238063553670696960
Miranda Welle
Like you both on Facebook!
Miranda Welle
Already a newsletter subscriber!
Thanks for the chance!
Jana Brya
LOVE THIS BAG!!! Adore all the patterns but Santiago Sunset City is my favorite, so colorful and awesome!! :)
lucia higgins
I love Evening in Innsbrook
Monica Rawhouser
I love the the Misted Marseille and I liked Project Nursery on FB!
RuthMarie Lewis
I love the Santiago Sunset pattern! So bright and cheerful!
Joan Siegel
My favorite pattern is the Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall! Would love to win!
Joan Siegel
Liked Project Nursery and gave a shout out!
Amy moia
I already liked you a year ago!
Joan Siegel
Liked Petunia Pickle Bottom and gave a shoutout!
Amy moia
I liked PPB on FB ages ago!
lucia higgins
1. “Like” Project Nursery
lucia higgins
1. “Like” Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook,
Joan Siegel
Subscribed to your weekly newsletter!
lucia higgins
Already a subscriber to newsletter
Amy moia
I love The Saint Germain best, but they are all pretty!
lucia higgins
2. Follow Project Nursery on Twitter, tweet about it and tell us you did with a comment below
lucia higgins
already following petunia on twitter
lucia higgins
Enteries all done! 5 bonus for me!
Amy moia
I subscribed to your newsletter a long time ago!
Lizabeth Olivier
Liked Project Nursery & Pentunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook
Lizabeth Olivier
Following Project Nursery & Petunia Pickle Bottom on Twitter
Lizabeth Olivier
Lizabeth Olivier
I’m a subscriber to the weekly newsletter
Brittanie Lunt
I am loving the new Midnight in Milan pattern!
I’ve subscriber to the weekly newsletter
Brittanie Lunt
I like Project Nursery & Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook.
Allie Ebner
I love misted marseille!
Allie Ebner
I liked PPB on Facebook
Allie Ebner
I subscribed to the weekly newsletter
Allie Ebner
I liked project nursery On Facebook
Karyn Franz
Santiago Sunset…I love it!
I love Classically Crete!
Evening in Innsbruck is my favorite, but Strolling in Saint Germain is a very close second!
My fav is the classically crete. This would be so wonderful for my first new born.
Bavarian Bliss all the way! Love it
I like both Project Nursery AND Petunia Pickle Bottom on FB and left a shout on your wall :)
Jennifer Brody
Love the Misted Marseille City Caryall. Also love the Midnight in Milan pattern.
Jennifer Brody
I liked your page and gave you a shout out on your wall.
Jennifer Brody
I am following you on Pinterest and pinned some Petunia Pickle Bottom photos.
Jennifer Brody
I subscribed to your newsletter.
I love love love the classically Crete!
Katie Pollert
I love Bavarian Bliss!
I LOVE the Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall!!
Lisa L
My fave is the beautiful Misted Marseille pattern
Lisa L
I’m a subscriber
Ashley Thompson
They are all so cute, but my favorite is the Misted Marsielle
Ashley Thompson
I liked you and gave you a shout out!
Ashley Thompson
here is a link to my pinterest account…http://pinterest.com/pin/87046205268791645/
Ashley Thompson
im a subscriber
Amanda Bradley
I Liked Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on Facebook, and I gave you a shout out.
I am already a weeky subscriber. Love either style!
Kathryn Perkins
I like both on FB and gave you a shoutout!
Amanda Bradley
I Tweeted about the giveaway.
Kelly lEe
I like project nursery on facebook
Santiago Sunset!
alene conner
love strolling in saint germain
Love love love Classically Crete!
I subscribe!
alene conner
liked ppb & pn on facebook! also a signed up for the weekly newsletter!
Piper Leigh
Liked and commented on both FB pages!
Kathryn Perkins
I follow both on Twitter & tweeted about it! :) @itskatperkins
Piper Leigh
Following both on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway! :)
Karah Johnston
Evening in Innsbruck~My Fave!!
Elena Pesantes
I love the Classically Crete bag, beautiful colors! <3
Kris VB
Misted Marseille City would be my top pick, maybe! They are all so great I had a hard time choosing!
Kathryn Perkins
I pinned on Pinterest!
love it all…
I love the Classic Crete pattern!
Karah Johnston
Liked and posted @ Project Nursery
Kathryn Perkins
I already subscribe to you guys!
Simone Graham
I like the St. Germain pattern!
Simone Graham
I follow on FB (both, you and PPB)
Piper Leigh
Classically Crete Boxy Backpack is my favorite! :)
Kris VB
Gave yall a facebook shout out!!
I am a subscriber to the weekly newsletter.
I love the strolling in saint Germain :)
brittany z davis
Love the Misted Marseille City
Tasha Phillips
I am leaning towards Evening in Innsbruck, BUT, the Strolling in Saint Germain is call to my “wild” with the vibrant colors!
Amy Lorentz
I love this in classically Crete:)
brittany z davis
Jolene Adams
The Bavarian Bliss is precious!!
nikki loehr
Loving the…Misted Marseille City Carryall
I love the Classically Crete City Carryall! Thanks for the chance!
Kris VB
Follow yall on PINTEREST. Link to PPB pin, http://pinterest.com/pin/246501779575334723/
Karah Johnston
Subscribed to your Newsletter
Camille W
Saint Germain is my favorite!
Elena Pesantes
Liked both Pet
nikki loehr
liked you and PP on Facebook
Camille W
I like Project Nursery and PPB on FB!
Vicki L
Strolling in Saint Germain, yes please!
Samantha Clark
Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall is a definite favourite!
Meg A
They are all so pretty, but I’d have to choose Evening in Innsbruck.
Ari dick
Liked you on Facebook :)
Amanda Tokarz
Who doesn’t love the Classically Crete…that’s my favorite!
Vivian Sun
I follow Project Nursery and PPB on FB
Of course I already liked Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle bottom on face book ;)
Meg A
I am now following Project Nursery and Petunia Pickle Bottom on facebook.
Ari dick
Liked PPB on Facebook, love Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall pattern :)
Helen Silverman
I love Strolling in St. Germain!! I like & follow Project Nusery on Facebook!
Vivian Sun
Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall looks awesome
I pinned a picture of the city carryall from this page to my pinterest at pinterest.com/jesselainegray/
brittany z davis
My pintrest acct http://pinterest.com/pin/100557004150848495/
Elena Pesantes
Liked both Petunia Pickle Bottom & Project Nursery on Facebook.
Maira Hasan
V cute! Would love this.
Kimberly Maxon
Elena Pesantes
Elena Pesantes,
Elena Pesantes,
Comment 2032 is mine, so sorry about this incomplete comment!
Elizabeth P.
I like Evening in Innsbruck!
michelle moss
Plum Tart Cake
Meg A
Following Project Nursery + Project Junior on pinterest. Pinned the giveaway: http://pinterest.com/pin/276689970827453727/
Vivian Sun
Tweeted the giveaway. Also follow Project Nursery and PPB on twitter
Evening in Innsbruck City Carryall is perfect. It can go with anything.
Vivian Sun
Already a newsletter subscriber!
Kimberly Maxon
I LOVE the pop of color that the “strolling-in-saint-germain-city-carryall” has! Adorable!!
Cate Brechko
Strolling in St Germain, perfect for fall!
brittany z davis
Getting the newsletter
Meg A
I am now subscribed to the newsletter.
Jen juarez
Following! Love!!
I love frolicking in fez!
Cate Brechko
Liked both PN & PPB
I want the Passport to Prague Carryall so badly!!! Love it! I am already a newsletter subscriber, I check Project Nursery everyday for inspiration, recommend it to all my friends (pregnant and non pregnant), pin it on Pinterest, follow it on Facebook, etc. I’m a big fan and a big fan of Petunia’s. My comment on Petunia Facebook page: “I’m in love with Passport to Prague City Carryall. The design is gorgeous, the pattern is vintage and modern at the same time. The material, I`m sure, is amazing, like anything by Petunia. Not only that: my husband wouldn’t mind carrying this bag, which is an important issue! And the name “Passport to Prague”…well, what else can I say? The perfect destination. Perfect carryall bag! I really want to own it and I’m excited about this giveaway”.
Michelle K.
I love the Misted Marseille City. I already liked Petunia Pickle Bottom & Project Nursery on FB. I pinned on Pinterest and I am already subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks for this giveaway!!! I would love to own this bag and tell everyone where I got it from!! Thanks!!
Elizabeth P.
I’m a newsletter subscriber.
Sandy R
I like the Evening in Innsbruck pattern
Amanda Tokarz
I’m a subscriber all ready!
Elena Pesantes
Subscribed to the newsletter! Wasn’t sure if we were only suppose to comment to mention if we were already subscribed.
Jen juarez
I love the Bavarian bliss!
Jocelyn Proctor
strolling-in-saint germain city carryall is so beautiful and colorful!
Cate Brechko
Subscribed to the newsletter!
Amanda Tokarz
Amanda Tokarz,
I am also a subscriber!
michelle moss
Elena Pesantes,
I’m subscriber all ready
Elizabeth P.
I follow both on twitter and tweeted https://twitter.com/babypyo/status/238107110737588224
Evening in Innsbruck city carryall…love
Rachael Cain
I love the misted marseille carry all.
tammy hardey
already liked both on fb, and gave a shout out on fb!
Karina Lee
i like the Misted Marseille print
I like the bavarian bliss
Karina Lee
i like BOTH on twitter and tweeted
Karina Lee
i like BOTH pages on facebook
tammy hardey
suscribed to newsletter!!
Karina Lee
I pinned
Shalene Starr
My favorite is Strolling in Saint Germain.
tammy hardey
pinning on pinterest
I’m a subscriber!
Janelle Wolfe
I love Evening in Innsbruck!
Belinda James
I love the “Evening in Innsbruck” print! It’s gorgeous!
Janelle Wolfe
I liked and shouted out at yours and Petunia’s walls :)
Belinda James
I liked Petunia Picklebotom on facebook! :)
Angela T
I love the classically crete!
Belinda James
I already like Project Nursery on facebook…
already a subscriber!
Janelle Wolfe
@nurselobo tweeted about this fabulous giveaway!
also a FB liker too!
Belinda James
I already subscribe to the Project Nursery weekly email… love it!
Destiny Gurley
Strolling in Saint Germain 4 sure!!! I love a bag in great colors!
Love the Evening in Innsbruck!
Jessica Hoffman
Love the Bavarian bliss.
Followed both on Twitter!
Jessica Hoffman
Also liked on Facebook. :)
Janelle Wolfe
All pinned up for you. :) http://pinterest.com/pin/115123334195632763/
And tweeted :)
Leeanna H.
I love Classically Crete!
Holly Thomas
I subscribed to your weekly letters and am follwing both on twitter. I love INNSTRUCK!
Subscribed to the weekly newsletter!
I liked both on Facebook and gave shout out!
I am a subscriber :-)
I pinned http://pinterest.com/pin/13370130114761061/
I love the Bavarian Bliss and much more!!!!
Love the Santiago Sunset pattern, so happy and colorful!
I subscribe to your newsletter
Elaine S.
I like the Bavarian Bliss!
Elaine S.
i already like you guys on facebook!
Deana Zvara
Evening in Innsbruck!
Kim Smith
strolling-in-saint germain is my favorite!!!!
Santiago Sunset carryall. Oh man, they are all so cute.
Brittany Newell
I would love to win the classically Crete pattern! Thank you for your stunning designs!
All are beautiful. Would love to win anything from the “original” collection.
Sarah Alicea
LOVE the Classically Crete!!! Matches well with my new 2month old baby boy!!!
Love the strolling in saint!
Ariana Brown
Love the Evening in Innsbruck!
Brooke Manning
Liked petunia pickle bottom on fb
Brooke Manning
Liked project nursery on fb
Brooke Manning
I am a subscriber!
Amy Napier
Evening in Innsbruck is my favorite!!!! I have always wanted a Petunia Pickle Bottom Bag!!
Brooke Manning
I love the Misted marseIlle!!!
Amy Napier
I am already a Subscriber!
Andrea Smetona
LOVE the entire collection, but the “Strolling in Saint Germain” really popped out at me. We are expecting our first little one this September and I have yet to find a bag I truly love and is functional as well. This is definitely a fashion must-have for all mommies. The color is perfect for fall too!
Andrea Smetona
Saint Germain!
Andrea Smetona
Was already a fan of Project Nursery on Facebook, but liked Petunia Pickle Bottom AND posted a comment. :)
Andrea Smetona
Am now a subscriber… don’t know why I wasn’t already! Love you gals!
Jennifer Hastings
I LOVE the strolling in Saint Germain!
Jennifer Hastings
Am now a fan on facebook.
Andrea Smetona
Twittered it up! :)
Already “like” project nursery on facebook :)
I love the strolling in st germain print! Fabulous :)
I love the Classically Crete design!
Subscriber already
Love Classically Crete
“liked” project nursery and ppb on Facebook :)
Christine Hingst
The “Strolling in St. Germaine” is definitely my favorite!
I’m also a newsletter subscriber!
Maria Alejandre
Classically Crete is amazing! I also Like PPB and Project Nursey :)
I love Evening in Innsbrook!!
Love the strolling in saint Germaine. Beautiful!
Liked both on facebook
Following project nursery on facebook name is bella dolce
followed on pinterst
subscribed to weekly newsletter
Following petunia pickle bottom n facebook name is bella dolce
Following project nursery on twitter, name is nutella1
Following petunia pickle bottom on twitter, name is nutella1
Acck! Had to correct email fom previous posts and I pinned this giveaway on pinterest, name is nutella1
Already subscribed to newsletter
Liked Project Nursery on Facebook
Tiffany Long
Liked Petunia Pickle bottom on Facebook
Tiffany Long
followed twitter for Project Nursery and Petunia Picklebottom
Tiffany Long
Twittered about Project Nursery and PPP @tiflong:twitter
Tiffany Long
Following Project Nursery on Pintrest
Sarah Jane Era
Strolling in Saint Germain City Carryall
Classically Crete City is gorgeous!
Classically Crete City is gorgeous!
MIsted Marsielle is my fav!
Kristin Saulsbury
The wait is finally over, we have a winner! Congrats to Dominique (comment #1676) for being this week’s winner! Congrats Dominique and thank you to everyone who enter!
Yay so excited…thanks for having this giveaway!! :)
Amandra K
I love the Casbah Nights pattern.
Amandra K
I like PPB and PN on Facebook.
Amandra K
I subscribe to the newsletter.