Most of my days feel like a marathon with a sprint from start to finish. My alarm sounds at 6am, and it’s immediately go-time. There are pancakes or eggs or cereal (reserved for lazy mornings) to be served, lunches to be packed and coffee to be brewed. My oldest needs to be dressed, brushed and hugged by 7:15am since the bus driver doesn’t wait for mom bloggers who are frantically trying to get out an early morning post.

The day picks up steam from there and unfolds in a flurry of pick-ups and drop-offs, grocery runs, emails and all the other stuff that seems to consume my daily life, all while still running a business. So when I was asked, “What would you do with three extra minutes?” the ideas came rushing at me like a waterfall.
Top Ten Things I’d Do If I Had Three Extra Minutes
1. Clean out my purse
2. Write a sweet note to my husband
3. Make myself a poached egg on toast
4. Get super silly with the kids (jumping on the bed encouraged)
5. Organize the junk drawer
6. Deep condition my hair
7. Email a long lost friend
8. Plan out a cute outfit for the next day
9. Read and comment on my favorite blogs
10. Enjoy a bad magazine and a good cup of tea
And, I can’t even imagine what I could come up with if I had TEN whole extra minutes!
Just for kicks I want to know what you would do if you had three extra minutes in the day. Would it be a beauty treatment? Something for your kids? Or maybe a few moments of pure silence. Let me know by commenting here or on this post.
Wow, what on earth does this have to do with nursery design? If you don’t have anything to blog about, I would suggest maybe skipping a day.
Hi Kim, While we definitely love nursery design around here, we also love sharing about our lives as moms. Sorry this post was not to your taste.
Pray! I would pray for for the gifts, skills & abilities to get it all done! Then I would pray for just 3 more minutes please ;)
Oh my, this is such a lovely post that really got me thinking! Three extra minutes a day may not sound like much for somebody else, but it sure is something that most busy moms like me find to be a luxury. Pam, I think that I would also clean out my purse first, I really don’t know what I would find there. I would deep condition my hair too while rummaging through my bags!
I would close my bedroom door, look out the window, enjoy the quiet and drink a cup of Joe. Sounds pretty good right?
Hi Pam, this is the reason why I keep coming back to Project Nursery! You have the best articles on nursery design and party themes, that’s a given, but you also have blog posts like this one that makes us feel that you know and understand just what it feels like to be a working mom. I certainly can relate with the ten things you mentioned here, and hereby challenge you to think about your own question: “What would you do if you had an extra 10 minutes?”
Project Nursery! Not only do you make me pine for all the nursery stuff you feature here, but you also make me wish that I have an extra three minutes too. I would certainly love to do all these things plus more!
1. Turn off the TV and create a story on anything that Desmond wants!
2. Paint my nails (yes, I used to be able to do this in under 3 minutes!)
3. Make myself a zen lemonade :)