We’ve seen dozens of super sleek, space-age-modern highchairs on the market lately, but there really is something special about a classic, beautifully crafted, wooden highchair. The Newport Cottages Highchair is one of those pieces that you just know you are going to use for years—from your kids to their kids and so on. You can’t look at it without thinking heirloom. And you have a chance to win one (a $345 value)!
Hand-assembled from select hardwoods, the Newport Cottages Highchair can be finished in one of 25 distinctive finishes, so you can be certain you’ll find the right color to complement your decor.
WIN IT! One lucky Project Nursery reader will win a Newport Cottages Highchair (a $345 value!).
HOW TO ENTER: To enter, visit Newport Cottages and let us know which color you would choose in a comment below. Contest ends Friday, January 20, 2012 at 11:59pm PST.
1. “Like” Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Facebook, give us a shout out on our wall and tell us you did with a comment below.
2. Follow Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Twitter, tweet about it and tell us you did with a comment below.
3. Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter or let us know you are already a subscriber with a comment below.
{Remember to use an individual comment to note what you did
for each extra entry (4 comment maximum)}
What a beautiful chair! I would love white, lemonade, or celery. Thank you!
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And Facebook too. There, I think I’ve got them all. :)
I think the lemonade color would be fun!
Liked Newport on fb :-)
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Liz Robinson
I like the cream color.
Liz Robinson
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Liz Robinson
Like Newport Cottages on FB: Alex Liz Robinson
Liz Robinson
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I would love it in the gold accent color or lemonade!
Sarah Faith
The baby blue is GORGEOUS! I’d have a hard time choosing between that and the red. This is such an awesome giveaway!
Sarah Faith
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Jennifer Coons
I would love to surprise my expecting sister in law and my brother with one of these for my soon to be born nephew! It is their first baby and they don’t have anything yet for him. I would choose chocolate! All great colors to choose from! :)
Dying to win the Newport Highchair in Black for my 4 month old!
I follow Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Facebook and I made a shoutout on the Project Nursery wall and tagged Newport Cottages in it.
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I would pick the white color!
Beth D
I love the red!
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Beth D
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Beth D
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I would go with Chocolate :) However, I’d love to see it in pink, like the crib from Newport Cottages! :)
Beautiful chair! I would like the cream chair.
The Coffee color is beautiful!
beautiful chair! we would choose black to match our chairs!
I liked project nursery on Facebook
I liked Newport Cottages on facebook
I like chocolate the best & it’d match our other chairs.
I liked Project Nursery on Facebook.
Currently pregnant with my first child and this highchair in chocolate would work perfectly in my kitchen.
The white chair would be great. Thanks!
Cream or Stormy blue please
I would LOVE this chair in white!!! ;)
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Lauren R
I love the deep blue!
What a great highchair!!! I would love black or cream!!
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I love Chocolate.. just a classic, that good be handed down. Thanks for introducing me to this company!
I’m expecting my first child in March, so I haven’t gotten around to buying a highchair quite yet. This is EXACTLY what I had in mind, however. I’ve heard that a lot of the “spaceage” highchairs are much harder to clean than a good old wooden version. I think I’d choose either the white, cream or caramel finishes.
I would choose Wine
Beautiful! I would go with celery or maybe cream.
I like you both on FB
Nicole T
Love the stormy blue!!!
I would love the coffee color highchair
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The stormy blue is amazing! So is the mushroom! Liked both on facebook and subscribe to the newsletter
I love the Brick one!!!
commented on fb and twitter!!
Corie Anna
I like both PN and Newport on Facebook & already am a subscriber to the newsletter. The brick color is beautiful!
Rochel S
I like the Brick color!
Rachel Platt
ooooo lemonade!!!
Kathryn Perkins
I like both pages on FB and gave you a shout out!! :)
Olive is my favorite! I like both on FB!
Kathryn Perkins
I follow both on Twitter and tweeted about it!
Kathryn Perkins
I already subscribe to the newsletter :)
Amanda Miller
The celery is beautiful and bright and fun and works for both boys and girls! Love the vintage look and quality workmanship!
Kayleigh Larkins
I love the red wood! It would match my kitchen!
Kayleigh Larkins
I already subscribe to the weekly newsletter!
Sarah M
I love love love the cream!
Miranda Welle
Olive! (Or maybe red?) There are too many to choose from! I hope I have the problem of having to make a final decision! LOL.
OMG! this chair is to die for.. Beautiful.. Love the Olive…
Kayleigh Larkins
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Amy Pugmire
I would pick baby blue!
Kayleigh Larkins
Following both on twitter now!
Miranda Welle
Completed Step 1!
I would love the white or the cream. It would look great in the house were buying and it could be used for my 2yo son, the little boy I am expecting and the boy I babysit…And it could work for any little girls that may show up in the future (wishful thinking haha). Such a beautiful chair!
Amy Pugmire
Fb fan of both of you. Amy Bolda Pugmire
Amy Pugmire
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Miranda Welle
Completed Step 2! https://twitter.com/#!/4649miranda/status/157855684166287360
Miranda Welle
Step 3 complete! Already a subscriber!
Love the red or celery green. What a lovely piece. Our taste is more antiques mixed with a few more modern pieces, but a mod or plastic looking high chair just wouldn’t fit. We’d love to win this for our little guy as he’s growing so quickly (almost 4 months already). He’ll be ready for this before we know it.
The Newport Cottages Highchair is strikingly simple, going to the essence of classic design. It may be consistently refined, but it will never be replaced: it has earned its place in history of “value and meaning”. The “red” chair would serve as the pefect “memory maker” for my grandchildren’s visits to Grandma’s house.
“Liked” and commented on the Project Nursery FB wall :)
Love the newsletter!
I’m a fan on Facebook and would choose celery. I think its a great color for a girl or a boy!
Like Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on FB!!
I love the mudpie!!
Love the stormy blue!
I would have to pick the Mushroom color or Caramel! Lots of beautiful choices!
Kristen M.
This chair is a beauty. I love the red, stormy blue, and cream. Can I pick all three if I win? :)
Kristen M.
I’m already a subscriber.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful chair. I absolutely love the chocolate finish. Step 1 complete.
“Liked” and commented on the Newport Cottages FB fan page too! Fingers crossed.
Love this high chair! The stormy blue would be my pick!
Following on Twitter and tweet sent!
I also subscribe to the newsletter already!!
I would totally go with taupe!
I follow Project Nursery on facebook!
Ashley H.
Love it! I would choose the chocolate color! )
Ashley H.
I’m also already a subscriber :).
Olive. I love Olive.
lisa kay
I like the Brick….
I like both on Facebook…
Jenn H
red, love it! So beautiful.
newsletter subscriber :)
Jenn H
like you both!
jennifer hillman
Jenn H
Audrey M.
Hard to choose but I think I’d go with the taupe.
Audrey M.
I like you both on FB.
I love the chocolate color! I’m a subscriber and I liked you on facebook! :)
Audrey M.
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Audrey M.
I’m a newsletter subscriber!
White, just classic!
I love red! Or maybe I would get baby blue! All colors so pretty!
lisa kay
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And gave u a shout out on their wall !
lisa jorgenson kay
I love the chocolate!
I follow PN and Newport Cottages on Facebook :)
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I want cream!!!!!!
lisa kay
I Follow Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Twitter @springfling60
Jessica K
It’s a tough choice I think my favorite would be the Cream.
lisa kay
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Jessica K
Follow on Facebook (Jessica K) shouted out on your wall under the giveaway post.
I Love White! This is the first comp I have entered – how exciting!
I “liked”, subscribed and wow…. I love so many of the colors!! I Love the olive but I also like the Red. It’s beautiful!!!
Jessica K
Twitter Follower and tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/MACMOMof3/status/157861337328926720
Just liked Newport Cottages on Facebook. Already ‘love’ Project Nursery on Facebook
AND I am now following both Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Twitter. Hoping to win!!! Love this chair!
Annmarie W.
I’d love it in Caramel!
Annmarie W.
I ‘like’ you both on facebook & left a message on your wall! (Annmarie Dipasqua Weeks) http://www.facebook.com/projectnursery/posts/10150459836061396
Annmarie W.
I follow you both on twitter & tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/amweeks/status/157863200430374912
brooke t
Wow what a great giveaway! My color of choice would be Taupe
brooke t
I was already a fan of both on FB and left a message
brooke t
I follow both on twitter and tweeted!!
Carmel… PLEASE!!!
I am already a fan as well.
I love the celery color AND the deep blue! Hard to choose – so adorable! Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway!
brooke t
I receive the weekly newsletters!
I love the red!
Olive, I LOVE this chair. Makes baby furniture fit in with the rest of the home decor.
Christina B.
I love them all, but ~ Coffee~ is my favorite!
Thanx for an awesome give-a-way!!
I liked Newport Cottages page on FB, I already like your page :)
I love the red!!….it would look amazing in our kitchen with all of our red pots!! Love this giveaway!
I am a subscriber to your newsletter! Wish me luck :)
Chelsy H
I would choose the grey! Such a pretty high chair!
I choose the celery color–coordinates with my kitchen! Thanks!
Love the fact that this is a wood high chair! My favorite is red!
Chelsy H
Subscribed to your newsletter
I liked the Newport Cottage and Project Nursery pages on FB. Signing up for the newsletter next. Thanks! Red is definitely my favorite color.
The woods are all beautiful, but I like the caramel.
I just subscribed to your newsletter!
I would choose Chocolate, though all of the finishes are absolutely beautiful!!!!
I love the classic look of this highchair. I would choose the brick color.
Alison Rowe
Lovely! I would choose the one in Stormy Blue. Thanks for the opportunity!
Liked both Newport Cottages and Project Nursery onFB!
Charlene Hopkins
I love the green for the highchair! I love that style!
I liked Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on FB and am subscribed to the weekly newsletter!!!
I love the chocolate color! It matches our dining chairs, and is totally gender neutral. It is beautiful!
liked you both on facebook!
subscribe to your newsletter too!
I just did the facebook shout out!
It was SUCH a hard decision to choose, however, I believe that “Chocolate” would best match my furniture. I “liked” both Project Nursery & Newport Cottages on FB, am following both on Twitter, and subscribed to the weekly newsletter! Thanks for the opportunity!
And I liked you both on facebook as well! :)
Tiffany Fath
WOW! These are great! Its difficult to find a nice wooden high chair! The red is fantastic!
Nichole H
Would love to win the Celery one for my friend who is trying to have a baby! She deserves awesome stuff!
Nichole H
Liked both pages and left comments.
Nichole H
Followed both pages and tweeted about it!
I love the RED! Super cute!
I just subscribed to your weekly newsletter!
Love, love, love the highchair in Stormy Blue! And LOVE this site, such great ideas!
The highchair is so beautiful in red!
It’s a hard choice,, but my pick would be the classic white.
Brick for sure
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I would choose chocolate or wine. Thanks for the chance to win!
I like mocha
newsletter subscriber
I follow you both on twitter @aahaft
would love to have the black for my grandchild
I would choose Celery.
Shantel Davis
I LoVe lOvE LoVe this high chair in red!!<3
Liked ‘Project Nursery’ and ‘Newport Cottages’ on Facebook.
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Ashley C
I’d love the coffee color!
and signed up for the newsletter!
kelly l
I would love the chocolate!
Green or white. It’s a toss up!
Shantel Davis
“Liked” Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Facebook, shared your giveaway as a shout out :) https://www.facebook.com/#!/shanteld92/posts/258955230838777
Shantel Davis
Following Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Twitter, tweeted about it:) :) << @shanteld92
Shantel Davis
I Subscribe to your weekly Newsletter :) THANKS!
Catherine F
Chocolate, please
Amy Penrose
I LOVE the chocolate!!!!! I’m following on Twitter,Facebook, and newsletter. YAAAY!
ashley brooke
pale pink!
Thanks! ashleybrookeblog@gmail.com
Kelly Fastlaben
Bahama Blue ! Love the classic style with a fun bright color!
crystal R
I liked both on Facebook and gave a shout out:)
crystal R
I would love the lemonade color!
Kelly Fastlaben
I now “like” Project Nursery on FACEBOOK!
Heather Slater
I’d love the high chair in white!
Heather Slater
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/HeatherNurse/status/157899332232806401
Heather Slater
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Heather Slater
Subscriber of your newsletter!
Chandra Lewis
I love the mushroom and the storm blue highchair. I would love to win this for my baby boy and keep for my daughters when they have babies!
cynthia orellana
love the gray or taupe!
cynthia orellana
i’m a weekly subscriber of the newsletter!
Charlene Hopkins
I like both on Facebook! And of course a shout out!
I’d love to have the black one
Elizabeth quist
I love the caramel! Reminds me of mine as a child. Beautiful.
I would love mudpie!!!!!
also a subscriber!
Amy T.
I’d love the high chair in black!
Amy T.
I am a fan of both of your facebook pages!
Amy T.
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Amy T.
I am following both of you on twitter! @prettypistol07
Amy T.
I am subscribed to your newsletter! :D
Love it in chocolate!
I’m digging the Baby Blue color.
Chocolate all the way!!
Oh my gosh! I can’t believe how many color choices there are!! Red is my favorite color and that’s the accent in our kitchen (where this beautiful chair would live if it was in my house) so RED for sure :)
I was already following Project Nursery on FB but now I’m also following Newport Cottages – cute ideas and great stuff :)
I don’t do Twitter so I guess I can’t check that one off :( But I do hope I still have a chance of winning the gorgeous highchair!!!
Aaaand…I just signed up for your newsletter so I am totally plugged in!!! Thanks!!!
I adore the black! :)
I luv the Taupe color
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Amy L
Mudpie or Chocolate!!! There are too many choices!!
Amy L
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Amy L
Liked both of you on Facebook & posted on your walls!!
Amy L
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Im already a subscriber to ur newsletter :)
Red, or white. Or maybe gray. But probably red. They offer lots of colors!!
I follow and I tweeted.
Meredith p
I love the lemonade!
christina webb
I like the celery and the brick. This is such an amazing highchair. I hope I win. It reminds me of the one my great grandmother had at her house.
I really like the Deep Blue!!!!
I love all of the different colors and styles. I think they are all adorable!
I’d love the hairchair in brick!
Jennifer Ambot Babcock
I’d love the chair in black.
Jennifer Ambot Babcock
I liked Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on FB
Christina Garcia
I guess I’m a little different, I love the gold accent! Classic yet fashionable!
Chelsee Bendtsen
I love the Grey…gorgeous!
Chelsee Bendtsen
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Chelsee Bendtsen
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Chelsee Bendtsen
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This is adorable in Olive – great for a boy or a girl!
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Followed Project Nursery on Twitter
I would choose the coffee finish and would love to win this!
I like Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on facebook and don’t forget to check out my comment.
Charity C.
Do I have to chose just one? Celery or lemonade perhaps!
Charity C.
Loved me newport cottages on FB!
I love the Caramel color. Would be great for our new bundle in the next few months to come.
LOVE this!! Everything about this is beautiful.
i also liked the links on facebook with – “love everything about this! perfection!”
i also subscribed to the news letter :)
Perfect – I need to buy it for my beautiful grandsons!
I like you both on Facebook and would love the gray!!
Ashley Mallery
Beautiful high chair! It reminds me of the one I had growing up. The stormy blue is my favorite finish. <3
Love this highchair, especially in white!
This is beautiful, I love the red or yellow!
Elizabeth De Castro
I am in love with this high chair. Its so hard to pick a color the chocolate is so pretty but the olive is adorable!!! Would love any! ;)
Elizabeth De Castro
Liked Newport cottage on Facebook and commented how obsessed I am with this high chair!!!
Lily & Camelia Photography
I followed in both places! And retweeted on Twitter! Love!
Emily H.
Olive! Since I just found out I’m pregnant last night through a series of trips to the grocery store buying multiple packs of pregnancy tests, I think I’ll stick with a gender neutral color. The olive is a great green!
Miss Pete
Hubby and I both agree wine is our color choice!
Miss Pete
We “like” both on facebook!
Shannon Ksenak
I would have a hard time choosing but it would be between cream, stormy blue or baby blue! Love the design.
Miss Pete
tweet tweet! following both on twitter!
Miss Pete
I’m a newsletter subscriber!
Kelli Baker
Definitely red!
Kristen Cochran
I love the cream one!!
Heather S. S.
I would chose the celery or olive colored highchair.
Heather S. S.
I like you and New Port Cottages on Facebook. I also wrote a note on your page!
Heather S. S.
I follow you and New Port Cottages on twitter.
Heather S. S.
I also tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/HSongSays/status/158039235486691329
I would love this in taupe.
I’m a newsletter subscriber.
Heather S. S.
I also subscribe to your newsletter!
Gina Collins
The high chair is to die for! Can you imagine the first birthday picture taken sitting in this gorgeous high chair?!?! Love! I “liked” Project Nursery on facebook!
Gina Collins
The high chair is to die for! Can you imagine the first birthday picture taken sitting in this gorgeous high chair?!?! With a little vintage fabric bunting? Love! I “liked” Newport Cottages on facebook!
Gina Collins
The high chair is to die for! Can you imagine the first birthday picture taken sitting in this gorgeous high chair?!?! With a little vintage fabric bunting? Love! I followed Project Nursery on twitter!
Gina Collins
The high chair is to die for! Can you imagine the first birthday picture taken sitting in this gorgeous high chair?!?! With a little vintage fabric bunting? Love! I followed Newport Cottages on twitter!
I would choose the coffee color! This high chair is just fantastic! Lovely piece!
I also subscribe to your newsletter!
I also like Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Facebook!
Marsha Webber Pope
I love this highchair! My husband has been looking for a sturdy wood highchair and I would like a stylish one. I would love this highchair in cream it would add that vintage touch I’ve been looking for.
Marsha Webber Pope
I am a subscriber to your weekly newsletter!
Melissa Romo
I would love this high chair in dark brown. I also like Newport Cottage and Project Nursery on Facebook. I just posted some love on PN and NC’s wall. I just tweeted about PN and NC.
I love the coffee color!! Hope I win!
Like you both on facebook and left shout outs on your walls!
Follow both on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway:
Already subscribed to your newsletter!
I love stormy blue!
Jenn F
I would choose the Stormy Blue or Taupe….but all the colours are beautiful!
Jenn F
Subscribed to the newsletter!
Julie C
I would pick either the celery or cream. Beautiful high chair!
Julie C
I like both Newport Cottages & Project Nursery on Facebook!
Julie C
I am signed up to receive Project Nursery’s newsletter – and I love it!
Tina M
I’d chose wine
Cristina R
I’d pick white!
Elizabeth B
I “Liked” both on facebook. I would choose the chocolate!
Caitlin - Beyond Wonderland Creations Paperie
I “liked” both on facebook! I would choose stormy blue!
Oh! I love!! I’d probably pick celery, hard decision though :)
Kelsie Rae
love it in white!!!
Kelsie Rae
i’m subscribed to the weekly newsletter!
Mommy Katie
I like the wine color!
Mommy Katie
like you and newport cottages on fb left comment (Katie Sexton)
Mommy Katie
follow both on twitter and tweeted @ kasexton https://twitter.com/#!/kasexton/status/158301845473861633
i like wine color
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I’d pick chocolate!
I like the stormy blue.
Been searching for a highchair this beautiful! Love it it black! Just found your site and love it :) Thanks!
Just subscribed to the weekly newsletter! Looking forward to it!
I’d choose Chocolate! I also subscribed to the newsletter, looking forward to the tips!
Love the gold accent. subscribed to the newsletter!
katrina kubo
Cream :)
I’d go for the red one.
I think I would choose the Black!
I follow Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Twitter and tweeted!
I’m a subscriber!
I love the white!
“Liked” on Facebook! And a shout out ;)
Subscribed to the newsletter, can’t wait for more tips!
I think I would really really love the red one…or the brick….or the coffee. But I think I’ll stick with red. :(
Tian Kinasih
I would love to win Brick color, thank you for the chance, :)
Tian Kinasih
Liked Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on facebook.
Posted shout out: https://www.facebook.com/projectnursery/posts/10150462458481396
Tian Kinasih
Followed Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Twitter.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/tiankinasih/status/158376128929726464
Tian Kinasih
Subscribed to Project Nursery Weekly Newsletter.
Kaila Garrison
Followed Project Nursery & Newport Cottages on Twitter! :)
Kaila Garrison
Like Project Nursery & Newport Cottages on Facebook! :)
Kaila Garrison
Signed up for the Project Nursery Newletter!
Kaila Garrison
Would love to win the olive colored Newport Highchair!
C. Allman
I’d love to win the olive highchair!!
Christina P
I so need a high chair for my daughter. This looks so adorable! I would order this in the olive finish.
Christina P
I gave project nursery and newport cottages a shout out on facebook walls!
Christina P
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Christina P
i follow on twitter project nursery and newport cottage. I twitter my shout out.
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And I would love the highchair in baby blue!
alicia funk
I think I’d order coffee. It seems to match the rest of my kitchen furniture the best! What a cool chair!
alicia funk
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alicia funk
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Olive will be the color here !
Following and subscribed !!
I love the Celery! It would be fun in our kitchen!!
Alright, I’ve liked and commented on facebook!
What a lovely high chair. I would choose the stormy blue finish. :)
I would love to win the coffee color, also “liked” on facebook
This is exactly what I think of when I think clean, neat, simple yet classic! I love the stormy blue:) so elegant!
I love the red!! But also the story blue and grey. Hard to choose!
What a great classic chair! Would be perfect for my little girl in white or pale pink :-)
I’m a subscriber too!
I love the celery for a pop of modern color on a classic piece.
I also liked the FB pages. :)
And I am a subscriber!
They’re all so beautiful. It’s so hard to decide! I love the gold accent and cream colors.
Wendy T
I love the caramel color.
And I love caramel. Might be a connection :)
Wendy T
“Like” Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Facebook and gave you both a shout out!
Wendy T
Following you both on twitter (@won2x) and tweeted
Wendy T
Signed up to newsletter.
Thank you.
Meredith k
I adoe this vintage inspired chair!! I would go with stormy blue to play off the accents in our dining room. Stunning! Fingers crossed!!
Kim Brantley
This is lovely hope I win it for my Granddaughter!!!
Kim Brantley
My pick is white
Kristin F
This chair is adorable! I think I would have to choose the gray.
Elise Nicole
I am completely swooning over the Cream colored chair!!! So lovely!
Elise Nicole
Followed and Tweeted! Love the Cream highchair, and our baby girl who will be here in May would also be thrilled :)
Elise Nicole
I love getting your newsletter, and adore the cream color!
Elise Nicole
Posted on facebook, shouted out for all to see! Still in love with the beautiful cream color! ;)
Melody M.
I love this chair! I would get the lemonade color for sure.
Cindy D
Love the chair, so traditional. Would love the traditional style in a whimsical lemonade color. or the traditional caramel. This would be great for my grandaughter and any other that may come in future! ; ).
Cindy D
I also like this on Facebook
Cindy D
Liked Newport Cottage on FB.
Cindy D
Im a subscribing Grandmother looking out for the kids!
Rebecca R
Love the chocolate!
Leslie Michele
I love the cream colored one, it’s perfect for my new grand baby girl!!!
Leslie Michele
“Liked” on Facebook for both Project Nursery and Newport Cottages!! Love the Cream colored one!!! It’s perfect!
Leslie Michele
Following in Twitter as The Chef In My Head for both Project Nursery and Newport Cottages!
Loving the cream!!
Leslie Michele
Subscribed to the weekly Newsletter as The Chef In My Head
Leslie Michele
PS In love with the Cream!!!
joy person
I’d love it in the red or brick!!! It’s absolutely gorgeous!!
joy person
follow both project nursery and newport cottages on facebook and gave a shout out on both walls!!! :D
joy person
follow both Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on twitter and tweeted!
joy person
already a subscriber thanks so much!!!! *crossing my fingers* my brother is going to be a dad for the first time and this would be a great gift to give him!
I would choose chocolate. What beautiful chairs.
I also subscribed to the newsletter.
I love the gold accent finish which gives an everyday high chair a little “pop” or something sparkly and special… like my baby will be fed sitting in a throne!!
I just subscribed to your newsletter because your site has everything I have been looking for while planning to welcome my first baby :)
So many choices!! I guess I would choose the chocolate. :)
I love the caramel!
I just love the finish in the picture here. So classic and vintage looking. I’m a big fan!
Erin * Sparkle & Hay
Ah! Would love this in cream!
Erin * Sparkle & Hay
& just subscribed to the newsletter!
Erin * Sparkle & Hay
just liked Newport Cottages!
Sam * The Frosted Petticoat
OOohh, I’d want the Black one… to match our kitchen furniture! :D
Sam * The Frosted Petticoat
Left some shout-outs on your FB walls! Woohoo!
Love Newport Cottage!!! We have the cottage crib! I just liked Project Nursery on FB as well :) This highchair in celery is beautiful!
Dr. Blondie
I would choose the brick color. What a gorgeous chair!
Derek C
I love the white one.
This high chair is gorgeous. My favorite color is stormy blue!
I just subscribed to your newsletter, as well.
chocolate! Gorgeous high chair.
Stephanie Wiese
I love the Chocolate color!! Beautiful!
Stephanie Wiese
I “like” both project nursery & Newport Cottages!
Stephanie Wiese
I am a weekly newsletter subscriber
Rebecca Cerne
All the colors are beautiful. I’d go with coffee! I am subscribed to the newsletter.
Kelli Farrell
Great-looking chair! I would definitely go with the celery–green is my “signature color!”
Ashley R
Tough choice on color but I think the cream won me over, though the white with gold accent was a close second as well as the coffee finish!
Ashley R
“like” pn & newport on facebook and commented on both walls!
Ashley R
already a subscriber to the newsletter!
Brie Rivera
I subscribe to the newsletter
Brie Rivera
I love the cream colored finish!
Ashley R
tweeted about the giveaway and follow pn & newport on twitter
Christina M
Love the brick! It’s so beautiful! Would love to have this chair!
Elvia G
Beautiful Chair….. The coffee color is beautiful!!!
Miranda Williams
Love the highchair!! I’ve been wanting a wooden one since I found out I was pregnant (now have a 6 week old). I’d choose Celery! Love the fun color. :)
Luv the high chair in Taupe
Kelly Luskin
I would choose stormy blue, though it is a difficult decision, all the colors are beautiful!
Kelly Luskin
“Like” Newport Cottages on fb and posted there, already a follower of Project Nursery! We don’t have a highchair yet for our 2 month old son, Jude. This would go beautifull with our decor!
Jennifer Smith
So many colors to choose from! I would LOVE the Chocolate!!
Tara Whitesel
I like’ Newport Cottages on Facebook, and Project Nursery. I don’t have a highchair yet for my baby, and would love a white one!
Jennifer Smith
I LIKE newport Cottages on FB! And of course am already a follower of Project Nursery :) Just posted a comment on your wall!
Jennifer Smith
Following you and Newport Cottages on Twitter, and I just sent a tweet about you guys!
Jennifer Smith
Already a very happy subscriber to your newsletter :)
Julia Boxley
Love chocolate! Thank you for the giveaway!
Jeanne Davis
I like the “different” colors… first Brick, then Wine.
Julia Boxley
“Like” Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Facebook
Julia Boxley
Subscribed to Project Nursery Newsletter
amber fry
The wine would look amazing!
Robin Lindley
I love the red!
Robin Lindley
I subscribe to your newsletter, and I love the red!
Robin Lindley
I “like” Newport Cottages on Facebook!
Christina Murray
I love the stormy or baby blue! Either would make me smile every day :)
Lorraine Marie Deichert
I love the black.
Robin Lindley
And Project Nursery of course!
Lorraine Marie Deichert
I like both Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Facebook…and showed some love to y’all! :)
Lorraine Marie Deichert
I’m a subscriber :)
I like the red chair. Great products!! I found
your link on Project Nursery.
Jessica D.
Tough choice, I’m torn between Olive and Stormy Blue!
I would like it best in cream. Beautiful!
I liked Newport Cottages and I love the stormy blue chair!
I liked (but love) PN!
I subscribed to your newsletter too!
Ashlie Spoon
GORGEOUS! I love the cream color!
I am in love with this high chair! My favorite colors are the deep blue and white.
SandraAnn Clark
I truly like the coffee color
caro bico
I like the ‘wine’. I am a subscriber to newsletter.
I would choose the white finish. Very clean and classic!
Paula Caudill
I would pick the 9910Red , this is beautiful!
Paula Caudill
Liking Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Facebook and Shouted Out!
Paula Caudill
Following Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Twitter @sexyknickers68_ and tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/Sexyknickers68_/status/159275823705231360
Paula Caudill
Subscriber to your Weekly Newsletter
Heather D
Deep blue or stormy blue!
Sarah M.
I love this highchair….so pretty! I would choose celery….I love lime green!
Colleen Rogenmuser
This highchair is absolutely gorgeous! I would love to win this with a
Black finish!
Sarah M.
I like Project Nursery on FB :)
Sarah M.
I get your awesome newsletter!!
Sarah M.
I follow Project Nursery on Twitter.
I would love the celery. Green is my favorite color and its so bright and cheery!
Amy F
This high chair is beautiful! I would love to have the white one in my home.
Heather T.
I LOVE the Taupe, very classic. I follow Project Nursery & Newport cottage on Facebook.
Red. Red is the color of Marlee Pearl’s nursery, my Granddaughter.
Go to my blog if you would like to see it.
We love red!
Id love it in black :)
Brooke Mynatt
Oh my godsh I’ve never seen so many gorgeous colors! My first choice would be the olive green because its such a fun, unique color….. but I love so many of the neutrals too! Already subscribe to the newsletter – which I love! And made a quick shout on Facebook walls too! Thanks!
I would love this in Razorback Red!!! We are HUGE Arkansas fans :) I also liked your page on facebook.
I would love it in chocolate!
I already receive the newsletter
Deidre J
I would choose the Caramel
Deidre J
Deidre J,
No I would choose the Red one and I love the cushion.
I like the caramel. :)
I also get the newsletter.
Just gave a shout out and liked you on FB!
how can you just pick one? (good thing i’m having twins!) the olive is great!
Red – classic, easy to clean. I agree, I love the fabric and have to laugh as I have part of a bolt of it in my sewing room right now!. Was wondering what to do with it…now I know if the chair chooses my door to grace!
Black would go best with our colors!
Courtney B
I’m loving the red!
Jamie Lee
White or Chocolate I can’t decide :)
Jo S
The white Newport Cottages high hair is such a classic and would look great in our little home on an island off the coast of Maine!
amy warren
so hard to choose which color! love the red and the celery.
amy warren
fb fan of both, and wrote on both walls
amy warren
follow both on twitter and retweeted
amy warren
subscribe to newsletter
Nonnie Rose
I LOVE the red one please!!!
really liking the lemonade
Looove the baby blue!
Liked both pages in FB
I tweeted too!
Naomi Howell
I would love the Caramel Color! Great giveaway!!!!
Naomi Howell
Liked both pages on Facebook!
Naomi Howell
Followed both on Tiwitter!
Olive would be cute.
I subscribe to newsletter
Mandy E
Already like Project Nursery on FB
Mandy E
I would love to have the Caramel Newport Highchair. It would match my dining room table and china cabinet. It would be perfect!
Mandy E
I liked Newport Cottages on Facebook!!
Mandy E
Following Newport Cottages on Twitter!
Mandy E
Gave a shout out on Facebook!
katie Breckenridge
I would go with taup or gray – they give the classic look an update!
Mandy E
Tweeted about it on Twitter!
I would definitely choose leomonade! It’s bright and cheery!
I like the chocolate color best!
Definitely gray :)
I would choose the chocolate color.
giveaway gal 87 at gmail dot com
Brenda Kappmeyer
I absolutely love this highchair!! So classic, I love it in the red!! I do hope I win this beautiful chair!!
I like the caramel! It’s very old school :)
diane fond
Kristen Brown
Love it! Reminds me of my highchair when I was a kid — too bad the tray broke and cannot find a replacement. I would go for the gray!
Jessica Downey
I would definitely get the celery color. Gorgeous!
Jessica Downey
I liked both pages on Facebook and left some love!
Jessica Downey
I subscribed to your weekly newsletter as well!
Jaime Gosselin
Love the stormy blue color! What a perfect highchair for my country kitchen dream!
I follow you on Facebook and Twitter as well!
I LOVE the baby blue!!
Sarah M.
I like Newport Cottages on FB :)
Sarah M.
I follow Newport Cottages on Twitter.
Wendy M
Mushroom–goes with all our earthy tones but still fun!
T. Reyes Alvarez
I love the classic look of the chocolate color!
I would choose wine! It’s so pretty!
wow the highchair comes in so many colors! Celery would look awesome in my home! i follow on both facebook and twitter, and am a newsletter subscriber. thanks!
Megan Borkowski
I love the Brick and the Grey!!!
Megan Borkowski
i subscribe to your newsletters
Megan Borkowski
I tweeted!!! https://twitter.com/#!/MeganBorkowski/status/159499459124928513
Megan Borkowski
I like you both in facebook and I commented!! fb: Megan Borkowski
I’d choose black
liked both on Fb
followed both on twitter @rjs682
subscribe to newsletter
I love the baby blue one
i love the red! (email subscriber)
A simple and beautiful, classic design! Would be great in the cream or gold accent. Thank you, Project Nursery for sharing — I visited FB and “liked” both!
I am a new Newsletter subscriber — thank you, again!
White ~ Would be perfect for my 1st grandchild, a boy, Abel Christopher
future sister!!
Christine M Tubbytelly
Love the Olive chair
Christine M Tubbytelly
fan of both pages; commented on pn wall https://www.facebook.com/projectnursery/posts/10150469091661396
Christine M Tubbytelly
follow both and tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/_tubbytelly/status/159674436113530880
Christine M Tubbytelly
newsletter subscriber
Shannon Patrick
I would love it in lemonade! So cute!
I love the RED!!
Nicki Nixon
I would love any color! Cream is my favorite, lemonade is so cute, caramel would be so classy. Love them.
I am stuck between red and mudpie. any of them would be wonderful they are all so beautiful!
just signed up for your newsletter. yay!
I know it is dark but I would go with the Black. Classic!
I like the red, but I’m officially going with the chocolate on this one!
The Lavender High Chair would be perfect to use for my little one’s first birthday…!!!
i would pick CREAM! CLASSIC!
just liked Newport Cottages on FB
I would LOVE Chocolate or Cream! BEAUTIFUL!
Liked on FB!
These are gorgeous! I subscribe to the weekly newsletter :)
I’m torn between black and mudpie. There are just so many great colors for such an amazing classic highchair :)
I follow Project Nursery and now Newport Cottages on Facebook, I follow Project Nursery on Twitter, and I now follow Newport Cottages on Twitter, plus I am a subscriber to the newsletter :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Nicole WG
LOVE the Cream AND the Red!! Oh, I would feel like the luckiest mama in the world if I had this!! So cute.
I now follow Project Nursery on Facebook and subscribe to the newsletter!!
Nicole WG
I now follow you guys on Facebook :)
Nicole WG
I am now a happy subscriber to your newsletter :)
I love the white!
Sarah W
I love the cream and the stormy blue! Love the classic look- I wanted to use the highchair I grew up in, but in no longer meets standards. :( What a perfect solution this would be.
Christine d
Andrea R
I would choose either the Deep Blue, Olive or Wine.
I would choose brick color!
Andrea R
I am a subscriber to the Weekly Newsletter.
I would totally choose the chocolate swatch. Love this!
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Katy Emanuel
All of the colours are gorgeous. If I won I would choose caramel
Katy Emanuel
I like Project Nursery & Newport Cottages on Facebook
Katy Emanuel
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Michelle C.
I would choose the white or the red… I can’t decide!
Johanna Kirk
I would choose the deep blue. Having a baby boy soon.
Johanna Kirk
I do subscribe to your newsletter.
Kellie O'Shields
I love the wine color one!!!
Kellie O'Shields
I like both on FB!
Kellie O'Shields
I follow both on twitter and tweeted at https://twitter.com/#!/Ireland77L/status/159976233118081024
Kellie O'Shields
I subscribe to the weekly newsletter!
Julie Schubert
I would love to get the high chair in Aqua, but I would be practical and get it in Caramel. I love it. It reminds me of when my kids were little. I would love to have this for my grandchildren.
Julie Schubert
I have subscribed to your newsletter!!
LOVE this! Thanks for the opportunity to win! It’s so hard to choose a color . . . red or olive or classic black.
It is hard to choose a color. I think I would choose coffee color
Subscribed to your newsletter
Ashley H.
I would love it in caramel :)
Sarah W
I’ve now gladly subscribed to the newsletter!
Ooh! This is great. I would pick the chocolate for sure!
I liked Newport Cottages and Project Nursery on facebook!
I like the classic look of the white, as it would be a great item to hold on to and pass down, but I’m also drawn to the fun celery color! Either way, a beautiful high chair!
Just subscribed to your newsletter – yay!
christine shamah
I am in LOVE with the red, it would go amazing in my country decorated kitchen
I love the red!
Crystal Sard
I would pick caramel!! Love it!
Crystal Sard
Followed Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Twitter and tweeted about it.
Love the celery!!!!!
Baby blue all the way! So cute!
Hi guys! Already suscribed to the weekly newsletter! And I’m following Newport Cottages and Proyect Nursery on Facebook and Twitter! Great giveaway!! Loving the hair chair!!! I will choose the lime green or navy blue! :)
Lisa D.
Just subscribed to your newsletter, love the site. This is a beautiful chair!
Lisa D.
I just subscribed to your newsletter and love the site! I just looked at the Newport Cottages website and would love either the Red, or Caramel!
Oh goodness. They’re beautiful! I’d probably choose a classic white, but I do love the blue as well!
I’m also subscribed to your newsletter!
I would pick the baby blue! Gorgeous!
What a great give away! I liked y’all on facebook!
Liked you on twitter.
And I’m already a subscriber. Thanks so much!
I’d choose stormy blue!
Melissa Rayyan
I “like” both Project Nursery and Newport Cottages on Facebook. This is just like the high chair I had when I was little. I absolutely adore it and would like to win the red one for my son. It would be any moms dream to have this classic highchair…it’s just too adorable!!!
Melissa Rayyan
I also subscribed for the weekly newsletter…
My new baby boy would love one in Stormy Blue!!!
Just liked this on Facebook
Stormy Blue for my new baby Pearson please!
Love the red!
Just liked Project Nursery on FB!
And I already liked Newport Cottages!
Just tweeted about this cool high chair. Stormy Blue of course.
megan c
Awesome giveaway. I would choose “brick” to match my kitchen.
megan c
Liked you both on Facebook and gave a shout out on your wall!
Liked you on Facebook! Love the highchair!
Tanya M
Liked Newport Cottages on Facebook!
Emily Dahm
Tanya M
And subscribed to the weekly newsletter!
megan c
I subscribe to your weekly newsletter
megan c
I follow both on Twitter (@megancrose) and tweeted
I love the chocolate. I have been looking for an all wood high chair!
Such great colors, It’s hard to choose! The celery is so fun but the stormy blue matches my kitchen perfectly
I think I would pick pale pink. :)
I like pn on fb
I already like you on facebook, and I gave you a shout out.
I liked Newport Cottages on Facebook and already “like” you
I woUld choose brick or cream. I’m on my 3rd baby and have never had a nice high hair .
love the RED
subscribe to u
The black is Beautiful!
Keisha Francis
Like PN and Newport Cottages on FB!
Melissa D.
I’d choose baby blue (for my baby girl!) for sure! Super cute!
Sandy R
I would select the brick color
Stephanie Farrell
I love the lemonade!
Stephanie Farrell
Liked on Facebook!
Stephanie Farrell
Following on twitter!
Stephanie Farrell
Already subscribed to the newsletter!
Sandy R
I liked both on facebook
The cream is lovely.
Sandy R
following on twitter
morgan spiker
baby blue!
morgan spiker
following via twitter @mrs_spiker
I would LOVE to have the coffee colored high chair! I had a very similar high chair as a baby that I had refinished for my daughter, but it has seen better days… My son is due in March and this would be a great heirloom for him!
I like both you guys on Facebook!
natalie vaughan
gold accent.gorgeous!!!
natalie vaughan
“liked” newport cottages!
natalie vaughan
“liked” you on fb!
I would love the grey! What a great llittle high chair!
Love the brick and stormy blue~
Liked you both on FB
already get your weekly newsletter.
Jennifer jester
Love the caramel color!
I LOVE the Chocolate!!!!
Tough choice… Cream
Cola Galvin
I never enter contests, but I just got the call that her water broke…..this could be lucky! CREAM!
Patrizia willow
Love the red one!
I already get your newsletter. Love it!!
Katherine T.
I love the Chocolate Newport Highchair!
Katherine T.
I like both on FB and wrote on both walls!
I “liked” both PN and NC on FB and wrote on your wall :)
Katherine T.
I get the weekly newsletter and love it!
Jami Hall
would love mudpie color!
Jami Hall
I like you both on facebook!
Jami Hall
email subscriber!!
Bertha Rodarte-Luna
Love the cream one! It’s classic!
June Kuitert
Love the red highchair and the cream one.
I am torn between Stormy Blue and Olive!
I liked you both and wrote on NC’s wall!
I subscribed to your newsletter!
I love the cream!
liked you on fb!
Jannell Nolan
I would pick the chocolate!
I love the black one!
Jannell Nolan
Fan of PN and NC on FB and wrote on both walls! ;-)
I followed both on twitter and tweeted!
I subscribe to the newsletter!
Jannell Nolan
Already a subscriber to the newsletter
anne b
Love the stormy blue shade! I’m an email subscriber. Thanks!
I like project nursery and Newport cottages on FB!
I subscribe to your newsletter
anne b
I’m a newsletter subscriber as well :)