Coming to us from the Canary Islands of Spain is artist and Etsy shop owner, Helen Ann Marie Jones of Heavenly Creatures Art. Helen paints life-like portraits of animals that kids will love. We’re not talking teddy bears but rather the heavenly creatures of the wild. Maybe it’s the artist’s sweet titles or my mama bear instincts kicking in, I can’t help but be drawn to her prints that pair a loving parent and baby.

“Motherly Love”

“Following in Papa’s Footsteps”
WIN IT! Heavenly Creatures Art is giving away a $50 store credit towards the product of their choice to one lucky Project Nursery reader. Visit Heavenly Creatures Art, and tell us which print or product you adore the most. Contest ends Friday August 11th, 2011 at 11:59 PST.
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Jess (The Cozy Reader)
I like the Frog Art – I Wish…8×10 print! It would go perfectly in our little boy’s frog themed room.
Jess (The Cozy Reader)
I like on FB and commented (Jessica Kennedy).
Jess (The Cozy Reader)
I follow on Twitter! (@acozyreader)
Mary Cottingham
I love Julo the Giraffe the best. The colors are great! I would love to bring him home :)
I really like the “Lean on Me” print (the elephant’s “You are My Sunshine” is a close second.)
I like Elephant Art – Following In Papa’s Footsteps but just a little bit more than I like “Norman”.
I liked on FB, and I already subscribe to your newsletter.
Morgan Cullen
i LOVE the My Little Sunshine Elephant Art original…but I also think it would be adorable to do multiple animal pairings too (giraffe, elephant, goldfish, turtle) Ahhhh, they’re all so cute so it’s hard to decide! Oh I hope I win…this would look splendid in our lil’ boys nursery! Thanks!
my dear, elephant art and giraffe motherly love wall art areall my favs
I love the Giraffe Art Motherly Love 10 x 8 …it’d go perfect in my son’s giraffe themed nursery! :) I also like you on FB!
twitter follower
I also adore the “Motherly Love” print. We’re doing our little one’s nursery in a modern/vintage safari theme, so it would go perfectly in there!
I liked & commented on Facebook (Ashley Peters)…
& followed/tweeted…!/thepourblonde/status/99499929898188800
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& I’m already a subscriber to the weekly newsletter!
801 Homemaker
Once I saw the ‘Motherly Love’ with the giraffe’s I got so excited. I love Giraffes and the first stuffed animal I got my son was a singing giraffe ever since he sleeps with him every night. I think they are so loving, and beautiful animals to watch. These are beautiful watercolors.
801 Homemaker
I also follow on twitter and facebook.
Use a lot of your photos for Pinterest.
801 Homemaker:
Once I saw the ‘Motherly Love’ with the giraffe’s I got so excited. I love Giraffes and the first stuffed animal I got my son was a singing giraffe ever since he sleeps with him every night. I think they are so loving, and beautiful animals to watch. These are beautiful watercolors.
i LOVE motherly love! i’m a huge giraffe fan… it’d be perfect in my kids’ room!
Leah Pratt
I love the giraffe pictures!! I “like” on facebook and suscribed to the newsletter.
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tweet tweet! @plunderbunnyk
fb fan!
It is so hard to decide. I love penguins so the baby penguin print is great but so is motherly love.
I am a PN FB fan.
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i LOVELOVELOVE the gorilla artwork– stunning!
i also gave project nursery a shootout on my wall (you are already liked by me =]) and i am a weekly subscriber.
i would love to win the t-rex! it would awesome in my son’s room!
ruth record
I would LOVE to win the Elephants! This is awesome. thank you so very much
Nicole alizzi
I absolutely adore the giraffes,what wonderful works of art.
I follow you on Facebook
My favorite is “Under the stars with Papi”
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Staci A
I love the Elephant Art – Under the Stars with Mama!
Staci A
I get your newsletter. Thanks!
Jon record
My grandsons room would look way cool with the Gorillas! this is such beautiful art!! Thank you for sharing
I like Following in Papa’s Footsteps and Baby Steps 2. Lovely.
And I get your newsletter!
love the giraffe and the sea turtle
I”m a sucker for anything elephant!
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I adore motherly love!
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I love the “Big Daddy 4” and “Under the Stars with Papi” paintings – so beautiful!
I just followed on twitter :)
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I just subscribed to the newsletter as well :)
I like the elephant paintings. I also like the facebook page and am a newsletter subscriber.
Elizabeth P.
I like the Cow, Penguin, Giraffe, Turtle & Flamingo
Elizabeth P.
I’m a subscriber
Elizabeth P.
Meagan - Sunshine and Sippy Cups
LOVE the “Cuddles” giraffe print!
Meagan - Sunshine and Sippy Cups
Like you on Facebook!!
Meagan - Sunshine and Sippy Cups
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Meagan - Sunshine and Sippy Cups
Get your email newsletters and LOVE them :) And… I follow you on Open Sky too! {Does that give me some type of good karma points? Lol}
Nancy J
love the Giraffe art “Motherly love”
Brittny H.
Love the “Elephant Art – Big Mama!” My 18-month old son calls all elephants “Big” after a character in one of his favorite books. :)
I love the giraffe print, a mothers love. My little guys nursery theme is giraffes.
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Rachael Abude
Heavenly Creatures Art is absolutely beautiful!! My favorites have to be the Giraffe art Motherly love pillow case and also the picture with the mother Ewe and baby Sheep. Thanks for the opportunity!
Sarah W
I love the Big daddy Elephant print, and the Motherly Love Giraffe print. They are both so sweet, and elephants and giraffes are some of my daughter’s favorite animals.
Sarah W
I started following project Nursery on Twitter!
Sarah W
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Sarah W
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I love the Giraffe Art – Drew in 8×10. I love them all but I have a soft spot for giraffes and my son would love it!
I love them all, but feel especially drawn to the giraffe art — “Motherly Love!” So precious!
Just “liked” your facebook page and left a comment on your wall too…. ☺