Gallery Roundup: Themeless and Fabulou

We love giving (well deserved) credit to our users for their imaginative themes in the nursery and party setting. A recent upload to our Real Gallery features a baby shower where the planner says, “we kept it fairly simple. No specific theme, just vibrant colors, flower patterns and butterflies to celebrate the bright lil’ joy that is almost here.” With a little inspiration from Isabelle de Borchgrave for Target and some DIY projects, the designer saved time and money on this summer perfect celebration.



Adrienne LaRocque, an Event Planner in Los Angeles, is passionate about creating a memorable experience when entertaining. She started Eventful Adrienne in 2013, where she offers "Parties with Personality!"


  1. hawahawa

    August 19, 2010

    Colors is a theme. I think it is great to go themeless every now and then, and just throw together whatever catches your fancy.

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