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    The sailing/nautical theme came together after buying the first item (the poop deck plaque). There was no overall vision for this room, we just started and kept rolling with it. I googled “nautical nursery” and really liked the thick bold stripes I saw in other rooms. It took us forever to decide on how many stripes, how thick, how far apart etc..but once we started the first wall looked great. The second wall was another story. We realized the entire ceiling was not level and one side was about and inch and a half taller than the other, making the stripes look crooked. Another hour of thinking, measuring and re-taping and we figured it out. We used frog tape but when we pulled it off our worst nightmare was realized…it bled through every where. Nothing 6 hours worth of touching up with a tiny brush couldn’t fix :(

    In the end my husband and I are very happy with the way the room turned out…but we will NEVER paint stripes again!

    I am a nurse that moved to San Diego from BC Canada 7 years ago. I met my husband 5 years ago, we got married within 13 months of meeting. My biggest dream in life was to be a mom and after 2 years of trying, my dream finally is coming true sometime between now and Feb 5th, 2013! I am beyond excited to meet him!
    I am a nurse that moved to San Diego from BC Canada 7 years ago. I met my husband 5 years ago, we got married within 13 months of meeting. My biggest dream in life was to be a mom and after 2 years of trying, my dream finally is coming true sometime between now and Feb 5th, 2013! I am beyond excited to meet him!

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      1. Auntie Pam

        January 9, 2013

        good job.

      2. Jan

        January 9, 2013

        You did a Great job on the stripes! I did stripes in my little girls room and I used frog tape and painted some of the base color on the tape and let it dry, and then I did my darker stripe. That way there are no leaks….just clean lines!

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