Shop Suggestions

    I wanted a bright and girly nursery for Nadia.  I also knew I wanted something she wouldn’t grow out of too quickly.  My top two choices were vibrant/ethnic and  rustic/burlap/cream so I combined the two.  My jumping off point was Dena Fishbein’s “Kumari Garden” line. I used bright colors, natural elements, and lots of yard sale and thrift finds.  You can read more on my blog

    Tiffany DeLangie
    Tiffany DeLangie
    I'm a SAHM of three littles ages 2, 5, and 7. I'm also a blogger and a photographer. I love to decorate but little kid spaces will always be my favorite! I also love my family (my husband is my favorite), Jesus, naps, big breakfasts, coffee, donuts, wine and more coffee.
    Tiffany DeLangie
    I'm a SAHM of three littles ages 2, 5, and 7. I'm also a blogger and a photographer. I love to decorate but little kid spaces will always be my favorite! I also love my family (my husband is my favorite), Jesus, naps, big breakfasts, coffee, donuts, wine and more coffee.

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      1. Ross Neytiri

        March 5, 2013

        Beautiful room! But I really can’t get over the chandelier!

      2. Tiffany

        March 6, 2013

        thanks! I am in love with that chandy myself! ;)

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