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I have never worked so hard on a room! I spent hours searching online and in stores for all the perfect accents for my little Lucy’s room


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    1. 12andcounting

      November 20, 2011

      Your room’s pretty and sweet. And the bedding’s so soft and feminine. And oh, that bird rug is just so so lovely.

    2. ruby2908

      November 21, 2011

      love this room! so feminine and airy. all your little details really pull it together. beautiful!

    3. avalon

      November 23, 2011

      Little Lucy’s room is very girly and has lots of whimsies. I like those framed photos on the wall.

    4. Dandelion

      November 28, 2011

      I really adore the wall decal and I like how the cherry blossoms match the colors of LUCY’s name.

    5. Yasmin

      November 30, 2011

      Hi! Where did you find the chair? Love the color and the white piping.

    6. Jackie

      December 7, 2011


      Target! It’s super comfy and not too expensive either :)

    7. Yasmin

      December 7, 2011

      Hi Jackie! Thanks for the info. Our color scheme is very similar :). My husband’s aunt also made a quilt er for our daughter. She is 13 months old and embarrassingly enough, I am still putting finishing touches in hoom. I’ll post photos as soon as the room becomes “presentable”. Thanks again and Merry Christmas!

    8. Rachael Johsnon

      January 28, 2012

      Love many things here- What brand and name is the paint on the walls? Also-Lucy is a favorite name (our baby Grace was to be a Lucy all along, and then when she was born we changed it to Grace- I jsut cannot get over loving Lucy, though).

    9. Rachael Johsnon

      January 28, 2012

      oops, forgot to mark, “email me with responses” so re-posting: What wall color and brand is the blue? Thank you.

    10. Alicia Beldengreen

      January 29, 2012

      Hi Jackie- where did you get the crib sheet? so pretty. Thanks

    11. Karen

      February 25, 2012

      Love the cherry tree on the wall, but couldn’t find anything similar online. Did you do this yourself, or can you point me to where I might purchase it?


    12. Rachael Johnson

      March 5, 2012

      Its me again, still hoping to get the brand and name of the blue on the walls, also what turbans of the fabric line is called. Thanks.

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