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    Since we still don’t know boy or girl, we kept things fairly gender neutral and surprisingly it wasn’t hard at all!  (Probably because I love greys and whites entirely too much!)  I’m so happy with the cloud-like feeling that wraps you up each time you enter the room. And believe me, I enter at least 10 times daily….I really do! Ask Michael. He thinks its weird :) To balance the whites and neutrals, I wanted to add lots of texture and touches of dark wood tones. And thankfully, our ebony hardwood floors were the perfect accent!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Kate

        October 6, 2013

        Really beautiful room!

      2. Ross Neytiri

        October 6, 2013

        I love the photo wall. It’s like an inspiration board.

      3. alisag

        October 15, 2013

        beautiful room! 2 questions for you….
        1. i have the empire rocker on order as well. I really wanted the cream color (I’m assuming that’s what yours is?) but when I got the fabric swatch it was much more beige (almost khaki) then it appeared in pictures and I decided to go for the slate. In your pictures, it looks very white though- what does the color look like in person? If it really is that white- I may call and change the order!

        2. can you send me the info and specs/dimensions on the side table that goes with the rocker? I’m trying to figure out what table to get but it’s hard without having the rocking chair delivered yet and I like the size and scope of yours…

        thanks so much! Great job!

      4. emily

        October 16, 2013

        Hi Alisag-

        I was surprised, like you, at how cream the rocker looked when it arrived. In every picture I saw (including the ones I took), it reads much whiter. But it is truly a cream off-white. Now that it’s in the space, I like the contrast since we have a white crib, but it did take my by surprise.

        The side table can be found here:

        Hope this helps :)
        Thanks for looking and best of luck in your nursery!! I’m sure it will be gorgeous :)

      5. MelC

        December 12, 2013

        Beautiful neutral room. Where is the ladder from?

      6. Kim Menard

        December 30, 2013

        Love the whole room. Did you paint the ladder? If so, did you just use a whitewash? Also, what did you use to secure it to the wall?

      7. delamja

        January 5, 2014

        Can you give the name of the paint color you used? Thanks!!

      8. julie

        June 7, 2015

        HI, Can you tell where the inboard is from or did you make it?


      9. Kaitland

        August 4, 2015

        I love your blinds(Bamboo?) Could you tell me where you got them as well as your baskets at the bottom of your closet. Thank you! Love the room

      10. Nicole

        September 12, 2015

        Simply stunning! WheRe did You Find the lAdder?

      11. Hayley

        March 8, 2016

        Would love to find out where you got the ladder!

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