We all know that the summer struggle is real! Between scheduling playdates and summer camps, it can be both overwhelming and expensive. Last summer, Project Nursery’s Co-Founder Melisa Fluhr threw in the towel, and instead of signing her kids up for summer camp and jumping into the traditional summer schedule, she opted for the ultimate family adventure—six weeks in Asia! […]
Traveling with kids
In case you haven’t heard the news yet, Project Nursery and Savvy Sassy Moms have joined forces to cover all things travel! We’re supplying you with tips, advice and the gear you need to get where you need to go this summer. […]
Depending on where you live, summer is either peering its head around the corner or feels like it has already arrived (despite its official start date later this month). Either way, we are excited to kick-start our summer adventures. As parents, we all know that traveling with kids can be a chore, and a successful trip comes down to being prepared, packing right and having the correct gear. […]
I am always on the go with my kids. From afternoon shopping trips to international travel, we’re up for almost any adventure. […]
When my family travels, the stay at the destination is never the problem, it’s the getting there part that frazzled our nerves. Gathering a few contingency plans for tiny tots can be a smart move to keep the plane or car ride smooth. Here are a few ideas to choose from to keep small ones happy while you travel. […]