We saw amazing talent in your thoughtfully designed rooms, in all types of styles, color palettes and layered patterns. It is always difficult to narrow down our monthly finalists to six favorites, but alas, the time has come. […]
White is the winning color this week! Readers, you clearly love the idea of a soothing and calming all-white nursery, and we congratulate Sunny’s Mom for creating this vision. Thank you readers for sharing your love for this serene project. […]
Nice work, everyone, in the gallery this week! The projects were brimming with great ideas and popping with style and great colors. We are happy to see all the hard work and energy you’ve put towards your projects, and now you can sit back and enjoy the finished results. Please take a moment to tell us which one of these you “like” most […]
The time has come! We’re ready to announce our favorite rooms and parties of the week, and boy, (or girl!), we’re excited for you to see these. The gallery was bustling with great energy this week, and we loved all the projects that came in. Here we go with our four favorites of the week. …