Going into my pregnancy with my second baby, I knew I wanted to stay as active as possible. I could go on and on about the benefits of exercising while pregnant, but to keep it quick, I simply love the escape of a good workout session and its long-lasting benefits for my mental health. A happy mama is the most important thing—both in pregnancy and parenthood! […]
If you’re anything like me, you were welcomed into motherhood with a body that didn’t exactly resemble the one you had prior to pregnancy. Of course, I was proud of all that my body had accomplished, but I was still ready to feel more like myself again and needed to know where to start. […]
Becoming a mom is the best thing I’ve ever done. I love raising my three kids. What I don’t love is feeling tired and drained about 98% of the time. […]
That’s right, mamas, when you’re cooking up a little baby from scratch, you want to make sure you are drinking plenty of water. […]
After the births of my babies, my role as a mother was prioritized above all else. I also quickly learned the importance of self-care in motherhood […]
You know Project Nursery for featuring the latest in nursery design and gear, however we’d be remiss without mentioning the most important aspect of a fabulous nursery—a mom and baby who feel incredible. We had the opportunity to chat with Erica Ziel, creator and host of Knocked-Up Fitness, a Pilates-inspired […]
Virtually every woman who gives birth has that moment—that moment where she looks down and wonders where the heck the body she had went and when it’s coming back. For the lucky ones, everything snaps backs like elastic. For the rest of us, we gotta work at it a little. […]
After having my third baby, my body did not bounce back as quickly as after my two previous pregnancies with my boys. I needed to take my body back, so I worked with a personal trainer at my local gym. I hated every aspect of weight training. I had a tough trainer who would exhaust …