Okay, party animals, it’s time to unveil our six finalists for the month. You’ll see the fabulous talent displayed in the gallery this month makes it very clear our readers like to have a good time. Don’t forget to vote so we can award the winner a $50 gift certificate, courtesy of Project Nursery. […]
Brrr, it’s cold outside! Many of you have been inspired by winter’s freezing temperatures to create your own winter wonderlands inside, where it’s nice and warm and toasty. We have seen many great winter wonderland-themed parties in the gallery recently, and this one really sparkles. […]
It was another great week in the gallery, and it was tough narrowing down our choices to four favorites. There were so many great rooms and parties uploaded, all reflecting your great style, character and designing talents. Take a look, and please tell us which one you “like” the most by Monday. Enjoy the weekend. …