There comes a time, usually around mid-pregnancy, when expectant moms get overtaken with the nesting instinct. You’ll know it’s officially kicked in when you’re re-organizing the linen closet at 2am or have a robust Pinterest board specifically for elephant prints. […]
My kids (three-year-old Emmi and one-year-old Everett) absolutely love going to the library—it’s one of those words that I have to spell out when I’m making plans because if they hear it and then we don’t end up going that day, they will go bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. […]
I love giving personalized gifts because there’s something so special about receiving one. The other day, a book arrived on my doorstep to welcome my one-month-old daughter, Emerson. After opening the box, I had a real “wow” moment. […]
Bear Hug by Katharine McEwen, released today, combines the three things I look for in a children’s book: a sweet story with a little bit of learning all paired with beautiful images. […]
Our dear friend and former PN contributor Kelly Lyden has written a beautiful book, Stylish Kids’ Parties, featuring twelve themed parties with lots of pictures, DIY projects, decorations and recipes. […]
As designers and design enthusiasts, we can’t help but get excited when a new coffee table-worthy interiors book hits Barnes & Noble. The latest release in Children’s interior design, Room For Children by Susanna Sulk debuts today. Gorgeous and inspiring rooms such as the one below is why you’ll want to check it out for yourself… …
Ask anyone who knows me and they will agree that I am a highly organized individual. Ask my husband and he’ll jokingly claim it’s a case of OCD progressing with age. But when it comes to being a Mom, those organization skills I mastered in the closet and office pale in comparison to what it …
We are so excited to introduce to you Annette Tatum. She’s an accomplished textile, home and children’s designer, business owner, book author…