Shop Suggestions

    Budget friendly design. This vintage mod nursery looks like a million bucks but was created on a real budget.

    Dana Frieling
    Dana Frieling
    Interior designer who loves creating unique and out-of-the-ordinary rooms. Budget conscious and wallet-friendly are the name of the game!
    Dana Frieling
    Interior designer who loves creating unique and out-of-the-ordinary rooms. Budget conscious and wallet-friendly are the name of the game!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. MarissaS

        February 11, 2012

        The vintage golf prints are lovely. And overall look of the room is classy.

      2. megan

        February 25, 2012

        Where did you get the little golf shoe booties? Absolutely adorable. Did someone make them? Where can I can some? Thank you so much!

      3. jamieinaz

        March 14, 2012

        Love this! Where did you get the green print with the course names?

      4. thegovernorsdaughter

        April 17, 2012

        that green rug really makes it and pulls it all together. such a cute idea!

      5. linabeanc

        January 22, 2013

        What store on Etsy did you get the vintage golf prints?

      6. Kelly

        May 10, 2015

        Hi I am looking for the set of 4 retro golf prints. Can you please let me know from whom on ETSY you purchased them from. I would love to place an order. Thanks

      7. Judy

        October 15, 2017

        The golf shoe booties are available in my Etsy shop, They’re available in many color combinations and also as a set with a matching golf cap.

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