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    From day one I just knew that I wanted a carnival nursery for my baby girl! My husband and I have always loved carnivals, and in a lot of ways I feel like we are still two big kids so it seemed perfect and fitting to create a fun carnival inspired nursery for our Veda Jane! We had an extremely tight budget to work with so everything you see here was either done by hand or vintage finds that we repurposed! We spent less than $300 on this nursery!
    Wife, Mother, Hair and Makeup Artist, Movie Buff, Blogger, and Best Friend
    Wife, Mother, Hair and Makeup Artist, Movie Buff, Blogger, and Best Friend

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      1. Kimmy Doraine

        December 7, 2012

        I’m not a fan of the pink-and-white mixed together with the black-and-white, but you won me over with that carnival tent ceiling. It’s really a fun twist to the theme!

      2. Terra Cooper

        December 9, 2012

        This is pretty much the cutest nursery I’ve ever seen! :D

      3. Jennifer Moore

        December 10, 2012

        I love all of these rooms. However, I’m wondering about the bumpers being used in all of these cribs when that is not recommended due to sids etc. Maybe they are removed and are just for the photos…. anyway, this is concerning as I know of people that have lost babies this way…

      4. Jennifer Moore

        December 10, 2012

        Can somebody address my concern about the bumpers being used? I know is Canada we are recommended not to have anything like this in cribs…

      5. Ashley D. Mommy to be

        December 10, 2012

        I understand your concern however I don’t funk this is the place for your remarks. We ALL do what we feel is safe for our littles. This is a SAFE place for people to post pics of their amazing and inspirational designs and ideas. Whether or not they chose to keep bumpers in their cribs has nothing to do with their design.

      6. Terra Cooper

        December 10, 2012

        I know recently the recommendation for removing bumpers has came out, even in the United States. Having said that however, there is still no evidence of what actually causes SIDS. I am a volunteer photographer for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep and see many SIDS cases, all of which had nothing to do with a bumper. Now they are researching if it has to do with something in their brain. It may also be caused by some kind of Apnea. I agree with above ^^ this is a design blog and many parents do remove the bumpers during the high risk stages of SIDS.

      7. Jillian Scotts

        December 14, 2012

        Congrats! I just read the blog section and saw you won “readers’ favorite nursery” for the week. You deserve it!

      8. Alaina Okapal

        February 21, 2013

        This is a fun idea! What paint color was used for the teal?

      9. Louise

        May 25, 2013

        Oh Hannah, what an amazing nursery. It must have been difficult to sell your house with that fun of room. I’m sure you’ll do something equally cool in the new house.

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