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    Expecting twin boys, Austin Ray and Tristan Rocco, in February. We just got married in May and live in south Florida.
    Expecting twin boys, Austin Ray and Tristan Rocco, in February. We just got married in May and live in south Florida.

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      1. Ross Neytiri

        December 12, 2012

        What’s that above the dresser? Is that a painting or a print? It’s got a dramatic effect on the room.

      2. Jennifer Caschetta

        December 13, 2012

        It’s a framed poster from the band Death Cab for Cutie that I spent a fortune framing several years ago. The first concert my husband and I ever went to (8 years ago) was this band and I wanted to incorporate this in our first babies room.

        Thank you!

      3. Jillian Scotts

        December 14, 2012

        Love your “branchy” curtains. It looks like the branches are growing out of the fox hamper.

      4. denaluren

        December 14, 2012

        this nursery is adorable! i was reading your bio and i am also from south florida (west palm), was also married in may and i am also due in february! so weird… great job decorating the nursery :)

      5. Jennifer Caschetta

        December 15, 2012

        Thanks and congratulations!

      6. misc

        December 15, 2012

        Awesome nursery. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight.

      7. Mindy

        December 18, 2012

        Love it!!! Beautiful colors… Love the touch of your baby pictures in the room. Great idea with the lanterns as well. Colorful ;)

      8. alisonf

        December 26, 2012

        Great colors! Where did you get the raccoon lovie/blanket?

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