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    Lincoln’s Toy Story nursery was originally a playroom so it was a pretty simple transition to make it into a nursery by adding extra artwork and decor. I made several of the items for his room to make it more special. It helped with Toy Story 4 coming out to add different touches

    I love gallery walls so I made one over the dresser. The Pixar Ball, “I love you to Infinity and Beyond” sign, “L” block and the banner were handmade by me and I added prints and birth stat sign to it that I got on Etsy. I found the red swing arm lamp on amazon and it was the perfect touch along with the toys. Hamm is actually a piggy bank I found at Target.

    On the wall where the crib is, it was painted with Grandmas Sweater by Benjamin Moore and I used cloud stencils to paint in the clouds. I found army men decals on Etsy to add to both walls and printed out Andy’s artwork from Pixar Planet to put on the bulletin board. I made the Etch a Sketch sign which is one of my favorite parts of the room. I got a white frame and painted it red, added milk bottle caps I painted white and hand drew “Magic Etch a Sketch screen” with a gold paint pen. Then I used silver poster board to put in the frame and wrote Lincoln’s name like it was on an etch a sketch.

    I couldn’t find Toy Story sheets I liked for the crib so I got a space print and also have a cow print as another one along with the red duster

    On the opposite wall I found shelves from Hobby Lobby that were unfinished and spray painted them blue and hung them on the wall like Andy had in the movie. We already had the prints previously and the artwork behind the door we found from a local artist.

    For the sign on the door I used Pixar Planet and designed it the same way but changed the names. I loved doing this room and I hope my son will love it just as much!

    Sarah Fallon
    Sarah Fallon
    I am a mom of a wonderful 5 year old girl and newborn boy in Corona, CA. I work full time and make cakes, cupcakes and other treats on the side along with party/high chair banners and mouse ears.
    Sarah Fallon
    I am a mom of a wonderful 5 year old girl and newborn boy in Corona, CA. I work full time and make cakes, cupcakes and other treats on the side along with party/high chair banners and mouse ears.

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      1. Jimmy Wojtila

        October 24, 2021

        Hi! Love the nursery. We are doing a similar theme. I was curious what paint color you used for the blue cloud wall. Thanks for your help!

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