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    We were living in a 600 square foot one bedroom apartment when we had our son.  I literally had 1/4 of a bedroom to make a nursery.  We decided to use a full crib instead of a bassinet and chose a Poang rocker for the small space (scored on Craigslist for $30).

    My inspiration was the National Parks, but there was so much cute woodland-themed things to pick from, the room ended up with a lot of cute woodland items.

    The quilt was the starting point of the room and, though many colors were used throughout the room, I focused on orange, teal, and gray for most of the decorations.

    The picture above the dresser was one I took in Yosemite, one of our favorite vacations.  The dresser was in my own nursery!  The bookshelf was cheap from Target and I covered the back with fabric in the same line as the quilt.

    I hung pictures of family members as babies above the crib as a lightweight decoration.

    A friend sewed the bed skirt (wood grain pattern) from fabric I found at Jo-Ann’s.

    Sarah Ellen Adkins
    Sarah Ellen Adkins
    I'm a first time mom and a new attorney. I had my son in the middle of my third year of law school while we lived in a one bedroom tiny apartment. It was an adventure, but fun
    Sarah Ellen Adkins
    I'm a first time mom and a new attorney. I had my son in the middle of my third year of law school while we lived in a one bedroom tiny apartment. It was an adventure, but fun

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