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    This project was so much fun to work on! I got to help an old friend of mine from high school create a unique and personal nursery for her son, Cade. I’ve been working on designs to launch a new line of nursery bedding & decor and she happened to see a post I made of some designs I had created and so we began working together. My friend worked with me through the process to create the designs for the crib sheet, the crib skirt, the crib comforter, the black out curtains and the three little animal art prints above the crib. She did an incredible job of pulling the rest of it together, and my photographer said it was one of the most gorgeous nurseries she’s ever seen in person! ;)



    Eryn J. Carlisle / Mom to a 2.5 year old boy with another on the way! / Founder + Creative Director of Rock & Rollick / Creating artistic nurseries through unique baby bedding & decor / Exclusive designs in limited quantities.
    Eryn J. Carlisle / Mom to a 2.5 year old boy with another on the way! / Founder + Creative Director of Rock & Rollick / Creating artistic nurseries through unique baby bedding & decor / Exclusive designs in limited quantities.

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      1. Christina

        March 8, 2016

        This nursery is absolutely gorgeous! Where is the crib and dresser from?

      2. Sarah

        July 2, 2016

        Where did you get the brown wall shelf above the changing table?

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