Shop Suggestions

    Being the first baby of two surfers, it was inevitable that Eva’s nursery would be inspired by the sea.

    Amy Stanley
    Amy Stanley
    Amy Stanley

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Chanel

        March 4, 2017

        This is such a cute room! I am making my sister-in-law a mobile like the one shown. If there any advice on how to acheive the sea urchin shells the color they are in the picture?

        Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!!! Also- how did you string the capiz shells and attach under the urchin shells?

        Thanks so much!

      2. Michelle Batchelder

        May 16, 2017

        Hello! Any advice on how to create the jellyfish mobile? I absolutely love this idea for my son’s nursery.

      3. Chanel Nessman

        May 16, 2017

        Hey Michelle,
        I went ahead and tackled this! If you want any ideas- you can message me through Instagram- chanel5ness. I could tell you where I found stuff and send pics of how mine turned out!

      4. Michelle Batchelder

        May 23, 2017

        Hey Chanel!

        Unfortunately I don’t have instagram ? Sorry!

      5. Nicole

        June 30, 2017

        Hi Chanel,

        Reached out via Instagram to get your ideas and feedback on the mobile. Thank you!


      6. mandy

        July 4, 2017

        Hello I as well would like some guidance on DIY mobile you have posted. I added you on Instagram, I can’t message you without adding you.

      7. Laken

        April 9, 2022

        Hi! I love the nursery it is so cute!! Do you happen to know the names of the wall paint colors you chose?

      8. Aimee Lerette

        May 31, 2023

        Love this it’s so soft and so sweet. What color wall paints did you use? Would love to do something similar

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