Shop Suggestions

Soft and sweet with simple elegance for our darling little girl.
Charlotte, NC

Shop New Arrivals


    1. Megan Danners

      January 3, 2012

      This nursery is stunning. I love the choice of color pallette and it certainly fits the soft, soothing vibe you were after. I would love to know where you purchased the chandelier and curtains.

      ;-) Megan

    2. MarissaS

      January 5, 2012

      That chandelier is simply gorgeous! And the colors you used for this room make it look fresh, light, and breezy. Overall the nursery is sweet and lovely.

    3. jamieinaz

      January 25, 2012

      Love the color scheme. What paint brand did you use?

    4. Rachael Johsnon

      January 28, 2012

      Your shade of blue is wonderful, did you say it is called “Pitter Patter”/ what is thte name and brand of the blue and the white (pearls and lace) you mentioned? And how did you apply the flowers to the wall? thanks.

    5. Jessica

      March 8, 2012

      I love, love, love the frames with the lyrics from I hope you dance. Where did you find them?

    6. Melinda

      May 6, 2012

      I love your nursery! Where did you get the framed quotes?

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