Shop Suggestions

    We wanted to create a space that was calming and comfortable for our new baby, something that was appropriate for a little one but could easily grow with her.  We wanted to make sure there were a lot of organized storage options because the room lacks a closet.  While we wanted the room to be girly, we also wanted to avoid it becoming over-the-top pink.  And most importantly for us, we needed to put together a nice space on a budget!  IKEA to the rescue!

    Shelly S
    Shelly S
    Shelly S

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Antonine

        March 1, 2013

        Nice cherry blossom tree decal and that blossom branch painting is lovely. Is that an original work?

      2. Shelly Stuart

        March 2, 2013

        It is an original — definitely not a print — although it looks from his website like he makes similar ones!

      3. nary

        March 2, 2013

        lovely job….
        where did you get the hot pink crib sheet from?

      4. Shelly Stuart

        March 2, 2013

        It’s just a basic Carter’s Sateen sheet, we got it at Babies R Us:

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