Shop Suggestions

    During quarantine I decided I was ready to give my daughters room a makeover, from nursery to toddler room. I knew I wanted to make this special but also not spend a ton on it. Majority of everything is good finds from Amazon. The most important shop I used for this room was Project Nursery. Without the wall decals, the amazing comforter and the ABC rug this room would be so bare! I truly did not know what kind of theme I wanted to go for but the second I looked at Project Nursery I had so many different ideas in my head and just went for this white and pink look with also a little bit of floral. I am so excited to be sharing this with you guys! Side note- my dad built the bed frame for me and we painted it white. It is super simple and you can find sizes and dimensions on Pinterest if you are interested in making one on your own as well!

    Ryann Boise
    Ryann Boise
    A young momma to the sweetest little girl
    Ryann Boise
    A young momma to the sweetest little girl

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