I wanted a nursery that was simple and calm, yet not too girly girl looking. I used the bright yellow accents to add a pop of color onto the gray walls.
I think yellow and gray are one of the color combinations that really work. Yellow just brightens up the grayness of things. I like those name blocks on the shelf as they add a funky or quirky twist to everything.
December 8, 2012
What is the brand of paint and color? The room looks awesome!!!
Love the Nursery!!! Can’t wait to babysit!!
Kimmy Doraine
I think yellow and gray are one of the color combinations that really work. Yellow just brightens up the grayness of things. I like those name blocks on the shelf as they add a funky or quirky twist to everything.
What is the brand of paint and color? The room looks awesome!!!
The paint is Silverplate by Sherwin Williams