Shop Suggestions
Let me start out by saying I am NOT a “girly girl”. I’ve always hated pink and anything extremely girly, so with my first baby, designing the nursery was easy because it was a boy and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. When I got pregnant a second time with a baby girl I instantly knew I wanted it to be classy and romantic, which was so weird for me to accept since I’m not a huge fan of pink, but what little girl doesn’t love classy and romantic?! After doing some research I found a canopy I fell in love with and my vision just came to life after I bought it! I ended up going with a blush/gold swan and floral nursery for my baby girl whose due in a month! It came together exactly how I wanted and I could not be happier to have it finished!
What is the paint color? We are planning a Swan Princess themed nursery for our little Sage Odette as well! ❤️