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A Moroccan Dream Stenciled Nursery


Mary, the proud mama of a baby girl and photographer behind Birchtree Photography. Mary was thrilled to be expecting a baby girl but when it came time to plan the nursery she said, "I knew I didn’t want a “pink, girly” nursery–even though we are expecting a girl."   Mary painted the walls a color similar to Benjamin Moore's lily lavender 2070-61. Then she wanted to break up the purple in the room and decided a stencil was the perfect way to accomplish her goal.  She chose the Moroccan Dream Allover Stencil, one of our most popular Moroccan patterns.  She painted the pattern in a color similar to Benjamin Moore's sea foam 2123-60, To complete the space she added delicate white accessories.

Design Inspiration

Mary agonized over her color choice until one day she found inspiration in her favorite horse painting.  She knew she wanted to hang the pretty painting in the space and it helped her land on a purple and pale green color scheme.

Project Details

Wall Stencil: Moroccan Dream Allover Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils

Benjamin Moore's sea foam 2123-60 and Benjamin Moore's lily lavender 2070-61

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