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    I started planning our daughter Ali’s nursery probably from the day I found out I was pregnant.  I started a girl vision board and a boy vision board.  Obce I found out I was having a girl I deleted the boy nursery vision board and went full force with planning her nursery.  I had an extreme obsession with gray, pink and orange.  Any free time I had I would wander the aisles at Target, Home Goods, Marshall’s and was constantly on the internet surfing websites.

    I am a new mother to a beautiful baby girl named Ali. I was probably on Project Nursery on a daily basis trying to get ideas for the perfect nursery. I am a working mother and wife and love design and decorating!
    I am a new mother to a beautiful baby girl named Ali. I was probably on Project Nursery on a daily basis trying to get ideas for the perfect nursery. I am a working mother and wife and love design and decorating!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. PamGinocchio

        January 11, 2013

        Beautiful job! I really like the soothing gray coupled with the orange and pink. Often times I think the orange/pink duo is so bright but you made it colorful while still staying serene. Also, love the wall art!

      2. kayla

        January 13, 2013

        where did you get the orange changing pad ?

      3. Sarah Brokaw Churchwell

        February 25, 2013

        where did you find the holder for your bows? Love it!!

      4. Carla

        February 24, 2016

        Hello, can i know please from where you purchased the rounded multicolor walls decors above the dresser. Thank you

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