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MAYA’S Colorful Zoo


I wanted to create a very colorful room for our baby girl, since I'm a designer and love the theory of colour and how it affects our personality, I thought I would give it a try and see if happy colors equal happy little girl!

Design Inspiration

The joy and happiness + the passion I feel for colorful items


Decorating Style


Project Details

All the furniture was custom made for the room by a local carpenter, the plush animals I bought in Costco, the branches from where the panda and the monkey are hanging from are from our home tree :D, the gold frames with quotes and advices from Mommy and Daddy were made by me, the colorful blanket was knitted by me as well and the little toys everywhere were gifts or even mommy and daddy's first toys in some cases just like the kiddy artwork in one of the walls which were made by us while in kindergarden (a long time ago I must say! he he). The chinese lantern "cluster" was also created by me, I just bought different sizes, colors and shapes and tied them all together leaving one free to hang from the light bulb.


Favorite Items

The blanket I knitted because it took a while and it was made with a lot of love and illusion


GO BOLD WITH COLORS, don't be afraid to use them but do think of at least one wall with a neutral tone to balance it out.


Tuesday 21st of February 2012

i love it it full of colors beautiful its fit for a baby


Wednesday 1st of February 2012


Hi! The giraffe i found in a little shop and they even said they don't carry them anymore they just had this one! I got lucky I guess ;)


Saturday 28th of January 2012


The nursery looks very vibrant. Can I ask where you bought that plush giraffe from?


Tuesday 24th of January 2012

Fun, bright and playful use of colors! I really like the green dresser and the cute little artworks you framed and displayed.