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    His daddy loves to hunt and we both live in the ocean…wanted to create a “manly” space with my style.


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      1. jenn

        April 15, 2012

        where did you get the rug?

      2. Senkt

        April 15, 2012

        What is the color you used on the wall?

      3. Diane Mathias

        April 16, 2012

        Sweet-looking room! I love the color of that changing table. Is that teal?

      4. Christina Bolton

        April 16, 2012

        Hi! Sorry I’m not more help but the rug came from Homegoods and I mixed the wall and changing table paint myself…the walls are a gray/brown and the changing table is turquoise. (My camera just didn’t do the best with the colors)

      5. Erin

        April 17, 2012

        Hi. Where did you get the changing table from? Great job on the room!

      6. Lynn

        February 1, 2013

        How is this a man cave? No offense, but this isn’t really manly..

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