Shop Suggestions
I wanted a classic theme for Luke’s first birthday… what’s more classic than the circus? I went with a color scheme of red and robin’s egg blue. It’s a trendy combo right now but I like how it turned out.
Orange County, California mom of two - Luke and Emilee.
Orange County, California mom of two - Luke and Emilee.
What a beautiful party and fabulous ideas!
Connie Kanady
This part looks fabulous ! Very creative..
Lee Allison King
Best party and so vibrant, creative and fun. Of course i could be bias because Luke is my grandson. And his wonderful mom my daughter! LOVE IT!
Frauline Melfi
The cake is so cute! And I like the outdoor tables-and-white-umbrellas setup. Your family is gorgeous, by the way.
Marnee Bryant
Soooo PERFECT!!!!! I vote for Luke!!!!
About how many photos would you say ere used to make the 1 collage? Were they all the same size?
This is the best! Thanks for sharing! I’m in OC, so all of your referrals are very helpful :) I’m using the same theme for my son’s 1st bday in May- so fun!