Shop Suggestions

    Our goal was to create a nursery with the baby furniture we already had (from big sis), keep it traditional, coincide with the rest of our home but still have it’s own sweet character. We decided to add lavender paint to the all ready there taupe walls and accent the room with trim (made such a difference!) check our more details on my blog Simply PChee

    Mom of 3 precious girls with a fourth on the way!
    Mom of 3 precious girls with a fourth on the way!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Lisapeck

        October 3, 2012

        Great classic feel! Having that old style makes it feel less like a nursery and I mean that in a good way!

      2. Melisa Fluhr

        October 3, 2012

        I am in love with the lavender and where you decided to place it on the walls. Can’t wait to see what you come up with for baby number 3!

      3. Sabrina-PN

        October 7, 2012

        Congratulations on being a favorite of the week– the room is really beautiful!

      4. Kasia Labocki

        October 7, 2012

        thank you so much!

      5. Kasia Labocki

        October 7, 2012

        thank you! :)

      6. Kasia Labocki

        October 7, 2012

        thanks Lisa!

      7. Kasey

        February 5, 2013

        I must say…my husband and the rest of my family LOVE this room so much! We have a similar story in that… Baby Girl #2 is on the way and we need a break from the pink!!! Lol. Would you be willing to share that gorgeous purple paint color?

      8. erica

        January 3, 2014

        where is the white teddy bear mobile from?

      9. simplypchee

        March 11, 2015

        Erica – the teddy bear mobile was from RH baby & child (baby gift for girl #1)

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