Shop Suggestions

    For these designs I wanted a vintage, whimsical Woodland take on this classic fairytale! My children LOVE the story and I think it makes for a great party theme with cute ladybugs, flower, toadstools and off course Little Red Riding Hood designs for a fun Birthday Party…..where even Mr wolf is a cutie pie! :) Read more:

    Party Designs and Printable Fun
    Party Designs and Printable Fun

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      1. BriskRain

        March 17, 2011

        SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!  This is the first party I’ve seen on here that has a Little Red Riding Hood theme, and I’m wondering why that is so.  The details you have here are great, I love those printables!

      2. Bird

        March 17, 2011

        Thank you so much!! You’ve made me smile! :)

      3. missStephanie4

        July 13, 2011

        wow I love this so much! you have filled me with such inspiration :) My daughter’s first birthday is coming up and I want to do an enchanted garden sort of theme so you have given me some great ideas :) May I ask where the little tufts of grass are from?

      4. Bird

        July 13, 2011

        Hi MissStephanie, I actually got those from my local “dollar” store in France :)

        You could DIY one with polystyrene pieces, spray glue and fake moss from a garden center or at Michaels’, Jo-Anns…

        hope this helps! :)

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