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    This is my daughter’s pink and gray elephant nursery in our downtown Chicago condo.

    I am a new mom who just launched a party community website so that I could stay home with my daughter. Check out We Heart Parties (!
    I am a new mom who just launched a party community website so that I could stay home with my daughter. Check out We Heart Parties (!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Gracie

        September 10, 2012

        So cute…. and the perfect shade of gray. I love the Damask gray and white crib bedding.
        If you start the bumper end in the corner they will fit better and you won’t see where they end.
        I also like her name above the crib. Did you make them yourself?

      2. Meghan Sterling

        September 14, 2012

        Can I ask where you found the tall, narrow bookcase/hutch next to the crib? I am desperate to find something narrow like this for our small farmhouse nursery! Thanks!

      3. Kelly

        September 24, 2012

        Adorable! I would also like to know where the tall, narrow bookcase/hutch is from.

      4. carrie

        October 2, 2012

        Beautiful nursery and gorgeous doggy! can i ask are the bookshelves handmade or can you purchase them somewhere? thanks

      5. Angie

        November 5, 2012

        Where did you buy the bedding set?

      6. LK

        January 16, 2013

        Love your crib… could you share the brand name and where you found it?

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