Shop Suggestions

    I started gathering items for my son’s room before I even knew he was going to be a boy. I wanted a room that was clean, modern, yet eclectic and original. I feel like my husband and I have done just that, and we both enjoy spending time in the nursery even though our son isn’t here yet.


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      1. Ysczabel

        January 11, 2011

        Being crafty or going DIY is never a requirement to have great looking rooms.  As long as you know what you want and you have the patience to shop for the right elements and put them all together, you’re good to go.  I love this room, :)

      2. Dandelion

        January 13, 2011

        Great finds here.  I love the accents you chose for this room, it’s what made it all personal and fun!  Where’d you get the orange dog???

      3. cottonlily

        January 13, 2011

        A very pulled together, comfy looking room.  It looks effortless, as if you could bring baby right in and everything is perfect.  The wood tones and paint colors balance one another.  I can tell you simply bought what you liked and made it all work with your own style.

      4. AngelsBreath

        January 14, 2011

        I think that this is one very fun and excellently designed room.  I love that mobile, where’d you get it?  The stuffed toys are cute too!

      5. aklizs

        January 15, 2011

        Thanks girls!  We got the dog at a store in Toronto called Ella and Elliot.  The mobile is from another store here called Jacadi.  I love the mobile too :D the dog my husband picked out

      6. ksc077

        January 17, 2011

        I like the clean look of the chair you have in the room – where did you it?  Is it just a regular chair?  I’ve been looking for something similar and have been really struggling with whether to forego buying the standard glider that everyone tells you to get!

      7. Dandelion

        January 25, 2011

        @Aklizs: Oh, in that case it’s too far from where I am :(  Wonder if they do sell that online though :)

      8. kirstysf

        January 27, 2011

        LOVe the chair, where did you get that? and do you know what paint color you used and brand? thanks so much GREAT JOB! :)

      9. aklizs

        January 28, 2011

        I got the chair from West Elm and the paint and color from Home Depot.  I forgot the brand but its chemical free, and its called French Lace I believe.  My husband picked it out so I can’t remember now. I”m sure the dog is online somewhere.

      10. amanda_panda1986

        February 11, 2011

        I LOVE THIS ROOM!!! Dont worry about not being “crafty” yall pulled this room together amazingly …so on that thought im not even sure what it is im looking at so ill describe the picture and hopefully you can tell me where you got the item. The lime green bird cage theres a green stuffed animal next to it im wondering what it is and where you got it!!

      11. aklizs

        February 11, 2011

        Its 3 peas in a pod which I got on Etsy.  I love it!  They are made in israel and shipped over.  Super lovely.

      12. aklizs

        February 11, 2011

        Its 3 peas in a pod which I got on Etsy.  I love it!  They are made in israel and shipped over.  Super lovely.

      13. shaq05

        February 27, 2011

        Q: I was wondering if you would share the Magis Puppy size you got in your nursery?  and/or advise if you would consider a different size. Thanks:)

      14. kelly627

        March 31, 2011

        Hi! I love this nursery. Would you mind sharing where you got the 3 prints behind the crib? Thx!!

      15. aklizs

        June 18, 2011

        The Magis puppy is the large size, at least it was the largest they had in the store.

        Kelly, the prints are from Etsy.  I cannot remember the seller’s name but I will go back to look.

        Sorry for the late responses but after my son was born I just sort of fell off the face of the earth it seems :(

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