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    Daddy designed nursery for a boy.

    Joel S.
    Joel S.
    Joel S.

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Zen

        April 10, 2012

        This is so cool of daddy to design or decorate the nursery himself! And I say I love the simplicity, the unique color combination, and the room’s overall clean, classy and crisp look.

      2. Frauline Melfi

        April 16, 2012

        Awesome work, daddy! I like the striped wall and that string balls mobile.

      3. Kim

        May 14, 2012

        Love the room!!! Could you please tell me more like the colors of the paint, where you got the bedding, and how to make the mobile? Sorry for so many questions but I love this room and we having a little boy in august and I would love to do something like your room. Thank you!!

      4. Tracy

        June 3, 2012

        Hi there,
        This room is wonderful! So simple and beautiful. Can you let me know how you created the mobile? I am thinking of doing that as well for our nursery.

        Thanks so much!

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