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    Turning the dining room into a playroom….not yet finished.

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      1. hawahawa

        January 18, 2011

        What I like most about this room is that you painted your walls white and not any playful color available. You also have a huge window where the sunlight can enter. In effect, the room’s really bright and sunny, and it surely makes playtime more fun.

      2. butterscotch

        January 24, 2011

        I agree with hawahawa. The room’s bright and it looks very clean and neat and unassuming. It certainly is a good way to be different, with most playrooms and nurseries nowadays painted with whatever color combo available.

      3. Dandelion

        January 25, 2011

        What a pristine-looking room! I absolutely love the all-white walls and shelves! It surely highlights the toys and all the other colored objects.

      4. Ahartshorncats

        March 1, 2011

        Where did you find your star fabric?  I LOVE it and have to have curtains of my own like that!!  Thanks.

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