Shop Suggestions

    I’m obsessed with Navy and Gray. I knew how I wanted to do the pop wall, so I did that first, and then everything else just fell into place. I didn’t want the room to be too dark, so I made navy be a dominant color, but added the gray,  light blue and lime green pops of color to brighten the room. I was trying to make the room “sweet” but still boy.

    My ultimate goal was to keep the room fairly contemporary to still flow with the rest of our house.





    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Sarah HK

        January 8, 2012

        where did you get the wall paper from?

      2. Carolyn Moore

        January 8, 2012

        I love your nursery! Beautiful patterns in the rug and on the wall. The wall colors are very soothing. May I ask, where did you purchase your owl mobile? If it was etsy who is the vendor that makes it?

        Thank you
        Carolyn Moore

      3. ambirdwell

        January 8, 2012

        Sarah HK,

        I actually painted it. I had to measure and tape it all off. We first painted the base coat which is the color of the rest of the walls, and then we taped the lines and painted the darker color. It took awhile, but happy with the finished product!

      4. ambirdwell

        January 8, 2012

        Carolyn Moore,

        Thank you Carolyn! I LOVE the rug. Almost wish I had a place to put in in the rest of the house!
        The mobile was a present, and was purchased from a little store in Louisiana, but the brand is called BlaBla. The website is

      5. IngridCalloway

        January 9, 2012

        Simple, clean and modern with touches of colors here and there. I like that it’s not over-decorated.

      6. TuckTuckGoose

        March 16, 2012

        I just found my way to your nursery. It’s so wonderful! I was actually shopping around for some of the same furniture you have, specifically the Lacey Glider and Ikea dresser. Can you let me know what you think of these items? How comfortable is the glider? How has it held up? Also, I’ve seen the ikea dresser used as a changing table in other nurseries, too, but it seems like it could be a little tall for this purpose? How has it worked for you? Do you still use/enjoy it as a changing table? Thank you SO much for any advice!!

      7. ambirdwell

        March 17, 2012


        Thank you TuckTuckGoose! I had a lot of fun putting the nursery together.
        As for the furniture, the glider is pretty decent. I looked HIGH AND LOW for a glider that was contemporary enough, had the right colors, and didn’t cost over $500. There wasn’t a lot out there, so when I stumbled on this glider I thought I had scored! However, it’s not perfect, but it serves it’s purpose. The pros are that it seems be be made pretty well. It’s easy to clean, and it comes in decent colors. The cons are that it’s not necessarily that “relaxing”. You can’t really lean your head back too well and nod off if need be. It also makes a clinking noise when I get up from it too fast, but could just be my particular glider. If I get up really slowly I can avoid the clink.
        The dresser is perfect for a changing table. I am 5’9, so the height works for me, but I have a friend who is shorter than I am and she has the same set up which works for her as well. I would suggest getting a changing table holder to put on top of it though because the top of the dresser is a little slippery, and a basic changing pillow would slip off if not connected well enough. It also has good drawers. We use one drawer for changing table stuff, (backup diapers, washcloths, desitin, etc…) one drawer for the current size clothes, and the bottom drawer for all linens.
        Good luck on getting your nursery together! hopefully we’ll see you on here soon!

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