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    I wanted to do a fun cowboy themed 1st birthday for my son. I used cow hide print, red and white bandana prints, burlap and sunflowers as my inspiration and built around that. We made most of the décor and had a ton of fun putting everything together. We had a piñata, a bounce house, pin the tail on the donkey and a roping station.

    Maggie McGinley Savoie
    Maggie McGinley Savoie
    I am a working mom, working in Oil and Gas. I love being a mom and love planning parties, decorating and doing anything crafty. I have an almost 2 year old son and am expecting my second son in November.
    Maggie McGinley Savoie
    I am a working mom, working in Oil and Gas. I love being a mom and love planning parties, decorating and doing anything crafty. I have an almost 2 year old son and am expecting my second son in November.

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