Modern Safari theme with olive green and brown and orange accents.
Design Inspiration
My husband and I come from 2 very different states, Texas and California so we had to find a style that suited both our taste and came up with the Modern Safari theme. We painted everything in the room and my husband did the tree. We are so happy that we did this ourselves!
Decorating Style
Traditional with bold colors, fun patterns and orginal work
Project Details
We had the bedding made at Cowgirls and Lace, the crib from Babies r Us, the dresser and Chris's Barewood furniture, the elephant lamp from World market, and the rug from Anthropologie.
Favorite Items
The rug from Anthropolgie and the green contrasting stripes on the wall, also the custom art work done on the walls. Of course the bedding, we are very happy with the colors.
Always find a piece you really love and design around it. If you decide to do stripes make sure and buy the really good painters tape and seal the edges really well. The paint color should be the same but one is matte finish and the other is satin which is where you get the contrast....I had to do my research on that!
Saturday 27th of August 2011
Dido! I would love to know the green paint color! I love the room!
Wednesday 16th of March 2011
Hey! I absolutley love the colors! What kind of paint and colors did you use? I'm thinking of something along this line but can't seem to find just the right green! thanks!
Thursday 3rd of March 2011
Hiya! i was wondering if you can email the names of the paint colours used? I really love the work you guys did! i'm thinking of doing something similar for my baby's room as well! Thanks!
Taryn Wenzel Deach
Monday 14th of February 2011
I had the artwork done by Kimberly custom artwork
she is very reasonable and great!
The tree my husband found online and used a projector to trace it on the wall and then we painted it! So easy if you can find the projector.
Thursday 10th of February 2011
I love your baby's room! Did order that tree online ?