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    We went with a vintage/historic picnic them.  For some reason all the other photos are not loading so visit  MY BLOG to view more photos.

    Sarah Hettervik
    Sarah Hettervik
    I'm a stay at home mom who loves to blog about my family and all my creative endeavors!
    Sarah Hettervik
    I'm a stay at home mom who loves to blog about my family and all my creative endeavors!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. KelleJoya

        September 9, 2011

        Your color scheme is rather unique. I have seen a combination of any two of these colors, but not all three of them. And I think celery green, bright yellow and lavender really were perfect for your party at the park.

      2. Sarah Hettervik

        September 9, 2011


        Thank you! I totally know what you mean. The green and yellow go and the green and purple go, but if you hold purple and yellow it’s not as pretty. But the trio came together nicely and fortunately the environment of the venue fit in nicely. Thanks so much for the comment!

        – Sarah

      3. valhal2

        September 9, 2011

        Love all the colors!! Beautiful!! Well done!!

      4. Sarah Hettervik

        September 9, 2011


        Thank you!!!!

      5. shadowfax16

        September 9, 2011

        So many creative ideas! Cake pops, jars with lemonheads, lemonade with striped straws, I could go on for a while. Nice job!

      6. Mombu

        September 9, 2011

        The pictures are beautiful! Something about the pompom flowers, lemonade, and the historic George Key home as the backdrop reminds me of a party fit for a gorgeous southern belle. Everything is just so picture perfect. Great work.

      7. xterra

        September 9, 2011

        Your presentation is very detailed and uniquely inspired. The manner in which you fuse the colors with the dessert entrees is brillant…

      8. Ron

        September 9, 2011

        I have seem many birthday party decorations in my life and this truly is something I will share with all my friends. Good job.

      9. chrismchicoine

        September 10, 2011

        I love it! All the food looks super yummy. :)

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